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BATAVIN Petr Fedorovich

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for BATAVIN Petr Fedorovich
Biography BATAVIN Petr Fedorovich
(1915 - 21. 11. 1978)

P employee Fedorovich Batavin, Guard soldier, gunner 126-th Guards Rifle Regiment, 41 Guards Rifle Korsun-Shevchenko Danube Order of Suvorov Division. Born in 1915 in Mr.. Saratov in a working class family. Russian. Primary Education. In the prewar years, he worked at a cab-mail, on the construction of the railway Penza, Saratov and Balashov gorzhilupravlenii. In the Soviet Army was in 1941, 1943-1945.

In June and July 1941 and from February 1944 until the victory over Germany in World War II fought in the West, 2 and 3 of the First Ukrainian Front. More than a year in captivity. He participated in the liberation of Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, defeating the enemy on the territory of Austria. For military distinctions awarded medals "For the Capture of Budapest", "For the capture of Vienna" and the other two medals.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star Medal "Peter Fedorovich Batavinu awarded March 24, 1945 for bravery and courage, . shown during the crossing of the Danube, . capture and hold a bridgehead on the west bank of the River.,

. In September 1945 P.F
. Batavin was demobilized from the Soviet Army. He lived and worked at home in Mr.. Saratov. Died Nov. 21, 1978.

Mr. vardeytsy General Tsvetkova reached the Danube in the middle of November 1944 and settled in suburban houses, scattered near the river. It was an autumn storm, it rained, there were thick fogs which hid the western shore, where the Nazis hid. Staffs have studied the enemy, develop solutions to the offensive, and in offices in the meantime was in full swing preparing to force the. Everyone knew that in the coming days to be crossing this wide water barrier that covered the exit of Soviet troops to the southern borders of Austria and Germany.

. November 23 the battalion commander summoned Lieutenant Basil Babarykin and the top three guards, distinguished fearlessness and courage in previous battles, "Peter Batavina, Victor Peneginai Trophimus Malak
. After describing in detail the nature of the enemy defenses on the opposite bank of the Danube, . commander put before a group of Babarykin honorable, . but complex and challenging task: first to cross the river, . destroy the enemy machine gun on the coastal high-rise, . jump a trench and hold it until the approach of his company, . which will speed up the Danube in the first echelon.,

. Dark night of 24 November, a group of guardsmen on the boat crossed the river-water
. Observers of the enemy let down their guard and have not noticed, as four brave men getting to the trench, and, dozing quietly removing the gunner, took possession of machine guns. Not far from the machine-gun trench was dug, in which rested the Nazis. Through the open door Batavin threw one after another, three hand grenades. Hearing the explosions, the Nazis were alarmed, the location of the enemy strongholds rose panic. Sleepy Nazis fled to the trench, firing at random. Batavin and his comrades destroyed the enemy machine gun fire from the trophy from their automatic weapons and hand grenades.

At dawn the Germans attacked a handful of guardsmen from three sides. Soviet soldiers entered into an unequal battle. Dwindling ranks of the fascists, but their attacks did not cease. One after another out of order comrades: Victor Penegin, Trofim Malak, Basil Babarykin.

Peter Batavin left alone. Germans crawled to the trench guards close and threw his hand grenades. Having an adequate supply of their trophy and hand grenades, Batavin repulsed all enemy counterattacks, destroying over 20 enemy soldiers and officers.

. Six counter withstood a brave trooper and held the trench before the approach of his company.

. After some time, 126 th Regiment stormed the Hungarian town Mohacs
. This assault took part and Peter Batavin. If you attack one of the strongholds of the fire with a machine gun, he destroyed four Nazis.

1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.1. M.: Voeniz.1987.
2) Rumyantsev.N.M. People legendary heroism ". Saratov. 1968

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BATAVIN Petr Fedorovich, photo, biography BATAVIN Petr Fedorovich  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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