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Krasnov Danil

( Music)

Comments for Krasnov Danil
Biography Krasnov Danil
That is, on a small home, where he spent his childhood and adolescence, Daniel began to write his first poems and play the guitar. Nature Isaklinskogo edge, . which is famous for its unique beauty and chaste, . where there are forests and mountains, . green meadows and lakes, . magic springs, . beating from the mountains - all this aroused in the soul of Daniel's new music, . which is easy to choose his words.,

. Daniel was born in a family known in Isaklinskom area (in the late 60's and early 70-ies), chairman of the kolkhoz Krasnov Kuzma Danilovich, who many remember as a caring and skillful leader
. But a terrible disease does not spare him, in 1973. he died.

. Daniel's mother, Claudia Vasilievna Krasnov, which in March 2008 marked 83 years has managed a 'lift' five children.

. From the memoirs of Daniel:

. 'It so happened that I soon left without a father, I was 9 years old when he died
. Always wanted to quickly become an adult and independent, to help the mother, which was very difficult one .., I dedicated it to his song 'Mama's Eyes' ...')

. After leaving school, Daniel joined the Geological Department of the Kuibyshev energy college, graduating with honors, in 1984
. After serving in the Army in the Far East, worked as a geologist in the Far North (Komi Republic). Most of the songs written by Danilo, namely, in this period of his life, from 1989 to 1994. In mid 1994 Danila returned to the small home in the village Isakly Samara. Since 1995, lives in Samara. Married, one daughter. In 2003 he graduated from the Correspondence School Samara State Technical University, specializing in Power '.

. In November 2004, Krasnov, Daniel began his artistic career: registers the copyrights to their works in Rossiyskom Authors Society, writes the first song in the studio recording 'Aress' z
. Samara, who since September 2005, heard on the radio "Voice of Samara ',' Militia wave-Samara ',' Chanson-Samara '. In January 2006,. Moscow studio 'CD-print' produces the first audio album Daniel Krasnov called 'commander of the regiment'. In most iconic compositions of the album ( "The regimental commander, . "Stool", . Monologue air pirate "), . author expresses his feelings for the country and the people, . outlining the difficulties of life simply as Russians struggle for life, . for survival in the new period of turmoil in Russia in the early 90's.,

. Important role in the creation of Daniel Krasnov takes the theme of love
. According to the author, .. life without love is impossible, it is sad as darkness, only love can make the heart beat, create and create! ": In April 2006, Daniel Krasnov begins concert activity in g. Samara and Samara Region. Recitals Daniel Krasnov held in DK ( 'Dzerzhinka', 'Samarets'), in city parks, in cafes and restaurants, spas and labor colonies. In July 2007. Daniel Krasnov recorded their second album 'On the bench', and in March 2008., Begin to record their third album, 'The sun of freedom'. The author has great creative ideas: the production of new audio and video albums, publishing a collection of poems and songs, concert activity in Russia and abroad.

. From the author:

. 'Life is for everyone, in general,

. complex and not easy, life - a struggle for the right to live

. dignity, for the right to be happy!

. Daniel Krasnov

. Creativity Samara singer-songwriter Daniel Krasnov is a Russian-speaking soul songs of Russia and the love
. When you listen to his songs, you realize how much they resemble the human heart:

Most of the songs were written by Danilo Krasnov in the early 90-ies XX-century. These were years of sharp transition of Russia from communism to a capitalist way of life. The brutal power struggle, bloody redistribution of property - all this hard impact on the lives of the common people of Russia. As we told Danila Krasnov:

. [ "... They reflect the mood, namely, the time period of the Soviet collapse and the formation of a new Russia.

. For example, the title track 'The commander of the regiment' is sung on how to win the civil war in 1918 'red' over 'white', not sparing himself and his fighters fought to the death red regimental commander, blinded by communist ideas
. And given their lives for a brighter future.

It took years, decades, but unfulfilled dreams regimental commander, did not become the life of the people happy, and in vain much blood spilled Russian and given to the life of Russian. They were not destined to come true, because, by nature, human society accustomed to the division into strong and weak, rich and poor, first and second. Even today, many in society is imperfect. All earthly humanity, not to mention Russia, which suffered in the first half of the twentieth-century totalitarianism, has still not matured and not ready to create the ideal state.

And this does not change, because of the weakness and imperfection of the human race. Have to live by the rules imposed by the State. The so-called 'public servants', they are also leaders and from among the 'first', which holds power and money, quickly forget about the needs of the poor majority, as they have to solve other problems in order to remain in power.

. What has changed in the history of post-Soviet states?

. Got a Russian peasant, as always, some 'Tops',']

. Of course, Russia's society, like any other social environment, can not exist without their leaders, but Daniel Krasnov sure that time will come when people will come to power, for whom the welfare of the people will be the major and continuing challenge.

. In the title track? 2 'on the bench' (written by the author in April 2007.)

. pronounced the author's desire to encourage the society to seek a new understanding of the value of human life, to find new ways to improve

. welfare, to our nation, Russia, lived in dignity and prosper!

. Important role in the creation of Daniel Krasnov takes the theme of love.

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