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Redkino Peter G.

( The well-known lawyer.)

Comments for Redkino Peter G.
Biography Redkino Peter G.
1808 - 1891
In 1826, after graduating from high school science course book. Bezborodko in Nizhin, . where teaching is distinguished by great encyclopaedic, . entered the ethical-political department of Moscow University, . and in 1828, together with Pirogov, . Nikolai Krylov, and the other was sent to get ready for a professorship, first at Dorpat, . then abroad,
. In Berlin, R. listened to Hegel, Hans, Savigny, Eichhorn. Not acceded to the historical school of law, but to the philosophical system of Hegel, he wrote about it first in the Russian literature article (in Moskvityanin, 1841); in law attracted him most views Thibault. Upon his return to Russia, R. in 1835 recognized the rights and the doctor was appointed to the Moscow University the right to read the encyclopedia. Professorship in Moscow, which lasted until 1848, gave R. wide popularity. His lively and energetic speech, often rises to lyricism, his preaching of love for science, truth and justice, charmingly acted on the audience. A favorite subject of his readings was the philosophy of law and the state, which he then expounded in the spirit of the Hegelian doctrine. When she was a professor in Moscow, RI, in 1841, began publishing a "Legal Notes", and in 1843 - "Library for education". Leaving the University of Moscow together with Kavelin, RI, in 1849, took the place of Secretary to the Assistant Minister of principalities gr. Perovskoy, and in 1850 was appointed a member of the overall presence of the Department of principalities. After leaving the department, R. not cease to do science right. From the works of his, . appeared during this time, . especially remarkable paper "On the Independence of Justice" ( "Legal Notes", . 1860), . which he, . Recalling the example of England, . held idea, . that under the independence of justice should be understood judicial independence is not some places, . but only, . relating to the pleadings: the independence of judges and lawyers, . independence of the law or supreme power over him each and every individual in the State, . independence law, . t,
. e. free its development in the nation. In 1863, the realized dream RV, always felt the calling of the professor: he took the chair encyclopedia rights in Saint-Petersburg University. Since joining R. St. Petersburg University coincided fundamental change in the very foundations of his philosophical outlook: first a convinced Hegelian, he moved to the side of positivism, although he did not completely get rid of the influence of Hegel. Generally R. not developed a complete, coherent doctrine of the right. Nevertheless, in the history of Russian education P. belongs to an honorable place as one of the most influential teachers, with energy and dignity, promotes freedom of university science, who had the ability to rule over the young minds and inspire them to work. In an attempted P. declining years edition of "From the lectures of Professor Redkin on the history of philosophy of law" (No.. 1 - 7, St. Petersburg, 1889 - 91) placed 15 of his introductory lectures, in which a special brightness affects the ratio of the rare professors to students, his willingness to put their science into a living encounter with modernity. In autumn 1878 the weakened forces led P. leave the department at St. Petersburg University, which he had in 1873 - 76 years and served as rector. Simultaneously with the dismissal from the University of P. was appointed chairman of the Department of principalities, and in 1882 made a member of the Council of State. R. written several articles on education, which he always keenly interested. He was one of the founders and long time teacher and chairman of the society in St. Petersburg (XXIII, 84). Wed. Szymanowski, PG. Redkino, biographical sketch "(Odessa, 1891), Art. Korkunov in the biographical dictionary of the professors of St. Petersburg University in 1869 - 94 years "(St. Petersburg, 1898).

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Redkino Peter G., photo, biography
Redkino Peter G., photo, biography Redkino Peter G.  The well-known lawyer., photo, biography
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