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Silantyev Mikhail

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for Silantyev Mikhail
Biography Silantyev Mikhail
(26. 9. 1907 - 2. 4. 1972)

M ihail N. Silantyev, corporal, squad commander, 230 th of a separate engineer battalion 168 th Infantry Division Romnenskoy. Born September 26, 1907 in a. Shirovke Volsky District, Saratov Region. Russian. Primary Education. Until 1929 he worked on the farm of his father. In 1929 - 1932 he served in the Red Army. In the prewar years, he worked on the farm "Leningrad worker.

From September 1941 to victory over Germany in World War II fought on the North-West, Voronezh, and the 1 st Ukrainian fronts. He participated the battles of Staraya Russa, Voronezh-Kastornoye offensive, the Battle of Kursk and the liberation of Ukraine. Wounded twice and seriously wounded. For military distinctions awarded the Order of the Red Star (1943), Medal for Military Merit "(1942) and two other medals.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Mikhail Nikolayevich Silantieva awarded Oct. 29, 1943 for bravery and courage in crossing the Dnieper.

. In 1945, MN
. Sylantyev was demobilized from the Soviet Army and returned to their homelands. Worked at Kombinat, chairman of the village council, headed the sales department executive committee, worked in Vyazovsky leskhoz. Died April 2, 1972.

B iografiya Mikhail Nikolayevich much richer in this short story. Hereditary farmers, he went to war in the autumn of 1941, when Nazi troops, intoxicated by the easy success in the west, rushed frantically into our country, aiming to win a decisive victory before the onset of winter. In the woods near Demyansk he put the first mine detonated the first Nazi tank. Soviet soldiers stopped his opponent's chest, blocked his path to the junction Bologoye. Later Corporal Silantyev participated in many battles ...

At the end of September 1943 the division in which he served, came to the Dnieper River south of Kiev. It was a cloudy, cold weather. It was drizzling rain. In orchards, down to the river, furiously beating the enemy artillery. And for a wide lead strip Dnieper darkened cliff right bank, riddled with trenches and trenches, covered by dense mine fields and barbed wire. There, in a pre-prepared defenses, the enemy is heavily guided tanks and machine guns, mortars and guns.

Two hours before dawn began to force the river. At a simple rowing boat, picked up on Udae, Silantyev took four hand grenades and submachine. The boat glided silently on the water, approaching the shore occupied by the enemy. It was quiet, but soon the Nazis, sensing something was wrong, alarmed. The river turned into a continuous hell. Everywhere whistling bullets, explosions of shells and mines rose water fountains. The Germans were shooting at random, so most boats safely reached the opposite shore. Submachine rushed into battle. Silantieva also wanted to jump on the sand, along with his friends to dig in and attack the fascists who have entrenched themselves in the trenches. But on the left bank was waiting for him an entire company, which he was as soon as possible to cross the river on his little boat utlom. And Sylantyev drove the boat back under a shower of bullets and shells.

More than 10 hours without rest shipped Sylantyev soldiers and officers in bustling Dnipro. During this time he completed 38 flights and carried on the western shore of the East 130 infantry soldiers with weapons and ammunition. And at this time on a tiny beach-head was a bloody fight. Command became clear that success is not achieved ...

The division was transferred to the north of Kiev, and in early October forced the Dnieper again - this time in the area Lyutezha. Silantyev with his department served a ferry, which cross the river cars and military equipment. Under the continuous shelling and attacks enemy bombers brave deminer for three days made 78 flights, and tossed from the left bank to the right, two battalions of infantry and artillery battalion with full arms, vehicles and ammunition.


. ---
. Sources:
. 1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary
. V.2. M.: Voeniz.1988.
2) Rumyantsev.N.M. People legendary heroism ". Saratov. 1968

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Silantyev Mikhail, photo, biography Silantyev Mikhail  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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