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Zubritsky Denis Ivanovich

( Galician-known Russian scientist)

Comments for Zubritsky Denis Ivanovich
Biography Zubritsky Denis Ivanovich
(1777 - 1862)
Place from an old noble family, and held various administrative positions, drove in Lviv Stavropigiyska printing press and put in order the rich archive Stavropigiyska Institute. The first literary works Zubritskaya devoted to rural life and political economy, and written in Polish ( "Ouprawie koniczyny, rada dla pospolitego roluika", etc.). In 1822 and 1823, Mr.. the calendar "Pielgrzym Lwowski - Der Pilger", published in Polish and German, Zubritsky first drew attention to the beauty of folk songs, printed some of them, together with notes. In 1830, Mr.. It appeared on the language of his first historical work "Die griechisch-katholische Stavropigialkirche in Lemberg und das mit ihr vereinirte Institut", placed in the following year, on polckom language, "Lwowskich". Here collected all known then about Stavropigiyska brotherhood and in general about the history of Galician Rus. In 1836, Mr.. Zubritsky issued an important bibliographic work "Historyczne badania o drukarniach Rusko-Slowianskich w Galicyi", . which introduced the activity Stauropegic benefit chervonorusskoy nation and its education; extract from it ( "The Slavonic and Russian publishing houses in Galicia and Lodomerii") was printed in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education "(1838, . h,
. XIX). In 1844, Mr.. result of work Zabrudskogo in order to bring the city of Lviv archives was an important work: "Kronika miasta Lwowa". Before 1852, he wrote his historical articles on the Polish and German, some of them translated into Russian: "Training and literary institutions in Lviv" ( "Moskvityanin", 1841, h. III); "critical-historical tale of Bygone Years Chervonnaya or Galician Rus'" (translated Bodyansky, Moscow, 1845), "Getting Unia" (in the "Readings of the Moscow Society of Russian History and Antiquities (Book 7, translation of AA. Maikova), etc.. In 1852, Mr.. Zubritsky decided to publish in the domestic language of "History of Galician Rus', which came in 2 volumes on the history of Galicia until 1199, Mr.. The third volume, containing the history from 1200 to 1377, appeared only after three years and for some time the Austrian authorities, boyavshimisya popular excitement, was withdrawn from circulation. Continuation of the "History" was a critical edition of "Anonymous projects Gniezno and John Dlugosz (1855), relating to the history of Galicia-Vladimir Rus' and embracing the period from 1337 to 1387, Mr.. Finally, in 1862. in the "Readings of the Moscow Society of Russian History and Antiquities" (Book 3) was printed in excerpts last historical work Zubritskaya: "Galitskaya Russia in the XVI century". Zubritsky Archaeography was a member of the commission in St. Petersburg, Kiev-hoc committee to parse the ancient acts of the Moscow Society of Russian History and Antiquities, of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and a member of the Cracow Society of Sciences. He enjoyed the location Stamp. Pogodin, who had led them to the study of Russian language and Russian history. Wed. "Northern Bee" (1862,? 55 and 58) and in the "Letters to the Stamp. Pogodin from the Slavic lands (Issue III, H. Popova, 1880). On the composition of its cm. also Estreicher "Bi, liografia Pokska XIX w." (t. V, 311 - 312) and Levitsky, Galician-Russian bibliography of XIX century "(t. I, Lviv, 1888). V. Rudakov.

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Zubritsky Denis Ivanovich, photo, biography Zubritsky Denis Ivanovich  Galician-known Russian scientist, photo, biography
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