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Wade Hampton (Wade Hampton)

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Biography Wade Hampton (Wade Hampton)
(March 28, 1818 - April 11, 1902)
Throughout his life, Wade Hampton sought success in everything, whatever he was engaged, but he was also a soldier and planter, and businessman, and governor, and Senator. In the U.S., he has received nationwide recognition for its high-profile post-war and the governorate leadership in the movement for an end to Reconstruction of the South, although for the first time he was named to the continent during the Civil War.
. Wade Hampton III-rd was born in Charleston, South Carolina, March 28, 1818 in a prosperous planter family - the son of the hero of the War of Independence
. He grew up in a combination of life freely boy from an aristocratic Southern family and the great classical education (his father owned the largest private library in the state). Wade from his childhood passion for reading, and although he loved horse riding, and hunting. In 1836, Hampton graduated from South Carolina College and became head of a huge family farm empire, becoming the eve of war, the richest man in America, and showing himself in politics as a member of the Senate of South Carolina. December 10, 1859, he has successfully prevented the resumption of practice in the state of the slave trade, . not only for, . to end this immoral practice which seemed to him, . but to delay became by the time the actual secession (separation) of South Carolina.,

. When the war, . Wade Hampton offered his services to the Confederate Army as a private, . but the Governor Pickens insisted on conferring the rank of Colonel Hampton, . and he proceeded to the formation of the military unit, . which soon gained fame under the name 'Legion Hampton',
. For his own expense Hampton purchased in England, six guns and four Blakely capsule Enfield rifles for the Legion, and by the end of the war all the great Hampton's personal fortune was expended on the needs of the Confederacy. The war has deprived of this wonderful man not only of wealth - his brother and youngest son were killed by northerners, . his eldest son - Wade Hampton IV-th - became a cripple, . his family estate in Millvude was burned to the ground Sherman, . and he received five wounds.,

. If quoting a biographer Uellmena Manly Wade Hampton, the first was, with the possible exception of Nathan Bedford Forrest, "the most successful field commander of all the generals in American history"
. He was considered a real swordsman, and often personal involvement in the Hampton melee bow scales on the side of the southerners. He was very tall and had a more than impressive physique, and in battle used instead of a regular officer's sword, and made to special order a two-way sword length in the forty-five inches.
. In the first battle of Manassas 600 soldiers from the Legion Hampton appeared on the battlefield in the most crucial moment, winning the time to approach the forces of Jackson
. Surrounded on three sides, people Hampton stood on their positions as dug, but under the captain himself was killed by a horse. And when the Legion went on the attack, he managed to capture two federal gun, but Hampton was wounded in the head.
May 23, 1862 Wade Hampton was promoted to brigadier general and was under the command of an infantry brigade. He was good as an infantry officer, but, when the reorganization of the army Li invited him to command a brigade in the cavalry division Jeb Stuart, the Hampton gladly joined the cavalry.
. In the cavalry, he acquired the status of tactical genius, as has consistently defeated the enemy, while a significant minority
. In the period from the famous bypass McClellan Army before the battle at Brandy Station Hampton has always been at the forefront of the attack, but also cared about his soldiers, trying to reduce losses to the maximum. Behavior of Hampton during the battle of Gettysburg was included in textbooks on history - suffering from injuries received before the saber, the third day of the battle, he led his men in another attack. In battle he slew one of the Yankees, and three were shot from a revolver. Suddenly Hampton saw that one of his young troopers were surrounded by several federal. General rushed to his aid, although he could wield only one hand, and saved the ordinary, breaking out of the saddle is already taking aim Yankees. He suffered saber blow to the head, but, despite the fact that the blood flooded his eyes, Hampton continued to fight and shot two more northern soldiers. When the battle was coming to an end, Hampton was wounded again by shrapnel.

September 3, 1863 Wade Hampton became a Major-General. After Stewart's death in May 1864, General Lee was looking for someone who can replace Jeb as commander kvaleriey, and his choice fell on Hampton. And he lived up to expectations Li 11 - 12 June in the cavalry battle at Trevilien Station. Tactical Talent Hampton allowed the Confederates to break exceeding two times their own enemy, moreover, armed with the latest rifle.
. September 16, 1864 Hampton went to raid the enemy's rear (later called the raid "steakhouse")
. Cavalrymen captured from the enemy 2 468 head of cattle and more than three hundred prisoners, having lost in battle, only ten. For the starving Confederate two million pounds of beef was literally saved from death. March 10, 1865 Hampton, already in the rank of lieutenant-general, accompanied by five southern cavalrymen attacked a detachment of the northerners out of 70 riders. In battle, he personally shot 3-of federal soldiers, and another 10 killed by his Yankee people, 12 of the federal Hampton captured, and the rest set out on the stampede. Southern losses amounted to one horse.
. Wade Hampton was an ardent opponent of the surrender, but when the war still was over, he decided to continue a political career and the December 14, 1876 became the first southern governor who are in direct opposition to the undisguised policy of Reconstruction
. February 24, 1879 Hampton left his post as governor of South Carolina for places in the U.S. Senate, and he remained a senator until March 1891. He died April 11, 1902 at the age of eighty-four years. His last words were <God bless my people, and black and white> and the funeral Wade Hampton III-First came more than twenty thousand people who love him.

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