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Delianov Ivan Davidovich

( graph - Russian statesman, Secretary of State)

Comments for Delianov Ivan Davidovich
Biography Delianov Ivan Davidovich
Born in 1818, graduated from the course at Moscow University for law school, served in the II Department of the Immediate Office of His Imperial Majesty, where he participated in the drafting of the Penal Code. In 1857, Mr.. appointed business manager of the secret committee of the dissenters, in 1858, Mr.. - Guardian of the Petersburg school district in 1860. - A member of the chief censor administration in 1861,. - Director of the Department of the Ministry of Education: in the same year, . after a brief stay in retirement (at the time of the Ministry of Count Putiatina), . was appointed director of the Imperial Public Library and once again became a trustee of the St. Petersburg school district,
. In 1865, Mr.. appointed a senator, in 1866. was appointed Deputy Minister of Education, while remaining director of public library. In 1874,. appointed member of the Council of State. It was a one time led institutions of the Empress Maria, zaveduya them on the Rights of the chief superintendent. March 16, 1882, Mr.. Delianov was appointed Minister of Education. In 1888. elevated to the Count's dignity. Died Dec. 29, 1897, Mr.. By the time management Delyanov Ministry of Education include the following main activities: 1) Prepared the new statute Russian universities in 1884, introduced in the seven universities. 2) Opened in 1888. University of Tomsk. 3) Revised in 1890. curriculum of classical grammar schools, with the expense of the ancient languages of the teaching of Russian language. 4) Limited, a circular in 1887, accepts children from under-classes of the population in secondary schools. 5) Limited to the percentage of Jews allowed into higher and secondary education. 6) brought greater attention to technical and industrial education, so that opened in 1885. Kharkov Institute of Technology; changed in 1887, Mr.. Charter St. Petersburg Institute of Technology; approved charter business school in Kharkov, expanded and organized Komissarovkij Technical School in Moscow, . Krasnoufimsk real school, . adapted to the needs of agricultural, . Irkutsk Technical School; revised charter of real schools (1888) elaborated the position of the middle and lower technical and industrial schools, . and the Ministry formed central government industrial education,
. 7) Closed in 1886. higher women's courses, the newly discovered (1889) only in St. Petersburg on the modified bases. 8) Reviewed the provision on tc. 9) The types of association with the gentile population margins, . the Office of the Ministry of Education adopted from the Ministry of the Interior to 2000 rural schools in the Baltic provinces, in those same provinces converted and reopened more than 20 urban schools; open Russian high school in Polangene and Russian real school in Riga compulsory instruction in Russian in secondary schools, . enjoying the rights of state-owned schools and in the same spirit, made significant changes in Yuryev (Dorpat) University,
. Office of the Ministry of Education are subject to school, . existing in the Protestant churches in the districts of St. Petersburg and Moscow Lutheran consistories, . in the Transcaucasian region and in the village Sarepta, . also kolpanskaya Lutheran Teachers Seminary, . Believes as well as all schools in South-Western Region,
. There is a new provision on the urban schools in Warsaw school district (1887). Attached to the Office of the Ministry of Education in 1883. Caucasian school district, Caucasian Museum, Tiflis Public Library, Tiflis physical Observatory, Mountain School Terek region. In 1885, Mr.. open West-Siberian school district. 10) In the field of primary public education the most important event in its consequences were the rules June 13, 1884, Mr.. and 1 May 1891. of church schools and school literacy. Since listing in 1883. in the estimated amount of the Synod to support church schools for 15 years credit for primary ministry of education not only increased, . even decreased, . and activities of the Ministry for the opening of new schools almost ceased,
. Some recovery in this area began only in 1896. In general, the activities of the Ministry of Education under Delyanov was a typical expression of the reaction of 80-ies and from the standpoint of most of the reaction did not yield any solid and positive results. - Wed. SV. Christmas "Historical review of the Ministry of Education 1802 - 1902 period.

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Delianov Ivan Davidovich, photo, biography Delianov Ivan Davidovich  graph - Russian statesman, Secretary of State, photo, biography
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