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Averkiev Dmitry Vasilyevich

( Famous playwright)

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Biography Averkiev Dmitry Vasilyevich
(1836 - 1905). He studied at the St. Petersburg commercial school and St. Petersburg University. He has translated several books on natural. In 1860 he wrote in "Russian Invalid" satires under the pseudonym K. Zealous. At this time, his negative attitude to the new trends have not yet turned into a narrow tolerance. In 1861, the obituary Dobrolyubova A. treated the deceased quite impartially. In the first half of 1860, he worked in the North. Bee, "" Anchor "and" Ose ", became friendly with Apollon Grigoryev and Insurance. In "The Age of Dostoevsky made a hot attack on the contemporary intellectual movement. Big noise caused attacks A. on Kostomarova. In the same journal, appeared the first drama A. - "Mamay". In 1866, in "Notes of the Fatherland" A. prints the comedy "Man-Thing" in 1867 in "World Trude" tragedy "Sloboda captivity" and "Notes of the Fatherland" - "Terenty husband Danilevich", in "Voice" - articles on theater and on historical journals. In 1868 A. wrote "comedy about a nobleman Russia Frol Skabeeve and stolnichey, Nardyn Nashokin, daughter Annushka" ( "Zarya", 1869, N 3, and Dep. SPb., 1872). The play, set in Alexandrinsky Theater, was a great success. In 1869, a. was editor of the unofficial "World Pictures". In 1869 - 71 years worked in the "Dawn" VV. Kashpireva. After moving in 1871 in Moscow, and. given eagerly drama. In 1871, he put on the stage of the Maly Theater Kashirskij old, enjoyed great success and the backbone of his fame. Drama appeared in The Russian Messenger in 1872 (N 1) in the same published in 1870 his plays: "King Peter and Prince Alexei", . "Dark and Shemyaka", . "Princess Juliana Vyazemskaya", . "Dilapidated Bride, . Francesca Riminiyskaya ", . "Tsarevich Alexei", . "Infallible" and the novel "Khmelevaya Night, . History pale young man "and" new girl ",
. In 1877 - 1878 years appears in the Russian Messenger valuable and interesting work - "the drama" (Dep. St. Petersburg., 1893, and St. Petersburg., 1907), awarded the Pushkin Prize. While living in Moscow,. led "Theater chronicle" in the Moscow Gazette. In 1880 A. returned to St. Petersburg, continuing to work in The Russian Journal, which posted its drama "Sidorkin case" (1881) and "Trogirsky voivod" (1882). In 1885 - 86 years A. published a monthly magazine - "Writer's Diary, are compiled from his works - AMD (sletok Petersburg", "Golden's grandfather," "Bathing night"), novels, short stories, poetry, journalistic and critical articles about the theater. He also wrote theater reviews in The Voice, has worked in New Times "and" Cornfield ". In "Russian Review" 1895. (kn. 1 - 4) published his translation of "Hamlet" by Shakespeare. In 1890 A. began publishing collections of his works: "Drama" (t. I, St.-Petersburg., 1887; t. II and T. III, St. Petersburg., 1896, after the death of a. Suvorin published in 1906), "Tales from the old way of life" (2 vols., St. Petersburg., 1898) and "The Tale of modern life" (3 vols., St. Petersburg., 1898). In 1892, when turned 35 years of literary activity of A., Emperor Alexander III granted him a pension of 2000 rubles per year. In recent years, he was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education. In 1894 A. ill, the last years of his life were a real torment for A. Coming out of the patriarchal merchant family, reared under the influence of two grandfathers, great devotees of antiquity, A. from an early age imbued with a love of tradition, fear of free thought, criticism. The rapid growth experienced by Russian society in the era of change, was organically alien to a. Negative attitude to the new intellectual movement grew with each passing year. Combat progressive ideas A. devoted his entire life, in any free manifestation of the individual and the public, he saw only the bad, falling on anything that contradicted his mental way. Pisarev in 1865, called A. "obscurantism and sycophant," and since then the hostility of the best parts of society to A. not cease. There was no journalistic talent, he has held a modest place in the ranks of publicists conservative camp. Faithful to their ideas and the mood of a. was in drama and story. Most of his dramas portray antiquity, its life. He contrasted her early ideas of modern times, trying to show the superiority of the foundations of old, their moral strength and beauty. Knowledge of history and sense of truth compelled him to observe the general light background and spots, but, in general, he has clearly advocated the worship of antiquity. This bias harmful effect on the purely artistic side of the drum A. In an effort to make an impression not so much on the mind as on the emotional side, A. beats on the external effect, in his dramas a lot of stilted pathos, artificial, melodramatic. But this is precisely the success of dramas and created a. among undemanding and loving the spectacular sight of the audience: "Kashirskaya old" does not leave the stage and still. A Tale. even weaker AMD. As a theater critic. is, however, serious art lovers, and his book "The drama of" well-deserved reputation of valuable work. - See. Vengerov, "critical-biographical dictionary of Russian writers and scientists" (t. I, St. Petersburg., 1889); his own, "Sources of dictionary of Russian writers" (t. I, St. Petersburg., 1900); obituaries in theater and art "(1905, N 3, N. N., and N 3 and 4, P. Antropov). Fomin.

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Averkiev Dmitry Vasilyevich, photo, biography Averkiev Dmitry Vasilyevich  Famous playwright, photo, biography
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