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Konstantin Borovoy Natanovich.

( Political activist, chairman of the Party of Economic Freedom)

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Biography Konstantin Borovoy Natanovich.
(1949 - ...)
"This is a commercial activity in the West - a personal matter, but here - politics". Konstantin Borovoy Natanovich. Married, two daughters and granddaughter. By education - mathematician. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineering Department of Computer Science and mekhmat MSU. In 1980 he defended his thesis on "Managing large systems". In 1984 he became an assistant professor, taught a lot in Science. In 1987, abruptly changed his life: starting with the fulfillment of contractual works in the scientific and technical creativity of youth, quickly becomes a manager and is included in the big business. Until recently - a successful businessman, president of the country's leading Commodity Exchange, president of investment company RINACO, Chairman of the Board Director of the National Commercial Bank. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Agency's economic news. It is called "gurus" Russia's business. Today - "classical Liberal Party.
. Until the summer of 1987, I was quite fortunate man, . taught, . studied favorite mathematics, . directed parallel Computing Center, . was a real contender to the superintendence of department and even the position of rector at one of the newly established institutions,
. I was earning well, I appreciated. And when in May 1987, I took up the contract within NTTM, it was common for me to professional work: formulation of the problem of technology management. There were five people - mathematicians and programmers, and we've done in one day, earning 600 rubles. The next contract was for 20 thousand, then to 70 thousand rubles. The people we have increased, customers rife, and I felt that I no longer can, and set the task, and program, and sign the contract and be a lawyer, accountant and control. And I became a manager, while remaining ÿ?ï?ÿ?ÿ?ï?ï?ÿ?ï?ï?ï¡ï? in economic processes. Almost immediately, I have no compunction broke up with his service and began to create new organizations (about 50 in different areas). Work phone has become a home. Received many friends, friends of friends. I found them to work, sometimes giving loans. Collectives, I formed myself, and was their manager. No one organization, I was not included, but I trust implicitly. When there was need for capital investments in new business or charitable purposes, there were no problems, they simply enumerating all.
. Becoming a free entrepreneur, I have set myself a purely mathematical problem: to write a new economy in old structures, ie
. create a manageable system that will allow both economies for some time to co-exist. So there was a model of the exchange, with the purely theoretical: barter scheme of the device, the model with parallel money ... This brainstorming session was taken in my kitchen with my friends and acquaintances.
Then - Agency Economic News. Initially, we also devised a model, something like Reiter. This requires information network communication system with stock exchanges, banks, a way of networking, analytical group. Distinctive feature of this agency is that it not only collects the information, but also analyzes its. Then connect the system of correspondent points, determined by the method of interaction with brokers and businesses more extensive. I became chairman of the Agency, besides the President of the investment company RINACO. Creating it, we also solve a purely mathematical problem: maintaining the balance of shares in the cost of your backup systems
. Guessing the need for the appearance of some structures, I will never accept a sole solution, but forcing people to think and create the optimal model
. I work quickly, drove forward, but for me to go, those who elevates and creates the actual design. In addition, my business would not take place without the expert. Good brains I buy without bargaining. We employ and sociologists and psychologists, and lawyers. But the main value for me - a former major executives rank the Finance Minister Valentin Pavlov, for example. No way they can not know the functioning of the ugly underside of the economy as a whole and of each branch of the economy. They themselves will never be able to become a normal business, because they can not command, but I am willing to pay them for their experience and knowledge.
Creating image.
Seven years ago, the word "entrepreneur" was from the Criminal Code. And my professor's family grieved at my new hobby. Then it became clear that the need to create the image of entrepreneurship in the new Russia. It took the victim. Some one had to stand up and say: "Here I am an entrepreneur". It was supposed to begin to explain how a market based instruments, by example. She got Irina Hakamada, but could not stand it psychologically - and abuse, and abuse, and racketeering. And then I got up, began to actively giving interviews, speeches, talking about what we are doing that are going to do, how to operate the enterprise market. And I, in my opinion of course, turned. That is, judging from the mail and by opinion polls, people are now aware that such business activity, enterprise, hatred, I certainly do not feel as though at the same time arose the image of a millionaire.
I am not a millionaire. Perhaps it sounds improbable, but my financial situation has not changed. The money, which I managed, is the money of many people and businesses. And if I become rich at the same time, it made something immoral. When I was an assistant professor, I lived on the same level as now. My salary was established stock exchange board and recorded in the protocol, it is huge, but includes representation, which requires a lot. Of course, I have a rally, also officially declared. I have a lot of things could not afford. But honestly, the material wealth I do not really need. I live in the same apartment on the first floor, with the same furniture. Of course, the firm could I buy an apartment, but I did not want. As I have had two cars yet when I was an assistant professor, and has. Computers, car and driver - all this belongs to the company. When I started in big business, I immediately realized that there always be a subject of constant "ray", and that normally do their business, I should not have a single spot. I try not to give rise to harassment.
Russia's business.
For my business - it is, above all, creativity, daily breakthrough, mind game. And most of our businesses - huge enthusiast. Once in London, I completed negotiations for about 15 minutes later than the end-time, local leaders looked at me, as a criminal. Free time for them - the sacred cause, it is - for sport, for pleasure. U, we care about health, sports are considered plebeian. And they say: "Why, then, zhitN" And by and large they are right. Our present fanatics quickly to replace a more relaxed generation. This can be compared with the process of creating a new car. Now we are working practically with their bare hands. Do not sleep, think up, grinds details, invent a model for casting. But you can create a ten cars. A need for mass production technology of normal. Today, the most simple, well-established in a normal economy mechanisms, we do not work.
The Soviet system is incredibly tenacious. I always hated her, and today it feeds the hatred many of my endeavors. The system just kills people. Szhiraet their. I'll tell you a story. Somewhere in late 1988-th, when I was all business, a close friend asked me to help the scientific and technical society Vavilov. There he was director. I went to his deputy for science. I began this "swamp" untwist. Conclude an agreement. Make a profit somewhere 500 thousand, for them it was crazy money. And here I am is the chairman of the society and said: "You are what delaeteN" - "Why, - I say -" I want this organization has become cost-effective ". And he said: "You're mad, now stop!" You're behaving like a rogue, as a businessman ". But soon all ended. Then they explained to me that this society - the organization, in fact, parasitic, that is, there is relief personnel large military research institutes. In such "swamps" any initiative should stall. I myself came out of it. I wrote my dissertation for the year, printed, painted, 16 sheets, brought his head. And he said:
"Destroy-ka you all. From you need one sheet: statement of the problem. Five-minute message. And do not get out ". I still got. Reported a half hour theory which invented himself. I destroyed. For the first time in the history department was questioned, to shield a person in general.
I smashed a hundred times on this system. When the first time we have earned big money, decided to open a free canteen. The Board refused to register, and for the most heinous motives. They say that these bastards cooperators, rather than to transfer the money in the fund world, undermining the ideology. Because our country is not poor, and all co-operators do to avoid paying taxes. Then another "look" did not say that our country is poor. And these Ispolkomovskaya straight face told us that soon all of us suffocate and planted. Can a normal person this is not nenavidetN
Today, my position is to shoot until the last bullet, to oppose this system, destroy it, because it does not develop a market economy. The experience of my relationship with the Muscovite administration showed that no democratic government can not cope, can not simply force themselves to obey the old administrative system. Interferes mess in the law, since there is a strong communist lobby. Interferes public opposition to the Mafia. Today is a very dangerous thing: Director of enterprises, . representatives of the Board - generally, yesterday's nomenclature and get the benefits for a number of parameters, . but primarily in the acquisition of property and building processes,
. They are businessmen without much merit. But still can not compete, but not go bankrupt, and having power, stifle us, a new generation.
I, for example, is a friend, he rented a basement, bought two machines, and began to sew fur. He banished from the basement, and he had eight machine moves to another, but it is unnecessary to brake. At the same time, some plant manager singles out his best in the enterprise space, selects and hires the best workers. On the other hand, these people are deprived of natural competition. We, the new generation, a much higher natural selection, and therefore better survival. But we are losing a lot of time. In the new Russian entrepreneurs totally different mentality, different genetics, different goals and benchmarks, values and behavior. A new type of relationship, where the good name means a lot and is expensive. And unreliable quickly knock out of business. Already have a huge social group - people of the new economy.
In 1987, I was going to leave the country, but at some point realized that for me it is impossible. The main reason - and the responsibility for those who are lured into the business, and for those who are helped to survive, doing charity work. But no less important reason - the perspective to see how a communist economy would collapse and the communist system, and take it as the fruits of their own activities. Now in Russia, our productions including a field for the transformation of the economy. Without any assistance - on the initiative of citizens. But today the situation is deadlock. Because the economy can not develop without the aid policy.
The Party of Economic Freedom.
The Communists, chairmen of collective farms and state farms - a force until the politically active, but leaving. There is a second tier - the democratic movements and parties, which, unfortunately, do not have a civilized form and can not generate the political space. And there is a huge social group - people of the new economy. It is working (with normal jobs), working in the maquiladoras, factories and private companies, joint-stock companies ... This farmers, entrepreneurs - the leaders and owners of private enterprises, intellectuals. In this social base is not at all any political force. Now the main task - to fully establish a civilized party, one that exists in the West.
This decision was made not me. But now we need to do this. This also works, too, the creation of structures, networks, through which the information about the tasks of the Party. And we must prepare for the elections, but then again, people will not be an alternative, but if again have to vote for the former secretaries of regional party committee, it will be a tragedy. But, on the other hand, we do not want to become "electoral party". Our Party of Economic Freedom - the party with their bodies, but without the membership, the party of like-minded. There are people who support it, including financial. According to the classical scheme "help his party". If you like the program and the team - the party pay. This is in some sense, the political market. Parties offer ideas and to compete. Our typical liberal party intended to defend: a free economy, . transfer of ownership from the state to citizens, . fair mechanism for this transfer, . social stability, . political and economic, . protect the interests of citizens, . national harmony.,
. I have always been in politics since he became manager
. This is a commercial activity in the West - a personal matter, but here - politics. Creation of new economic instruments in an administrative-command system - this, of course, decision and policy challenges. Formation of public opinion the image of an entrepreneur - is a socio-political activity. Charity, which we are engaged since 1988 in defiance of the system - a dangerous political work. Moscow convention business, where more than 300 members, have declared war on the state mafia, - political activity. Privacy Communists Democrats in August 1991 - direct participation in the political battle.
I've never been an entrepreneur, that is not manage their money. I create and run, driven by a desire to break this totalitarian monster. Activities of my Exchange changed the situation in the country. Across Russia, there is many thousands of exchanges, brokers, dealers. MB no longer knows who to check, even gossnabovtsy - speculators. The last action before the creation of the Party - the fight against corruption, but rather a political struggle with Moscow mafia. And then, in May 1992, I decided that in Russia the conditions are ripe for the formation of a civilized liberal party.
First, it became apparent degradation of the Democratic Russia party in the instrument in the hands of unscrupulous politicians. Democratic Party and the Civic Union Travkina only dream of recreating the administrative-command system and become the party of personal interests. The Social Democrats - the same communists, arrogate to themselves the right to supposedly "professional" to protect the interests of everyone and everything. They are flesh and blood of the system, where a man finds a welcome result of its active position in the ministry of the camp, where the goal of a slave - not a free activity, but a higher rung in the existing hierarchy. Civilized political party would create a civilized political space. And now all these parties, . Party leaders, . one scheme created the, . are in terms of choice - or die, . or to become civilized - Yves some extent due to, . that we have entered the political space and began to play at a very civilized rules, . completely new,
. Government support reforms in case of failure of attempts to infiltrate the government seems to Soviet political system wildness.
. As in business, we in practical political work rely on the advice of experts - analitikovp-olitologov world -
. Otherwise, you may harm the image of the Party. For the policy has not received any cost of wealth permissible, it also applies to personal property and state ownership. And, of course, that now in Russia policy to engage in more dangerous than a business. No protection.
Today, it happened so that entrepreneurs in Russia - people are more moral than politicians. First rushed into the new economy intelligentsia, for which more often than not the result is important, but self-preservation of personality. The first policy - that foam, and often simply people with not very healthy complexes. Only now the policy of gradually come to people who are not afraid to shake hands. Suffice it seems to me a cynical proposition that politics - a dirty business. The mud there is immediately apparent. Politics in a civilized society is always clear. Therefore, for our party calm and balanced relations with all political forces - an important principle. In addition, our mission is to promote political stability and rational dialogue of all, even the warring political groups and parties. We must talk, talk. If people around the world find a common language, and we need to make this possible. Political perspectives of people of the new economy associated with the prospect to become a normal civilized society. And if we start in a few years to build communism, concentration camp to recover, then as in Kampuchea ... descendants discover mass graves.

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Konstantin Borovoy Natanovich., photo, biography
Konstantin Borovoy Natanovich., photo, biography Konstantin Borovoy Natanovich.  Political activist, chairman of the Party of Economic Freedom, photo, biography
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