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John Edgar Hoover

( FBI Director)

Comments for John Edgar Hoover
Biography John Edgar Hoover
He was a stocky, short-legged, irritable, stubborn as a bull and weighed about one hundred pounds. Helen Gendy, frail lady Balzac age, worked as his secretary and was in love with the boss for a decade. Miss Gendy was nobody: small fry paperwork, a woman twice a day, with the director of coffee, printed for him on the typewriter and the next for correspondence.
. John Edgar Hoover trusted only to himself, God and his assistant, Clyde Tolson
. Miss Gendy in this list was the fourth and last. Had spent in his waiting room all his life an old maid meant for the boss is much smaller than the beloved dog, and slightly more than the favorite tube - he just got used to it, like the cozy brick mansion Washington. And Miss Gendy for adored director was ready to jump from the bridge: they were familiar forty years, and this time it had seemed the perfect gentleman and a man.
. She has not forgotten his former boss, even many years after his death, when John Edgar is interested only to historians.
. Hoover headed the FBI in 1924
. Prior to that in the United States was not a reliable police force, nor the present order. Helen Gendy knew about it firsthand: she was born and raised in New York City, which ran the "Tammany Hall" - a gang of politicians, supported by the Irish immigrants. In New York the beginning of the century you could buy everything: the house, the governor, and even a congressman - as a mediator acted "Tammany Hall, in charge of the votes, the police and municipal contract -. Police in the city did not trust anybody: people from the society they despised and feared the poor. In each of the fifty states operate their own laws. For example, in North Carolina open carrying of weapons allowed, and relied for the secret prison. But in South Carolina and both have been forbidden, but the Sunday service law made the militant (as the custom is to XVIII century, when the inhabitants of these places is constantly disturbed by the Indians). Each state had its own police force, and that of her escape, the offender was enough merely to cross the border, say, California and move to Nevada.
. Miss Gendy remember the horrors that depict her uncle, lawyer, diligently reading detective novels and piously believed the FBI reports - adorable chef seemed to her all-powerful good God, to protect ordinary Americans from criminals
. She treated him with respectful awe and tried to work so that Mr. Hoover was pleased with. The office of FBI director has always been perfect order - this was, and life, and the fate inculcated here nice slim blonde Helen Gendy.
. Beloved chef appeared in the Bureau at nine: he left the car for three quarters and the rest of the way to walk
. Director smiling Miss Gendy, . let some of his usual jokes (Mr. Hoover was very fond of a joke - once, . when one of his buddies had a birthday, . He ordered to cut off traffic around the area, . and dinner, . who ordered the hero of the day in the restaurant, . He was never delivered), . and then closed in the office,
. There Mr. Hoover read newspapers. He liked that they had large fields. (Once, . when the fields seemed to him too young, . He boldly wrote in the newspaper - "Attention to the border!" Inscription on the note had, . devoted Mexico, . attentive to Miss Gendy lowered her to the appropriate department - and to the Mexican border are urgently transferred aircraft.) Then there was a planning session, . and after her boss took the heads of field offices of the FBI, . was interviewed by correspondents, . sometimes called to the White House, or he went to the Ministry of Justice,
. Usually Edgar Hoover would sit at work late, and Miss Gendy gets home just after nine pm. So passed her life: day after day, for $ 800 a month.
May 2, 1972 gardener John Edgar Hoover brought him a rose, which he ordered a week ago. The housekeeper said that the owner has not stood up. Usually Hoover slept without pajamas, so she asked the worker loud knock on the bedroom door. He knocked on the door - no answer, and the gardener opened the door. Hoover was lying on the floor in two steps from the ruined bed - naked fat body, bald head, reduced agony hands. The servants did not dare to touch him - they called the Bureau, . and the state machine gained momentum - following compiled many years ago, the instructions, . secretary withdraw from the archives of a folder with documents, . purified CATALOGS, . burned recording telephone conversations and data of external observation: the Boss has left, . and nothing could fall into the wrong hands.,
. John Edgar Hoover served eight presidents and ministers of sixteen, . his department was investigating the assassination of President Kennedy, . drilled his agents involved and the Ku Klux Klan, . and "black panther", . catch gangsters, . fought with U.S. and Japanese spies, . exposed the secret Communists and Soviet residents,
. Incidentally, Hoover has collected comprehensive dossier on the good half of Americans, many of whom dreamed of seeing him in a coffin. Bureau staff were waiting for that would be assigned to investigate the death of their director, but he never had.
Former secretary Hoover continued to work in the Bureau, and then she retired. The relatives she was not, going to the movies she did not like, and Miss Gendy spent time remembering the past. Support to serve her newspaper files and books telling about John Edgar Hoover. The journalists knew about it not too much: the house in a suburb of Washington, where they lived the same as Hoover senior, government officials, a large family of moderate means, an ordinary school, addiction and entertainment unremarkable boy. Reporters are surprised. In the seventies, when it was written many articles and books about the FBI, Hoover felt super agent, maniac, monster - anybody, but certainly not an ordinary person. It was learned that FBI agents were introduced to all organizations on the left, worked on campus, provoked violent black radicals - and then planted them behind bars. Hoover was a master of provocation. He summed up by her science base and developing its strategy in all the nuances, do not forget about the practice - the people the FBI infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan, led him on the warpath; around the south burned crosses and the Negro Church. No one wrote about Hoover could not understand, . who he really is: an ardent enemy of liberals ultimately helped to protect democracy, . hating black racist erased the Ku Klux Klan in the powder - after the FBI have jailed their leaders, . influence of this organization began to wane.,
. People Hoover was accused of involvement in the assassination of Martin Luther King - the chief FBI hated him a fierce hatred, and when the King was given the Nobel Prize, even publicly called black leaders liar
. Liberals Hoover seemed convinced fascist, will the fate of people born in America, and therefore put his gift of a bureaucrat in the service of democracy, but Helen Gendy knew about it something else.
. ... A frail young man sits bent over a desk and filing cabinet is diligently: the young Hoover, turned out to be the sole breadwinner of the family, settled in the library of Congress.
. ... Table became bigger, card file - smaller, the young man a little heavy, but his suit looks a lot better
. John Edgar Hoover, the clerk of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has been compiling an archive - so far it only a few hundred cards, but eventually their numbers will grow almost indefinitely.
. ... Heavy-set man with a bulldog jaw, raised his eyes, hard look at the person sitting across from him Minister of Justice and gravely said: "I agree to assume the post of Director of the FBI, sir, but I have a number of conditions
. I need full power - and I will decide who should take the service, and whom to fire, and the Bureau will not engage in politics ". About how her boss was invited to the post, Helen knew from his own words. He told her about his childhood.
Hoover's mother had German roots - her ancestors came from Switzerland, all men in their family from time immemorial served as a mercenary troops. Debt, home, honor - to Mrs. Hoover, they were not empty words, and she mushtrovala son, like Sergeant recruit. He was forced to bring any matter before the end, responsible for his words, read the older ones, fear God and be able to take responsibility. Edgar grew very quiet and obedient boy in the whole quarter. Besides, he was very frail and small in the classroom, but unfortunately had a pronounced leadership qualities. The boy adored the sport - and looked like a laughing stock for football pitch, tried to learn to play baseball - and he immediately flattened nose. J. Edgar Hoover diligent homework and clean my room, I went with my mother to church, and at night dreaming about the times when big and strong boys will do what he orders them to.
Then ill father. Hoover Sr. was not a strong-willed person, . and pull the strap of a petty official (breakfast with the family, . hours-long office work in a government office, . family dinner - and the next day everything is repeated on the new, . and so for many years) he was not under force,
. In Dickerson Hoover began severe depression, and Edgar had to feed his family: he became a librarian, not yet having finished college then he was recruited by the FBI, and Hoover was a clerk in the smallest most insignificant of the departments. It does not matter, of course, the beginning, but Edgar was the artists, precise, polite and able to guess what they wanted to hear executives. He began to make a career.
The FBI came in 1908: President Theodore Roosevelt, tired of the impotence of the federal authorities needed "big stick". State Bureau amounted to several tens of poorly trained (and to the same corrupt) officials: Every sane congressman tried to put his man at the FBI, and that the sweat of working out the purpose. People trading information from the FBI, took bribes, engaged in blackmail and does collect information about competitors 'their' politicians. During the First World War, they unsuccessfully fought with Germany's espionage, then the Bureau took over the Reds, from those of illegal immigrants and other unreliable. Here's the handy sistematizatorskie ability of the young Hoover: he collected his first filing and led the department of investigation. John was considered a very good specialist and a decent man - hunting for red, Hoover zealous as much as was necessary, with any of the politicians, the young head of the department not approach. He gave the impression of well-meaning and driven mediocrity, but the Minister of Justice Stone, who put him in a chair director, soon regretted that he had done.
. Helen Gendy, in the mid-twenties, became secretary FBI director, and did not think that J. Edgar Hoover turned his office in the state in the state.
. She was slender, ostronosenkoy a bit enthusiastic, but it is sensible girl, and he was by this time become a very prominent man, wore immaculate suits and ties
. Boss not only look divine - all what he did, his admiration for the staff to the depths of the soul.
He opposed the legendary gangster Dillinger, robbing police stations, in order to arm his gang. In one of these he seized two assault rifles, in the other - six revolvers and grenades against him was sent to the armored car. Dillinger escaped from jail and threatened a security guard cut from stool toy gun, and the road took another bank. In general, this thug feared neither God nor the devil - and the people of Mr. Hoover tracked him down and killed.
. John Edgar Hoover found the kidnappers of the famous aviator Lindbergh baby, he tracked down those who stole the billionaire Charles Urshela - but you never know what else!
. Helen Gendy proud of his work, and the future seemed to her in a pink color
. The girl earned a little, but tried to keep himself in the form of: Mr. Hoover always had to pay attention to her beautiful red hair, lips, heart, and Italian shoes. What happens then, paint it less clearly - stare, smile, note that it is in official documents, meeting under a street lamp at the corner of Fourth and Sixth streets, a small table in the restaurant and tango until dawn .... At that time, Helen Gendy was twenty years: it has no one to kiss, and she adored movies about love, in which all ends well. It took half a century - and straight like a match, . retained a clear mind and a fresh mind spinster remembered this with a sad smile: an old woman on her knees nezhilas big warm cat, . a book, . she leafed through, . was, . sure, . of J. Edgar Hoover.,
. In the thirties and fifties reporters turned it into a national hero, in the seventies about the Director of the FBI began to write badly, and now it is saying such dreadful things, that Miss Gendy just hissed with indignation.
. The author claimed, . that John Edgar was a real monster: he was hunting for small gangsters and not paying any attention to flourishes organized crime, . jealous of the success of colleagues - thank Melvin Purvis, . shoot Dillinger, . gave him no rest - and he survived it from the Bureau.,
. Hoover had surveilled Martin Luther King, Hoover introduced blacklisted President Eisenhower's wife's mother for, . she donated ten dollars for the Spanish Republicans, . and his open-minded and sharp-tongued wife of FBI Director thought a lesbian and also held under suspicion,
. He certainly has arrested kidnappers little Lindberg - but the child had already been killed, and the body of a boy with a fractured skull found somewhere in the woods ... He was to play up to the politicians, and he - scribbler did not dare to say so definitely, but hinted at the fact nasty hard - could be to the reprehensible relations with his assistant Clyde Tolson ... Here Miss Gendy slammed nasty book: she treasured her past and did not want to discredit him.
She got up, walked over to the secretary, opened the old album and began to pick yellowed photos. Baggy double-breasted suits, bowler hats, boater, bow ties: Hoover, yet smart and dark-haired, Clyde Tolson flaunts impeccable nabriolinennyh parting in his hair, next to them there are young pug Purvis. So far, all together, so far so good ... Since then passed a whole life, but only now Gendy Helen began to understand the background of what was happening in those times
Mr. Hoover was too stubborn and liked to think that everything is under his control. But in the family, Miss Gendy were lawyers - her uncle is a lawyer, the FBI did not like a liberal, even forty years ago, told her the same thing, as insisted by trashy little books.
. ... Littered with debris, the street, dilapidated houses, drab, noisy kids, strong guys, who are looking askance at outsiders
. Irish emigration has replaced the Jewish, then it began to besiege the same poor, left behind wives and brides Italians - and all they needed women with whom they could speak their native language. Beginners mobsters recruited into brothels caught penniless emigrants: they are kept are located in the urban slum barracks, to discourage disobedience, raped many times - and then they set to work. Dirty room, with stale bed linens, a handful of men, awaiting their turn at the stairs to the second floor - this can be seen in hundreds of homes on the outskirts of workers. So the mafia had built the original capital. Then the country entered the "prohibition" - and the money the bandits spilled over into underground production of alcohol: they were paid and trucks crammed with crates of whiskey, and services killers, and shot with automatic weapons competitors' Thompson. Bootleggers won the war, which they have not announced the FBI - after the Great Depression, they were the richest people in the country by buying the banks and bankers, and politicians.
. That is what my uncle told Helen: in America long operated a national crime syndicate, . which J. Edgar Hoover did not want to know - he was more occupied by Martin Luther King, . Hollywood stars, . many of whom he suspected of Bolshevism, . and students, . protesting against the Vietnam War ..,
. Then, forty years ago, Helen, in response to the uncle's words merely shrugged her shoulders.
Then she was young and every day brought Mr. Hoover Coffee. Of course, she noticed a slight estrangement ... But John Edgar was a true gentleman, and Helen's head could give to bet that the rumors about his hatred for women - pure fiction. He certainly despised girls who lived with bandits, and otherwise as "filthy beasts" they did not call. Hoover appealed to them as with pigs, . but do they cost bolshegoN He walked with Clyde Tolson all leave, . with him dined and supped, . and after his death he bequeathed his house and all their belongings - but that only means, . that Mr. Hoover is good to the people,
. John Edgar liked the staff of the Bureau as their own children: he cared about their health, watching so that they in time to take a leave when someone from his wounded agents, the director himself visited him in hospital.
. Neighbors (and Miss Gendy was familiar with many of them) could not praise enough for him: he was smiling at their children and gave them great gifts for Christmas - Mr. Hoover was situated to the people, and they felt it
. A black preacher King, and in fact turned out to be a hypocrite: surveillance, which led him, Mr. Hoover, proved vain. Several films, . recorded "wiretapping", . be heard, . Pastor makes love with several women at once, . releasing the blasphemous jokes! Mr. Hoover was a believer, . he could not bear the spirit of debauchery - as, . your opinion, . he was supposed to refer to defile their office attendant BozhiyuN ..,
. Approximately as Miss Gendy going to finish the letter, which she had intended to write the publisher of this nasty little books, but the days passed, but something prevented her to do it ...
. She remembered the note, which Mr. Hoover sent the widow of Melvin Purvis shot himself: she thanked him for what he did not come to the funeral of her husband.
. Purvis tracked down a man whom Hoover described as "public enemy number 1", and his aides crammed with Dillinger lead
. Newspapers are painted in all colors: a warm summer evening, a motley crowd, the cries of hawkers of newspapers, honking cars - and bursts of automatic fire, ripped all this grace. Dillinger (plastic surgery has changed it beyond recognition) out of the theater and to bring his girlfriend snapped to the side: four machine "Tommy" barking almost simultaneously, and Dillinger even managed to grab the gun.
. Purvis became a national hero, and Helen heard whispering girls from mashbyuro: they were convinced that the boss will not forgive his glory Melvin
. Miss Gendy, of course, did not believe this, but soon Purvis had to leave the FBI, and a few years later he shot himself. Purvis was loved by everyone. Helen, even burst into tears. And what the buzz was in the department, it was routinely turned a deaf ear - Mr. Hoover was beyond criticism and suspicion.
Helen not once heard ironic stories of agents, as their beloved boss is leaving to arrest gang members. White linen suit, silk shirt, bow tie and boutonniere in his lapel, in his hands - a huge revolver, from which he, according to his subordinates, would not have fallen in the wall. Behind him - have done their job, and now gone in the shadow performers. Agents thrust into the criminal pair of bullets, and only then majestically entered their director, put on a barely breathing bedolagu handcuffs and bellow: "You're under arrest, sir!" Newspapers came with delight, the townsfolk were sent letters of thanks to Mr. Hoover ...
. And yet, John Edgar Hoover was fabulous - even now, when life is lived, the desire to leave, but the past was covered in mist, Helen Gendy could have sworn that he was worth more than all the other men
. It felt the force for so many years he served as a government, which eventually became its personification: Mr. Hoover knew that he can do everything, and at others it acted magically. Miss Gendy remembered how she had, fifty years, the entire life working in the reception FBI Director female knees started to tremble when she inappropriately entered the room, and an angry boss hard to raise her eyes. He could not make it - Helen knew that Mr. Hoover did not dismiss a man who worked for him for so many years, but each time she became frightened, and at the same time, she felt almost happy. If Mr. Hoover humiliated her, . shouted, . swore, . insulted, . poor old maid would be grateful to him, . but he treated her well, . like everyone else: exactly, . correctly, . the extent of removal and the extent of sympathetic, . with nowhere requires the cool sense of humor.,
. Helen knew that Hoover did not feel anything for her, but she somehow felt that John Edgar did not like and that smug Tolson
. Authors of blank surface and booklets simply do not know his character - the main and only love of Mr. Hoover was the power. He has programmed himself to success and has achieved what he wanted. For that Hoover was willing to push to protect red and black, although the first and did not inspire him to serious concerns, and secondly he hated all my heart.
. John Edgar Hoover have always walked by the shortest route to the goal: so he did not touch and organized crime
. There would have had to deal with politicians, . and with them he preferred not to communicate, . Yes and promotional benefits of such disclosures would have been small: what's the point to fight with the slippery, . as burbot, . corrupt union boss, . who are interested inconspicuous elderly, . owning casinos and the underground pivovarnyamiN! The names of John Dillinger, . "Public Enemy б? 1", . or a thug "gunner Kelly" told newspaper readers much more - and J. Edgar Hoover knew, . how to use these,
. Secretary who brought Mr. Hoover Morning Post (the front pages of many newspapers were decorated photo director of the FBI), looked at the boss as God. With his death has lost meaning and life of Helen: she has devoted her impeccable gentleman, the famous FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, but it was no more.
. She did not notice he had not a single sin, not a weakness: he never got drunk and did not foul, never been in love
. When he was photographed visiting a table released from bottles - in front of John Hoover could not stand whiskey. He remembered everything, nowhere was late, I congratulate all my friends with birthdays, and getting them a gift, he immediately sent a card with thanks. Miss Gendy idolized him, and only now, in old age, she began to feel that Hoover was not a living person, and a robot out of these stupid fantastic stories. Whoever he was, if his life is inacheN
. It is hoped that from it would leave a very good man, and in another life they would have met under the lamp at the corner of Fourth and Sixth streets, and then there was a long walk around the city and the tango until dawn ...
. ... Shortly before Hoover's death, the newspapers began to get attention, embarrassing President Nixon, and the leak appears to be walked out of the presidential administration
. Nixon was ordered to establish surveillance of its employees. This was the work of the FBI, but he decided to create their own small, loyal only to him the secret service, and requested that an internal investigation.
Hoover was offended, and soon the secret service of the President was under his hood. When people who led her John Erlikhman became aware of this, they organized a burglary at the headquarters of the FBI seized records eavesdropping and hid them in the White House. Hoover vowed revenge: he ordered to begin a formal investigation of burglary and told the Minister of Justice, that to the publication of documents that will be unpleasant for the Capitol. Make the director of the FBI did not have time: May 2, 1972 Hoover died. Official Statement, naturally, began with the words: "He died a natural death."
. This talk and forget, . a spinster Miss Gendy, . lived out their days in a shelter for single pensioners, . All fingered the yellowed photos, . waiting for letters from his nephew (the old lady had forgotten, . that he had died ten years ago) and thought of John Edgar Hoover.,
. "... He was such a wonderful smile!" He got along well with children! Dogs always feels good man - you do not believe it, but at the sight of Mr. Hoover dogs immediately began to wag their tails
. Once he gave me a brooch from this jade - wait a second, now I'll show her ... "

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