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Zemke Alexander Fedorovich

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for Zemke Alexander Fedorovich
Biography Zemke Alexander Fedorovich
(11. 3. 1918)

A LEXANDER Fedorovich Zemke, Guard Lieutenant Commander sapper platoon 70 Guards Rifle Regiment, 24 Guards Rifle Division. Born March 11, 1918 in g. Astrakhan. Russian. He graduated from high school and military-political school. In the Soviet Army was in 1938-1940 and 1941-1945 respectively. In August 1939, fought against the Japanese in the area Khalkhin Gola. On the eve of the war worked as a combiner at the farm Dynamo.

During the Great Patriotic War, fought the fascists in the West, the North-Caucasian, 4 and 3 of the First Ukrainian Front. He took part in defensive operations of the first period of the war, the liberation of the Caucasus, Ukraine. Crimea, Hungary and Austria. Seriously wounded in 1942 near Novorossiysk in 1944 - in the Crimea. For military distinctions awarded medals "For courage", "For the capture of Vienna" and the other two medals.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Aleksandr Fyodorovich Zemkovu awarded March 24, 1945 for valor and courage in fighting for the liberation of Sevastopol.

. Fter the war п?.пє
. Zemke worked on steklovarom Hvatovskom glass factory in Saratov. He was the drummer of communist labor.

P azgromiv enemy Mekenzievyh mountains, contributing 2-Guards Army on May 9 in the morning went to North Bay. On its southern shore of defending enemy. Our troops were preparing to force the release of the bay and the city of Russian glory of Sevastopol.

. Lieutenant Zemke got a problem with a group of fighters to cross to the southern shore of the bay, engage in battle, pull over enemy forces and thus facilitate the attack of the regiment on the coast towards the station.

. At six o'clock in the morning Zemke with five fighters volunteers sailed the boat to the opposite bank
. The enemy, seeing the paratroopers opened fire with machine gun. In support of our soldiers came gunners, vigilantly watching for enemy. Best shot, they covered an enemy machine gun. Soon the boat was buried in the rocky shallows, and the men went ashore. Oriented in the atmosphere, Zemke sent two men in the car on the left, two - in the car on the right, while he himself with a machine gunner lay down in the middle.

. The Nazis saw paratroopers and adjacent to the rail height opened heavy fire from all weapons
. Lead downpour lasted for a quarter of an hour. Assuming that has none of the Soviet soldiers remained alive, the Nazis went to the attack. Our silent, but as soon as the enemy approached, said Maxim, fractional chattering machines. Slope paving corpses, the Germans withdrew.

Soon, the enemy made another attempt to destroy the group Zemkova. Failing success, and this time, the Nazis had been planted in the area of battle 75-millimeter gun and opened fire from it, half the Soviet soldiers besieged. Bravely and courageously defended Zemke and his comrades. Before the tiny foothold littered with dozens of enemy corpses. Only one Zemke killed 27 Nazis.

During combat, an enemy shell landed close to the commander of the group. Splinter cut his left eyebrow Zemkova, damaged skull. The blood rushed to the face, the lieutenant lost consciousness. The men carried him to the shelter, hastily bandaged the wound and immediately rushed to beat the Nazis brutalized. Zemke recovered. Wounded Sotsenko reported to him that the grenades and bullets at the end. Getting to his feet, Zemke with grenades in their hands rushed to the Nazis. His example was followed by the surviving soldiers. From different sides of them slapped turns fascist machine ...

The regiment Zemkova believed dead. A hero was alive. Wounded soldier lost consciousness Nazis first took over his soldier, and the boat was taken to the Romanian port of Constanta. So Zemke was in captivity. Hardly recovered, he escaped from the camp to the end of the war fought in the armies of the 3rd Ukrainian Front. On its high reward hero learned after the war.

1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.1. M.: Voeniz.1987.
2) Rumyantsev.N.M. People legendary heroism ". Saratov. 1968

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Zemke Alexander Fedorovich, photo, biography Zemke Alexander Fedorovich  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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