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Zavjalova Olga

( skier)

Comments for Zavjalova Olga
Biography Zavjalova Olga
- Olya, not difficult to guess in what mood you this season started:

- Of course, I want to finally do something significant and the Olympics to win. Ends soon, and such success as a World Cup victory was no more.

- Favorite 'of thirty' will run?

- Her - Required. This distance in the ground and preparing for the season. The fact that the qualifying starts in Demino Julia Chepalova defeated, not an accident.

- How many years have you been in the team?

- Long. Very long. With 18 years. Ran two seasons in juniors, and with twenty already in the main command. On skis for the first time in seven years got. At competitions in the school ran worse than all, still do not know why the first coach - Mina - singled out and invited me to the section. I was losing all there at first, only three years later became of me gets something.

- Can you remember when love skiing?

- Well, about love, do not know: How can something not thought about the question. You know how it happens: heavy training as a quagmire delay, no longer can without it ... Sometimes so hard that you think: as in Fig I do want it? Even when you run the race in my head sometimes knocks: We must finish with this, it is necessary to finish: I used that and was going to do it, but nothing worked. And once her husband (himself a former cross country skier) all decided. 'Enough, said nurses breed! I did not, I want his wife to win '.

- He lad, of course, but apart from the words of something else done?

- Andrei much solves my problems, I would definitely not one managed. If necessary, and the work of his throws for a while, begins to help me. His dad was the coach, so he has, as we say, the vision problem.

. - His manager did not want to appoint?

. - No, let his business deals, because the advice given - one, and all the time in such a close bond to be - other
. Here I come, say, a few days back, we ride with him in the hall to train, and begins: do so, do some sort: I said: 'God, thank God, that you're not my coach! "

. - They say you have such a romantic history dating to Andrew - the film can be removed
. What's in it's true and what is not?

- Yes, all true. It is true that Lena Vyalbe introduced us. It's also true that she tried to join us, even when we initially did not like each other:

- And now, you will excuse me, again, rumor says that you have with it does not even say hello ...

- No, why ... 'Hello', 'bye' talking to each other. I like communicating with her and talk. She was a teammate, senior comrade, I always like to her and treated.

- And what is interesting, your husband do?

- Furniture making. His team, now he is with the tree does not work. More - organizer. But also passed through the machines and other. He knows how it really is.

- Lucky as you can, perhaps, for a chair, or a casket to order:

- If you ask him, I think he would say: first medal dating ... (Laughs.) No, if it is something to ask, of course he does, but will have to wait very long. Orders lot on their domestic affairs do not have time. We are in his house now live in Ramenskoye district of Moscow region. His mother-in-my built. So she and booking him as a regular customer, did, and the money paid. This work is very heavy - a real art.

- Do you really easy? No wonder pro skiers say: as a plow horse ...

- In the summer we train on lyzherollerah four hours. Climbs to simulate the paths in the shoe with ski poles - the hardest work is. Yes, even crosses four hours, push-ups, pull-ups, etc.. So really - as the horse: But about any sport you can tell. We have it tougher because of the time of the year. Winter frosts - the worst. Summer - rain and wind. In terms of training volume we are accustomed. More weather knocks out of a rut.

- Olga, as you can a career in sports to describe?

- Long-playing.

- Many of the language still spinning - 'Unlucky'.

- Yes, lucky me, probably still not enough. And to some extent, method of training was not the. Progress began with the change of coach. Previously, I have Grushina trained, but it then so many people had so many leaders that up to us young people, particularly the hands did not reach. We ourselves somehow clambered. However, the school where I was good. As we say, baggage is behind. After the birth of her daughter came to Voronin, but even there I had some incomprehensible situation. When got to Boyarinovu, belief in training already has disappear. She came to him all this careful: But then the result went, I believed in him, and now we have very good relationship. With hints understand one another.

- I wonder what he told you this, that you stick in his hands again - and forward?

- 'You must be a leader'. Me: 'Oh, yes you that! " He again: 'No, you should! " In general, immediately sent. We, by the way, with Andrew for that my victory at the world championships in Val di Fiemme gave him a chair.

. - You know that your psychologist - Rudolf Maksimovich Zagainov, who helped prepare for the Games in Salt Lake City - skater Alexei Yagudin said? With this year should be your
. There he had a presentiment:

- There's a lot rests on how you summer basic work done. This year, it was not the same as in the past, because if, year after year to repeat it, the body gets used. So now I have speed and a little more, and in general form other. I think all of this should affect. Now I am ready not in the national team and for me this is a plus. Previously, when the two coaches worked beside - Lopukhov and Boyarinov, psychologically it was not easy. From competitors all the time some scuffling was. As a spy, our biochemistry, such. Trifles, of course, but still in the mood affects. When teams compete, it's good, but we need to compete in competitions, not fees. We now train in a team 'Saturn' Grushina. And the reason for the switch was just what I was squeezed in a team, you can even say podlyanku built. Here I am for myself and decided: we must be stronger on the head, that there are no issues. And now we have conditions a hundred times better than the team, Grushin good organizer. And the psychologist I opened my eyes to many things. For example, learned not to pay attention to detail. I am emotional, someone will say something, but I worry.

. - And why in your sport, where the winner is determined by a stopwatch, all the time is kind of fuss? Sometimes pohlesche than in the same figure skating?

. - In fact, among the athletes normal relations
. Fuss is at the level of coaching staff. I think it happens everywhere where there are many good coaches. Previously it was? One coach in national team - for women, one - on men, no one competed with each other. Then Chepalova with his father appeared, Boyarinov us Lopukhov: Who is the best?

- Idol you have in sports?

- An example for me has always been Raisa Smetanina. About She always said: seeking the cause of failure in himself. And it happens, you lose, and start - with ointment missed, coach once said: We had a case once - ointment, which put servismeny, absolutely not kept on the Lifts. Fortunately, this distance was that you could go to the hills, not pushing, at the same hands. And here we are 7.5 miles on those same hands and fled. And like when spread butter, tasted, everything was normal. And just 15 minutes the temperature rose, and the grease to work longer. So? This was nobody's fault. Servismeny mix ointment, looking for best option. They come early in the morning, begin to run in paraffin, look what wax on the snow works, and two hours before the start of trying to salve. You have no idea how many jars are there, and from all of these options need to find the correct lubricant. Especially hard when zero temperature. Especially leading notebook, accumulating experience: in what weather which put.

. - You are talking about, and I think: how did you all their failures experienced? As herself to explain what is happening, when and cream that have been, and daily sweat of blood behind him:

. - When ever you lose - it's terrible
. Here we started last season with the forties places. I have never not been in such places. Tolerated. We arrived at the selection, the coach said: 'Ol', what's the matter? " I really do not know. Cry. Usually, no crying, but it was so offensive:

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