Life: 28/03/1865 - 07/12/1937
Secondary education in Voronezh realschule. From 1883 to 1888 he studied at the Institute of Civil Engineering (St. Petersburg), in the learning process was awarded a gold medal for the best architectural projects. After graduation, he spent several months in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, studying modern architecture. After the return has been counted among the Technical Construction Committee under the Interior Ministry, but did not work there, as he moved to Moscow.
Since 1889, Mr.. was supernumerary machines Construction of the Moscow Branch of the provincial government, within two years was an assistant architect M. K. Geppenera. Since 1890. worked in Moscow city architect. In 1893, Mr.. again traveled abroad for professional reasons. The trip, apparently definitively established the terms of his professional attachments. From the Moscow architects exactly
Ivanov-Shits in Moscow soon became one of the most consistent supporters and interpreters of the Viennese Secession, and, in particular, creative handwriting of the famous Austrian architect About. Wagner.