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Vasiliev Mikhail

( vice-admiral, a researcher at the polar regions)

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Biography Vasiliev Mikhail
education in the Greek Cadet Corps, in 1796, Mr.. released into the Navy midshipman, in 1799. distinguished himself in the assault and capture of Devigo island of Corfu, since 1804 he served in the Baltic Fleet, which differed in 1812 and 1813, especially in the capture of Danzig. When in March 1819 followed by the Supreme Order of the gear of two expeditions for research in the polar seas of both hemispheres, . Bellingshausen was sent to the southern hemisphere, . but the captain was entrusted Vasilyev command of two sloops: "Opening" and "Well-intentioned, . for research in the Arctic Sea and, . especially, . to find a passage through the Bering Strait into the Atlantic Ocean,
. In the middle of February 1820, Mr.. Vasiliev arrived in Port Jackson, April 23, crossed the Equator, and following along the American coast to the north, reached 71 б° 6 'north latitude. Here he met the ice. Although Vasilyev did not consider these solid ice, but not having a good boat or other small vessel for research in shallow coastal area, he decided to return. July 31 sloops headed south. Having the path of shooting coast of the island of St. Lawrence Island and seen Paul and George, the detachment arrived Vasilyeva Novo-Arkhangelsk. April 30, 1821 Vasiliev once again went to sea and 12 June, arrived on the island Unalatku. As for sailing in the polar sea had a little time, . then decided to separate the sloop Vasiliev Well-intentioned, . instructing the commander of his, . Shishmarev, . explore the coast of Asia, . north of the Bering Strait, . and find there passages in the Atlantic Ocean, . or, . in case of failure, . make description of Chukotka, he himself wanted to describe the coast between the lip and the Bristol Nortonovym Bay, . then go north, . along the shores of America, . and look for this side of the Northern Passage,
. On the road to Norton Bay Vasiliev discovered the island Nunivok, but did not take him, because in a hurry in the polar sea. August 3 Vasiliev, following along the shore, reached 70 б° 40 'north latitude and here again met the solid ice. Wanting to see the Ice Cape, he went below and set it under 70 б° 33 'north latitude. Then weathered a severe storm, during which the sloop was nearly crushed by ice floes, Vasiliev headed south and arrived on September 8 in the port of Petropavlovsk. Joining forces with Shishmarev, Vasiliev met way back and 2 August, 1822 successfully reached Kronstadt. The main purpose of the expedition - the opening of the northern passage - was not met, but she has studied a large part of the American coast (from Cape Nevengama to Nortonova Bay, . whole vast bay, . and then from the Cape to Cape Lizburna Ice), . as well as some of the shores of Asia, . to Cape Heart-Stone,
. Subsequently, Vasiliev was the captain of the port of Kronstadt, in 1827, Mr.. was made rear admiral, in 1835, Mr.. - In the vice-admirals and enjoyed the special favor of Emperor Nicholas I; died in Kronstadt, June 23, 1847. Vasiliev published "Notes on the New South Welsh land" (in "Memoirs of the Department of the Admiralty, h. V, St. Petersburg., 1823) and "Protest a midshipman Khromchenko and navigator Etolina, blaming them for the opening of the island Nunivaka" (ibid.). During the expedition Midshipman KK. Gillsen kept very detailed notes that were printed in "Notes of the Fatherland" in 1849, N 10, 11 and 12. On the medal, knocked in memory circumnavigation expedition Bellingshausen and Vasiliev cm. Article L. Golenishcheva-Kutuzov in "Memoirs of marine scientific committee" (1834, XI). Wed. "Memoirs of a subordinate, Vice Admiral M. N. V. (St. Petersburg, 1847); Ivashintsov "Russian voyage around the world" (in "Memoirs of the Hydrographic Department, 1849, VII, and separately, St. Petersburg., 1850); Berhe" Chronological history of all journeys "(Part II, page. 1 - 20; here information about this expedition produced inventories).

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Vasiliev Mikhail, photo, biography
Vasiliev Mikhail, photo, biography Vasiliev Mikhail  vice-admiral, a researcher at the polar regions, photo, biography
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