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Dmitrevsky Ivan Afanasievich

( Famous Actor)

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Biography Dmitrevsky Ivan Afanasievich
(1734 - 1821), translator and poet, according to legend - the son of a priest Yaroslavl Dyakonova-Narykova. Dmitrevsky studied at a seminary in Yaroslavl, and together with F.G. Volkov enthusiastically worked on devices theater, performing in plays female roles. When Yaroslavl were brought to St. Petersburg (1752), Dmitrevsky, shortly after its debut, was placed in Gentry Cadet Corps and renamed Empress of Narykova in Dmitrevsky on its resemblance to a knight of the Polish Embassy Dmitrevsky. With the establishment Rossiyskogo Theater (1756) Dmitrevsky was appointed court actor, playing heroes and confidants, and the death of Volkova (1763) moved to the tragic role. In 1765 and 1767 years Dmitrevsky on orders from the highest traveled to Paris and London, for the first time "to improve", and the second - to recruit a French troupe for St. Petersburg. With the assistance of Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, he met Lekenom, Kleron and Garrick and examined the staging of theatrical business in Europe. He did much to create the Russian theater, no large company in the theater actually almost to the end of XVIII century, where he has not played a prominent role. He suggested to divide Russian troupe, modeled on the French theater, the Role, introduced and tried to strengthen the comic opera in the repertory of the Russian stage. He taught at the school theater, declamation and action "will take place at the same time, the inspector Russia troupe. In 1791, Mr.. Dmitrevsky was appointed chief director at the spectacle, and he was instructed "nadziranie and respectable institution Schools. When in 1780, Mr.. Knieper opened a private theater in St. Petersburg and formed a troupe of cats Orphanage, Dmitrevsky was invited to teach them stage art. In 1783, Mr.. Private Company proceeded to Dmitrevsky, but soon the government decided to allocate superintendence theater special committee. Dmitrevsky was a teacher and in the Smolny Institute, not only for training of some noble maidens piesov Russian theater, but also for the teaching of Russia's language. Semenova, E.S. Sandunova, aq. Karatygin, Mikhailova, Yakovlev, goldsmith, Shushrin, Krutitskii. Sam Dmitrevsky was exceptionally gifted actor and enjoyed great popularity among the public. According to contemporaries, he was better in comedies than tragedies, but his game has always been a clever and carefully trimmed. At the end of XVIII century, when tastes have changed, Dmitrevsky seemed old-fashioned game of his - pretentious and pompous, because of the pursuit of the effects he was nicknamed "effekschikom". In 1787, Mr.. Dmitrevsky resigned, and after playing only in Gatchina and the Hermitage Theater. Sidste Dmitrevsky was in 1812, Mr.. a patriotic play Viskovatov "universal militia. At the end of the life of actor blind. Dmitrevsky was one of the most educated men of his age. He has rebuilt and moved tragedies, dramas, comedies, operas, which at one time figured prominently in the repertoire of Russian theater. Sumarokov, despite his arrogance, his considered opinion, Fonvizin and Knyazhnin, a former friend Dmitrevsky, often turned to him for advice, Derzhavin and cones were his good friends. Krylov brought him to watch his first works. In compiling the dictionary writers to promote Dmitrevsky contacted Metropolitan Eugene. He is credited with about 60 pieces of his writings and translations. Of his more famous plays "Antigone", . musical drama from Italian (Saint-Petersburg, . 1772), . "Unsearchable, . allegorical prologue to an exemption from the disease of Grand Duke Paul Petrovich "(Saint-Petersburg, . 1772), . "An honest criminal", . comedy from the French (Saint-Petersburg, . 1772), . "Beverly", . from the French (Saint-Petersburg, . 1773, . and Moscow, . 1787), . Armida ", . Opera, . translated from the Italian (Saint-Petersburg, . 1776) and reprinted in the 31 volume "Rossiyskogo Theater" in 1790, . Opera Dianin Tree "(Saint-Petersburg, . 1792), . the first presentation, which began glory Sandunova,
. Particular success enjoyed opera "rare thing" (from Italian, St. Petersburg, 1792). On behalf of Russia's Academy, where he was a member, Dmitrevsky wrote "History of the Russian theater, who died in a fire, he wrote again, it did not reach us, though. Nosov in the preparation of "The Chronicles of the Russian theater" to use it, but did not indicate where he saw the manuscript Dmitrevsky. Perhaps it is penned by the German "The news about some Russian writers" (1768). As an academician, Dmitrevsky repeatedly criticized submitted to the academy works, wrote and recited "The word of praise A.P. Sumarokov "(St. Petersburg, 1807), for which the" assembly has expressed his special pleasure ". Dmitrevsky was the author of elegies, epigrams and other small poems and was a member of Bible Society, a free economic and lovers of literature Russia. - See: "Russian Waist" (1825), "Biography Dmitrevsky" in the "Pantheon" (Volume III, 1840); Vsevolodsky Gerngross "History of Theatrical Education in Russia" (Vol. I, St. Petersburg, 1913), "Memoirs From . T. Aksakova ". A. Polyakov.

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  • Dmitrevsky Ivan Afanasievich

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Dmitrevsky Ivan Afanasievich

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