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Comments for FOMIN Boris
Biography FOMIN Boris
Boris Fomin (1900 - 1948)

. One of their earliest songs - the one that subsequently go around the world and turns so far - "Only once in my life is meeting" - Fomin, composed at the time of his zhenihovstva and devoted mother-future ...

. There are people who seem to know everything, but do not know anything about them
. That the authors of the famous old songs. Some Chuevsky composed "Gori, gori, moya zvezda!. Someone (or some) Abaza "Foggy Morning" ... Yet Boris Fomin stands out among all these writers - and destiny, and talent.

"How?" Had he not died in the XVIII century? " - Heard often. No, he died much later. But to the plate "Romances of Pushkin pores" one song Fomina still "wormed".

Boris Fomin was born in 1900, and all his work is connected with Moscow. Here, to clean ponds, he moved in 1918 from Petrograd, here 30 years and died.

Musical ability Fomina evident early. In 4-5 years, he hardly looked out of the accordion, played so that everybody wanted to hear. For his father it was almost a tragedy. Dear military official, one state of mind, he wanted to see the only son of an officer, engineer, scientist. But a musician? Musicians in their family clans, consisting in direct relationship with M. Lomonosov, have not yet seen. However, among the ancestors of his wife's goddaughter of Alexander II, the musicians seem to have been.

But Ivan Yakovlevich had the courage to accept the obvious musical talent son. Especially since he was born under the Annunciation, while in Russia to this day to even the birds to produce the will ...

Did you give Boris is not in school, in a real school. A parallel, he took music lessons from the best teachers. The best of them - AN. Yesipova, the great Russian pianist, professor at the Conservatory. Years of training with her - the basis of musical education Fomina. Nobody doubted that to be his pianist. Or are all the same composer? He did so brilliantly and so infectiously improvising.

Peering into old photos: in the form of a "realist" he is the same bright-eyed oaf, like others of his comrades. But in the costume of the actor - an extremely elegant, aristocratic. Rising Star, and more!

But who knew how to turn history. Almost simultaneously, Anna died Esipova and the First World War. Fomin A total of 14 years. Future career faded in the fog. Even my father-general, much has been no clear. After the revolution, to escape from Russia, he did not want to. A worthy place in the new government bureaucracy offered him a Lenin. In Moscow, the family moved Fomina, together with the government.

Boris quickly managed to join the Moscow artistic life. Musician found a place in the Bat. But in January the 19 th he will leave as a volunteer at the front and back only two and a half years. First it as a "realist" will direct for immediate repairs and rehabilitation of the front rail. Then he noticed that it's much better to use Fomina as front-line artist: he is a pianist, and dancer, and storyteller, and entertainer, and even a singer. Very soon he will bring their numbers into a merry operetta and set it right there in front of the train platform ...

Returning to Moscow, he once again tries his hand at operetta "Career Pirpoynta Black". With great success and it will be held in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but the special glory will not bring. "The music a bit better than that of Kalman and Lehar" - airs write a newspaper reviewer. Then it seemed that much worse than the Kalman simply impossible to write. And worst of the genre of operetta and there is not any!

Fomin will try myself and in the ballet, including children, visit pianist in a cinema and even a "gypsy" in one of Moscow's Choir. But its highest vocation will find in old romances.

Even at the front, he noticed that the most difficult moments and do not even want humor, namely, the lyrics - sweet memories, warm words of love, great expectations. We do not know whether composed Fomin there in the trenches and boxcars, but in Moscow he immediately declared himself a master romance. One of the first - the one that subsequently go around the world and turns so far - "Only once in my life is meeting". His he wrote at the time of his zhenihovstva and dedicated future mother-in last gypsy singer Maria Feodorovna Masalsky. No less famous for his other song - "My dear long". But there were still "Hey, one guitar," "Your green eyes" and many others. Among his songs do not seem to have been unsuccessful. Is it because they immediately started to sing and our pop stars of the 20-ies, and our emigrants.

More popular romances than Narofominsky, while there was no. And now, performers, fans of romance can not manage without them. How did it happen that it has fallen to oblivion? And no one is surprised by remarks on duty after some of his hits: "What a thing!" And who is it composed? "

The first portion of oblivion Fomin drank in the era of Stalin's cultural revolution. People who knew Fomina, told us that he somehow noticeably wilted in the 30's, was less to write, publish. And sometimes even somewhere to disappear.

Without much noise romance as a genre was actually banned at the All Music Conference 1929. Were closed publishers, printers Fomina, were without work, many artists. Others received their repertoire lists and program of concerts with the terrible red marks: "How can! Trash!" Tacky! " even - "counter-revolutionary rubbish!" There was no one to complain, and even unsafe.

. From the severity of the authorities saved the province
. The farther from Moscow, the easier it violated prohibitions repertoire. In Tbilisi, or in Vladivostok could sing anything. Although the signals of these violations, of course, accumulated somewhere above. And accumulated.

In 37-th year Fomin disappeared a long time. About a year he spent in the chamber Butyrskaya. The charges were absurd one another, but had to agree with them. While all were dealt with, fell to regular changes. They put those who planted the other, and Fomina released.

It is said that Stalin liked Fominskaya song "Sasha" by Isabella Yurieva. But it is doubtful whether this was related to his release.

Fomin, composing songs and those terrible years - "Emerald", "Look," "Do not tell me these words negligent". But they have remained in manuscript, and many disappeared without a trace. It so happened that they were not wanted, as their author.

Fomin needed when the war came. Soon in Moscow was left theaters, but at the same time left and those who forbade the romance and pursued its authors. Fomin was not just stayed in Moscow. During the war he wrote a 150 front-line songs, created with his friends front Theater "hawk" in the MIA club - for months it was the only theater in Moscow, besides producing music programs and performances, in tune with time. Many songs Fomina - "Wait for me", "Quiet in the cabin," "Letter from the Front" immediately after the premiere scattered across Russia.

But the war ended, and Fomina attacked the new wave of oblivion. Stick out his services during the war none of the colleagues who have returned from evacuation, did not want. He remembered only when a campaign was launched against "unprincipled vulgar" Zoshchenko and Akhmatova. The same number of music critics and stuck Fomina.

In 1948, Fomin not become. Health has suffered greatly since gone through, and money for medicine was not. Necessary him penicillin was available only nomenclature ...

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