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Lubawskie Matthew Kuzmich

( historian of Russia, slavyanoved.)

Comments for Lubawskie Matthew Kuzmich
Biography Lubawskie Matthew Kuzmich
Born on 1 (12) in August 1860 in the rural family in the village sexton Big Mozharov Sapozhkovskogo County Ryazan province. In 1878-1882 a student of History and Philology of Moscow University. Engaged in the seminary professors Kluchevsky, VI Guerrier, NA Popova. Together with fellow students, the future well-known socio-political and scientific figures PN Milyukovs, V. Rozanov, R. Yu Whipper, was one of the most capable students in the Faculty. The exhaust composition Lubawskie nobles and knights in the Moscow State won them. N. Isakov. At the suggestion Kluchevsky was left at the university to prepare for a professorship. At the same time he worked in the Moscow archives of the Ministry of Justice, which analyzed the materials drevnelitovskogo archive (Lithuania metric).
In 1894 he defended his master's degree (master's) thesis regional division and local government Lithuanian-Russian state at the time of publication of the first Lithuanian Statute, in 1901 - a doctoral thesis Lithuanian-Russian Sejm.

He taught at Moscow University, where he became the successor Kluchevsky at the Department of Russian History. Prepared and read the famous course Historical Geography of Russia in connection with the colonization, which was released in 1909 as a separate book. In 1911-1917 Rector of Moscow University. The circumstances under which held Lubawskie appointment to this position, to a large extent characterize the political views of a scientist. The then Minister of Education LA Kasso to suppress 'the student riots' pursued a policy of cuts in the rights of university councils. In protest, the university rector AA Manuilov and his associates resigned and were dismissed. The resignation as liberal-minded professors, senior lecturers of the university and his assistants (a total of about 130 people) who had decided to support their leaders. Consent Lubawskie lead the university many of his colleagues viewed as support for the reactionary policies of the Government to restrict democratic freedoms of higher education. Later, explaining the scientist compared their choice with the times of Alexander Nevsky, who for the salvation of Russia was going to cooperate with the khans of the Golden Horde. But such a justification, of course, was a healthy dose of cunning. Political views Lubawskie fully responsible for the conservation policy in the form of unshakable foundations of autocracy. In a letter V. Guerrier January 2, 1906, he wrote: 'I can not reconcile with the knowledge that this number (17 October 1905) was raped by a supreme power in Russia'

. Popular scientific work of a scientist on the eve of and during the First World War (The Rise of Moscow, . 1909, . Patriotic War and Russian Society, . 1912, . Historical fate of the Slavs, . 1914, . The attack on the steppe, . 1914-1915) are imbued with patriotic sentiments, . glorify the military achievements of ancestors,
. A more fundamental nature of his works are Essay on the History of Lithuanian-Russian state up to and including the Union of Lublin (1910) and History of the Western Slavs (the Baltic, . Czechs and Poles) (1917), . which provide extensive, . to a large extent not previously known facts,

October Revolution Lubawskie met with hostility. However, not emigrated, and went to cooperate with the Communist authorities in the name of saving the historical and cultural heritage of the country - its archives. Worked in the structure Glavrahiva (Centrarkhiv), taught historical archival discipline, first courses, then at the Moscow University. In 1929 published a monograph of Education basic state territory of the Great nation.

In connection with the fabricated bodies OGPU 'affair Academy of Sciences' (a group of prominent academics and professors and social scientists - SF Platonova, NP Likhachev, EV Tarle, V. Gauthier, S. and Bakhrushina dp. - Announced the participants of counter-revolutionary monarchist organizations 'anti-national alliance for the rebirth of a free Russia') in August 1930 was arrested and then sentenced to 5 years of exile in Ufa. While in exile, he worked at the Bashkir Scientific-Research Institute of National Culture.

Died Lubawskie in Ufa, November 22, 1936.

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Lubawskie Matthew Kuzmich, photo, biography
Lubawskie Matthew Kuzmich, photo, biography Lubawskie Matthew Kuzmich  historian of Russia, slavyanoved., photo, biography
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