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Lev Kasso Aristidovich

( jurist and statesman)

Comments for Lev Kasso Aristidovich
Biography Lev Kasso Aristidovich
Born in 1865. Higher legal education received abroad. After passing the MA exam in Dorpat (Yuryev) University, was appointed there in 1892. performing an associate professor of church law in 1893. - The post of professor of the local Baltic Law. In 1895, Mr.. defended his master's thesis: "The succession of an heir to the obligations of the decedent, and appointed professor of Kharkov University. In 1898, Mr.. defended his doctoral dissertation: "The concept of the pledge in modern law" and took the chair of civil law at Moscow University. In addition to the above theses, wrote: "Die Haftung des Beneficialerben nach rumischem und heutigem Rechte" (Berlin, 1889), "Review of the Baltic provinces of civil rights" (Yur'ev, 1896), "General and local civil laws" (Kharkov, 1896); " F.G. von Bunge and Ostsee civil law "(St.-Petersburg, . 1897); "traded and deposit" (1904), "On the history of the civil code of laws" (1904), "The buildings on the land" (1905), "Russian landed a right" (1906), "The Byzantine law in Bessarabia" (1907 ), "Russia on the Danube and the formation of Bessarabia region" ( "Textbook West Imperial Lyceum in memory of the Tsarevich Nicholas", . Issue VI and VII, . 1912 and 1913),
. In 1910,. at the head of the Ministry of Education. Measures, . adopted to suppress student unrest at Moscow University (early 1911), . forced rector Manuilova, . his assistant and vice-rector Menzbira Minakova to resign from these positions, . after which they were removed from the number of professors, . that caused the dismissal of 21 professors, . very many privat-docents and teachers,
. In other universities, many professors fired, either directly, or against their will to be translated into other cities, resulting mostly themselves to resign. Thus, from St. Petersburg University have been removed M.Ya.. Pergament, IA. Pokrovsky, DD. Grimm; not been approved MI. Tugan-Baranovsky, in the mental institute in St. Petersburg was not approved by its creator, Professor Bekhterev. Of the teaching staff of female medical school professor went Salazkin. Extensive use was the appointment of professors. Circular 19 February 1912, Mr.. privat-docent prohibited reading courses, concurrent with the professors, resulting in one of St. Petersburg University Law School immediately ceased general courses Kaufman, Lazarev, Chubynskyi, Hesse. Many students were excluded in addition to the professorial Court. Students, except for so-called academics, unions and banned assembly. Tomsk and Saratov universities do not receive the extension; Vilna and Minsk denied the application for the opening of the University. In the middle and lower elevated national education budget increased the number of ministries and educational institutions. Publication of detailed programs for secondary schools is limited to the initiative of teachers: the teaching of history is prescribed especially to celebrate the role and importance of individual prominent historical figures, . no bias towards historical hypotheses and theories, or shaky and not scientifically justified generalizations, . example, . socio-economic,
. Been strengthened oversight of extramural students. Activities of parents' committees at secondary schools in many cases ceased due to establishment of high quorum (2 / 3 of all parents) for the assembly chooses committee. Zemsky libraries located in school premises, subject to the inspection of public schools, along with school libraries.

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Lev Kasso Aristidovich, photo, biography
Lev Kasso Aristidovich, photo, biography Lev Kasso Aristidovich  jurist and statesman, photo, biography
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