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Kozhevnikov, Vadim Mikhailovich

( Russian writer)

Comments for Kozhevnikov, Vadim Mikhailovich
Biography Kozhevnikov, Vadim Mikhailovich
Kozhevnikov, Vadim Mikhailovich (1909-1984), Russian writer. Hero of Socialist Labor (1974). Born 9 (22) April 1909 in Narym Tomsk Province. family physician and political exile. In 1925 he moved to Moscow. In 1933 he graduated from the literary and ethnological MSU, was a journalist, a traveling correspondent. During the Great Patriotic War, he worked in the front of the press, since 1943 - member of the Communist Party, a correspondent for the newspaper 'Pravda'. Since 1949 - Chief editor of the Banner '.

His works were published from mid 1920, with increasing activity from the end of 1930. He has released a collection of short stories "Night Talk" (1939), the story "The Steppe campaign" (1939), "The Great Invocation" (1940, dedicated to the defense of Tsaritsyn) and "dangerous weapon" (1941, addressed to children). Events of the war devoted to the stories Kozhevnikov, in t.ch. brought him fame "March-April" L (1949, . of paratroopers, . abandoned in the enemy rear, . and love, . awakening in the difficult war on weekdays), . collections of "Stories of War", . "The measure of hardness" (both 1942), . "Favorite comrades" (1943), . "Roads of War" (1955) and others; novels "to meet the dawn" (kn,
. 1.2, . 1956-1957), . "Shield and Sword" (1965), . "At noon on the sunny side" (1973), . "The roots and crown" (1982), . story "Meet, . Baluyev! "(1960), . "All week, rain", . "Day of flying" (both 1962) and "Special Branch" (1969, USSR State Prize, . 1971); "a long voyage" (1977), . "White Night", . "Polyushko-field", . "Desert" (all 1978), . "The Field of Life", . "So it was", . "There, . where there is no dust, . no fly "(all 1979), . collections of short stories "This is the hardest" (1946), . Boy with a margin "(1953), . "Tree of Life" (1977), . book of articles and essays ( "Years of fire", . 1972), . essays and stories about China ( "In the great People's China", . 1952, "Living Bridge", . 1954; Thousand jing ", . 1955, . etc.),
. Author plays "udba Reginald Davis" (1947, Joint. with IL Prut) etc.. and the most famous "River of Fire" (1949), film scripts (in t.ch. Sino-Soviet feature film "The Wind from the East" (1958, Joint. Li Shanom)

. Constantly speaking in the press with journalistic essays (eg, . branding capitalist civilization, . threatens mankind with nuclear war) and the literary-critical articles, . feuilletons, led an active social life, was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1966),
. He proved himself a militant supporter of socialist realism, and as an artist, . and as a critic, . and as one of the organizers 'literary process' (led by the editorial board of the journal 'Banner' in 1960 referred VS Grossman's novel "Life and Fate" in the CPSU Central Committee, . suspected him of ideological errors),

Stories and essays Kozhevnikova 1930 arose primarily as a result of visits to construction sites and factories. Immediate impressions formed the basis and 'military' and 'production' of novels and short stories Kozhevnikov. In the latest development of the genre in the Soviet literature Kozhevnikov, . along with VA Kochetov, . BL Gorbatova, . AD Koptyaeva, . GE Nikolaeva, . VV Lipatov etc., . made a significant contribution in line with orthodox plants' socialist realism '(characterized by its approval in principle of the importance of pictures' working as part of the mighty dynasty of the factory team and - increasingly - as an integral part of the class, . responsible for the fate of the country and the world '),
. In the fate of the leading hero of the story "Peter Ryabinkin" and "Special Branch", . constitute a kind of duologue, . closely related to life at the front and peaceful labor: Ryabinkin becomes a talented commander because of its working hardening, . and Stepan Bukov, . Hero "special unit", . tankman after his experience of war applies to the position of an excavator driver,
. Novels Kozhevnikova "At noon on the sunny side" and "Roots and crown", . approving the invincibility of a sense of duty and conscious will to fight and work, . were clearly contrasted with 'abstract' humanism and pacifism, . thoughtful Kozhevnikova, . untie the hands of evil, . and 'trench truth', . leading to de-heroisation reality and a sense of existential loneliness, . alien to the scale-snobbish world view Kozhevnikov,
. Defining the inner world of human development trajectories of social psychology and morality, Kozhevnikov it always proceeded from the optimistic view of the dominance of 'heroic' start in the people.

One of the most significant 'productive' works Kozhevnikova - the story "Meet Baluev!", Telling about the construction of gas pipeline in Siberia. Being created in an atmosphere of 'thaw', . when to change the priority of social desirability ( 'good cause') came to the principle of self-worth individual and the individual search, . novel polemically sought to defend the undoubted superiority Kozhevnikova general social values, . in a system where all the best in man should be noticed, . developed (of course, . in the process of socially useful work - only for 'totalitarian' psychology Kozhevnikova method of forming the necessary qualities) and 'exploited ..,
. in favor of the state '(Paul's words Balueva).

Autobiographical novel, "to meet the dawn", showing the Siberian material development of the revolutionary movement, the events of World War I, February and October revolutions, and the first years of Soviet power. Written in the period of exposure of the personality cult of Stalin, . novel carried a topical polemical charge, . showing through the lens of the romantic and emotional purity child's perception of thoughts, . fearlessness, . firmness and modesty revolutionary Leninists, . full of contradictions and dangers of the process of creating the most just, . in the representation Kozhevnikov, . social system, . based on principles of mutual assistance and cooperation, and held together the will and power of the Communist Party,

In the novel "The Sword and Shield" (self-titled 1968 film, directed by. VP Basov) Kozhevnikov, . narrating in relatively new to the national literature the 1960's the genre of historical documentary chronicles (or its styling), a Soviet spy, . sought to raise the 'spy' affair at the level of the heroic epic, and even current world literature in post-war psychological detective, . focusing less on the Island Adventure, . but on everyday hard work of professional intelligence,

Kozhevnikov died in Moscow on October 20, 1984.

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Kozhevnikov, Vadim Mikhailovich, photo, biography
Kozhevnikov, Vadim Mikhailovich, photo, biography Kozhevnikov, Vadim Mikhailovich  Russian writer, photo, biography
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