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Leonid Polonsky

( Writer)

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Biography Leonid Polonsky
comes from the nobility of the Vilna district, was born in 1833, Mr.. He graduated from the course of the St. Petersburg University on a desktop (administrative) category. He served in the Office of the Ministry of War, then in the Office of the Minister of Education (at Kovalevskaya and Golovin). Knowing several languages, . Polonsky led the department of foreign policy in "Russian Invalid" (1861), . "Current Word" (1862 - 63), . St. Petersburg Vedomosti (1864 - 65), . 'Voices (1866 - 65), . "Vowel Court" (1866) and "Son of the Fatherland" (1867),
. Placed in "Library for Reading" (editorial Druzhinin, 1860) article, "The abuses and failure in the administration", in "Russian Word" (1863) - the article "Poland and Spain". Polonsky first introduced in St. Petersburg Vedomosti (1864 - 64) weekly lampoon life in Petersburg, which, after conversion to Polonsky's "Voice", led first VP. Burenin, then A.S. Suvorin. Feuilletons these Polonsky signed pseudonym Ivan Lubich. Several articles he posted, about the same time, in the "Week". When the Messenger of Europe "was published monthly (January 1868), Polonsky assumed in this journal department of internal reviews, and led him up to January 1880. The general direction of these reviews, Polonsky had delivered a prominent position in a number of Russian publicists - a liberal in the sense of the word, what it had in the 70-ies. During this same time he placed in the Journal Europe "a lot of articles over the signatures: A. P., L. Alexandrov and L-A-in, mostly from foreign literature ( "Heinrich Heine", "Anthony Trollope", "Scrooged" Dickens, "A. Lamartine), as well as the content of the historical ( "Stefan Batory", "The Huguenots in England and t. etc), economic ( "Stock Olympus) and other. In 1873 and 1874 respectively Polonsky were compiled two volumes of the Annex to the "Messenger of Europe, entitled" Year "(cm. Journal Europe ", VII, 649). The model for this publication served as the "Annuaire", once annexed to the magazine "Revue des deux Mondes". In the "News of Europe" were printed talented story Polonsky: "We have to live" (1878) and "Mad Musician" (1879), signed by the pseudonym L. Lukyanov, special attention drawn to himself the first of them. Since January 1880. Polonsky began to publish his own political newspaper: "Country", which first came out twice a week, and since 1881, Mr.. - Three times, and immediately took the place of good pioneer in the liberal political press. By the management of Loris-Melikov "Country" first treated with restraint, . but soon, . convinced conversations with the leaders of the time, . editor of "Countries" was treated sympathetically to their intentions, . although kept completely independently and found their actions are too slow,
. While supporting the basic idea of a new direction, "Country" still remained the authority opposition. When Loris-Melikov, she received two warnings: first, . January 16, 1881, . for an article on the need of pardon Chernyshevsky, . second - March 4 that year, . for an article about the events of March 1, at the same time received a warning and "Voice" for, . that reprinted the article, "Countries" and expressed his agreement with her,
. "Country" led a scathing, though restrained by the tone of a polemic with the "Rus" and Slavophilism generally and constantly defended the Old Believers. All the editorials in the "Country" marked "St. Petersburg" written by the editor. The room in the "Country" (1881), Polonsky's story "The Thaw", you can find some characteristic of the then time, as in the previous two novels in part reflected the popular mood in the late seventies. In January, 1883. "Country" was subjected to a temporary suspension, with the subordination of its future censorship. Upon expiration, it has not been renewed (only at the end of 1884. one went to save room for one more year right of publication). Since October 1884. the end of 1892. Polonsky led the "internal review" in Russian Thought ", ibid been placed them under the same pseudonym, the story" Anna "(in 1892), which affected the fall of the previous expectations and marked the date when the new people - udachnikov". In 1891, Mr.. Polonsky placed in the "Compendium", in favor of starving, published "Russian Thought", the story "no money". In 1885, Mr.. in the same journal published Polonsky beginning of a long essay on the In. Hugo, and in 1888. - Article about the Polish poet Julia Slovak. In 1893, Mr.. Polonsky joined the magazine "Herald of the North" and to the spring of 1896. led it department "Provincial seal" under the pseudonym A. Prozorov. In 1894 and 1895 respectively Polonsky conducted in the same magazine department of internal reviews "and" political chronicle ". In 1883, 1884 and 1895 respectively Polonsky posted several articles in "News" on education and economic, some signed. Polonsky also wrote in French, with half of 1881 to 83 g. he was a regular correspondent for the St. Petersburg newspaper "Temps"; in the early 80-ies he wrote "Lettres de Russie" in the Paris newspaper "Revue Universelle" and there is a translation of one of the satires Saltykov. Since the late 80-ies Polonsky placed on the time, articles in Polish at the St. Petersburg newspaper "Kraj", but with half of 1896. took a closer involvement in this newspaper. His article: "Mickiewicz in Russian literature" is placed in the published edition "Kraj" "Mitskevichevskom anthology. The first fiction feature articles Polonsky ( "One must live," "Mad Musician", "Thaw", together with two sketches of Bernardo) were published them in book form under the title "Leisure Time". The story "One must live" translated into French mistress Mickiewicz (wife of the son of the famous poet) and published in "Revue Universelle". Polonsky never cared about fame: the vast majority of its articles were entirely without a signature, and some - with the ever-changing aliases.

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