Hoffman, Eduard Ivanovich( Russian geologist)
Comments for Hoffman, Eduard Ivanovich
Biography Hoffman, Eduard Ivanovich
Initial education was provided at Gatchina Orphan Institute. Entering then the physico-mathematical faculty of St. Petersburg University, Hoffman still a student, under the influence of a brilliant teaching SS. Kutorga, devoted himself to the study of paleontology and received a gold medal for an essay on Russian trilobites. After graduating in 1857. course with a degree candidate, Hoffman went abroad to perfect his chosen specialty. Upon his return to Russia was first a teacher of physics and natural sciences in Gatchina Orphan Institute, then in 1863 to protect the thesis for a master's degree, was elected assistant professor, and in 1865, Mr.. Associate Professor of St. Petersburg University in the newly created Department of Geology. Promising scientific and educational activity Hoffman lasted a very short. In the spring of 1867, just finished his doctoral dissertation, Hoffman became seriously ill and died May 14 of that year in Samara. Hoffman published the following works: "Sammtliche bis jetzt bekannte Trilobiten Russland" ( "Verh. Miner. Ges. ", 1857 - 58 g.);" Jurassic neighborhoods Iletsk Protection (St. Petersburg, 1863); "Mesites ein neue Crinoiden Gattung" ( "Notes Mineralogical Society, with. 2 t. I, 1866), "Monograph fossils Seversk osteolita" (a posthumous work, St. Petersburg., 1869). "Materials on the geology of Russia. B. AP