Carneades Kirensk( Greek philosopher)
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Biography Carneades Kirensk
One Shout of the first well-known critics of astrology. Stoic, chief representative of the academic skepticism. In 155 g. BC. visited with Diogenes in Rome, where he was impressed by the skill with the same conviction to prove the opposite thesis. Carneades Kirensk first investigated the theory of probability, as well as the possibility of knowledge. Rejecting the existence of the criterion of truth, Carneades Kirensk came to the conclusion that certain knowledge is unattainable, and demanded a waiver of any judgments. He is the first formulation of the logical arguments against astrology (ca. 160 g. BCE): varying the fate of twins born in the same location of the planets, and the same fate of the shipwrecked, born at different positions of the stars, etc..
Carneades Kirensk left no writings; presentation of his views were compiled according to works Sextus Empiricus, Diogenes Laertius, Cicero, Plutarch