Daryl Hannah (Hannah, Daryl).( Actress)
Photo Gallery Daryl Hannah (Hannah, Daryl). (45)
Comments for Daryl Hannah (Hannah, Daryl).
Biography Daryl Hannah (Hannah, Daryl).
Born in 1960 in Chicago. Grew up in the super-rich family of his stepfather D. Wexler, owner of e Empire 'Jupiter', whose property is estimated at three billion dollars. Studied at the privileged private schools. She studied ballet under the guidance of the famous ballerina Anna Talchif. Not without resistance parents came to the Acting Department of the University of Southern California. Nature has endowed actress exceptional external data. Plump sensual lips, a gentle oval, high, clear forehead, curly blond hair, a warm wave of falling on his back, issuing a soft and sensitive nature. However, some viewers find the actress masculine and angular. Indeed, with its tall, narrow hips and shoulders square Daryl Hannah easily could pass for a boy. However, in an era of athletic aerobics craze and 'bodybuilding' it is more likely to merit, rather than to shortcomings. Due to its trained shape Hanna got roles in 'Summer Lovers' (1984) and 'Patron of Greenwich Village' (1984). The actress became famous after the tapes 'Blade Runner' (1984), sci-fi thriller, depicts the struggle against the rebellious officers, humanoid robots. She played the role replikantki Preece, sent to earth to find out the secrets of designing robots and dying in battle with police. The film is particularly clearly brightened personality Daryl Hannah, presenting it as an ideal performer fabulous, fantastic characters. American cinema lucky that acquired the ability to give credibility and tangibility most daring fantasies. She played the mermaid Madison, . fates decree has been collected in the Gulf, . wetting large industrial city ( 'splash', . 1984), . who lived in prehistoric times kromanonku Ainu ( 'Clan of the Cave Bear', . 1986), . ghost Mary Plunkett ( 'Fit spirits', . 1987), . A movie was for the actress native element. And so for the director J. Carpenter, there was no question of who should be removed in his film "Memoirs of Invisible Man '(1992), where D. Hannah appears as a charming Alice Monroe, tied the fate of the hero with the title. The very communication that gave rise to many couples comedy moments, and subtle performer beat them, showing exceptional acting talent. Reputation as an actress Daryl Hannah substantially strengthened in recent years. For a long time, critics were biased to her, considering her appearance on the screen whim heiress. But after she starred in films about. Stone ( 'Wall Street', 1987), In. Allen ( "Crimes and Misdemeanors', 1989), J. Carpenter, attitude towards it markedly pomyagchalo. Indisputable achievement was the role of the actress Katie Badzhes in the film 'Crazy People "(1991). She played a poor, deserted by all the girl, whose youth was held in a psychiatric hospital and is terrified of the surrounding reality. Creating the image of Katie, Hannah showed uncharacteristic her earlier psychological skills. There is an image of pure, defenseless girl who voluntarily doomed himself to loneliness. However, the final film turns everything into a story. The aircraft Katie's brother arrives and rescues her from the hospital. But such is the individuality of the D. Hannah - it provides authoritative influence on the world and the structure of her films. The best work can be regarded as a film actress Hector Babenco 'Playing in the Fields of the Lord' (1992). The heroes of this film - missionaries, seeking to attach to the Christian faith of Indian tribes living in the Amazon, and unwittingly contributing to the death of these simple children of nature. Thanks to the skilful direction E. Babenko image Andy Hyuben, the heroine Hannah grows to an impressive symbol of sin and the temptations of Western civilization. Daryl Hannah fully focused on his work, having to withdraw for eleven years, more than twenty films. She still has no family. For several years she lived with her rock-singer Jackson Browne. Rumors circulated about her marriage to John F. Kennedy, Jr. - son of the assassinated president, but they have not yet been confirmed.
Photos of Daryl Hannah (Hannah, Daryl).
Photos of Daryl Hannah (Hannah, Daryl).