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Zharov Alexander

( Russian poet)

Comments for Zharov Alexander
Biography Zharov Alexander
Zharov, Aleksandr Alekseevich (1904-1987), Russian poet. Born on March 31 (13 April) 1904 in der. Semenovskaya Moscow Province., Son of a peasant. He graduated from rural school in from. Borodino (the village where the family lived Zharov, was located at Borodino), studied in Mozhaiskom realschule. An ardent supporter of October, Zharov since 1918 - one of the first secretary of the Komsomol cells in 1920 - Delegate 3rd Rossiyskogo Congress of the Communist Youth Union, in the same year joined the Communist Party. In 1921 he studied at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Moscow University, where he was engaged in the poetry workshop V. Bryusov. Poems published since 1920 (the poem "The young proletariat", 1920; cycle "The Word on the Volga", etc.)

. In numerous subsequent works, . imbued with the spirit of revolutionary romanticism, . fervor of youth and boundless optimism, . combining the party rhetoric and lozungovuyu publicistic with a distinct tendency towards folkloric imagery and rhythm, . aphoristic and juicy colloquial vocabulary, . Zharov managed to express the energy, . enthusiasm and naive idealism of a large part of his generation (the poem "Komsomolets", . "Master James", . both 1924; "Asians", . 1925; lyric poem "Harmony", . 1926, . dedicated to the youth of today and its confrontation 'inert' village life, . evoked at the time the rapid reader responses; later and gradually lose the immediacy of emotional experience and the conviction of the young head of the poem "Dzerzhinsky", . 1934-1953, "Varia Odintsov", . 1938; historical novel in verse "Two Passports, . 1934, "Comrade Voroshilov", . 1935; poetry collection "Red accordion", . "Ice drift", . Both 1923; "May Day", . "My heart burns", . "Hello, . Life!, . all 1925; "Growth", . 1927; "Italian letter and other poems", . 1928 "Spring Day", . Poems of Love, . both 1929; "new comrades", . 1932, "Courage", . 1936, "Good Morning", . 1939),

A tireless activist, Zharov was one of the founders in 1922 of the literary group 'Young Guard', editor of 'Youth true', the journal 'Komsomolia', often played with poetic feuilletons (pseudo. 'Uncle Shed'). Responding, , . the giant five-year construction, . visited Donbas, . Uralmashzavod, . Stalingrad Tractor Plant and other production (eloquent name of one of the creative results of these intrusions in life - a collection of "Poems and coal", . 1931),

. Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Zharov at the front as a correspondent for the magazine 'sailor' part in the hostilities, . published many patriotic poems, . poem Bogatyr, . "Kerim, . on, . respectively, . heroic sailors Ivan Sivkova and Mohammed Alizadeh (both 1942), . Boris Safonov (1944; on the pilot),

. In grateful memory of compatriots Zharov remained in first place, not its large-scale canvases, . and poems, . who wrote, . seemed, . 'in case' - texts Pioneer anthem "Vzveytes fires, . Blue Night "(1922), . Wartime songs - "Dream a Little Stone, . "Sad willow", . "We went hiking", . which can not but cause trepidation in each, . who managed to keep under protective scabs life cynicism unsatisfied longing for purity and nobility of high thoughts and selfless actions, . nostalgia for the warm sincerity and bright hopes of the naive and beautiful teenage years (as it is sung in one of his favorite songs on poems people Zharov: 'Where are you, . early morning? / First Dates, . / Komsomol youth shall never forget ... ', . posited in 1948 to music by N. theological),

Zharov, died in Moscow on September 7, 1987.

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Zharov Alexander, photo, biography Zharov Alexander  Russian poet, photo, biography
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