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John Bunyan

( English religious writer and nonconformist preacher, religious classics of English literature, the author of the famous book Pilgrim's Way (The Pilgrim's Progress).)

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Biography John Bunyan
Bunyan was born November 28, 1628 supposedly in Elstou (Bedfordshire). Receiving primary education, even as a boy took up the craft of his father, becoming a tinsmith and a tinsmith. During the civil wars in 1644-1646, he served in the parliamentary army. After returning home, he suddenly married. Among the townspeople, he quickly gained notoriety blasphemer, foul language and revelers who do not attend church, but later, partly under the influence of his wife, began to think about their sins and spiritual wickedness, experiencing periods of extreme remorse and despair. Subsequently, . in his autobiographical essay Grace, . shed on the first among sinners (Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, . 1666), . He told about, . what an effort it cost him to overcome this mental state of abandonment and hopelessness, and gain confidence in the mercy of God,
. Fortunately for himself, he was influenced by John Chifforda, priest nonconformist church of. John in Bedford, and in 1653 became a member of the rebellious communities.

Around 1656 Bunyan's wife died, leaving four young children, one of whom was blind. Sure, . that the divine grace generously poured out even on such, . as he, . Bunyan began to preach (not having a formal permission) among the neighbors, . and in 1656 published his first book entitled Some opened the Gospel Truth (Some Gospel Truths Opened), . which criticized the idea of Quakers,
. In 1659 he married again and in the same year published the first of its edifying treatises - Disclosure of the doctrine of Law and Grace (The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded).

After the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 came into force a law against amateur non-conformist preachers, and in November the same year, Bunyan was arrested and incarcerated in the prison, where he spent 12 years. During this period he has published nine books, the most significant of which was the grace, poured out ... After his release in January 1672 for three years he preached in Bedford, but in 1675 was re-cast for about six months in prison, where, according to tradition, and wrote the Pilgrim's Way. In subsequent years, no longer persecuted, and his fame as a preacher reached London. During this period, he published four religious allegorical works, putting it on par with the classics of English literature.

Pilgrim's Way (1678) is an allegorical story about a thorny path through the swamp of despair, the Valley of the shadow of death, Vanity Fair and other places, which should be Christian ( 'Christian'), bound for heaven deg. The Life and Death of Mr. Bedmana (The Life and Death of Mr. Badman, 1680) - as an allegorical tale of a vicious hypocrisy and dishonest crib (Bedman, literally 'bad person'), who dies unrepentant. The Holy War (The Holy War, 1682) - a colorful allegory, tells the story of how the Devil took the city Mensoul ( 'soul') and eventually was expelled from there Immanuel ( "God with us').

Pilgrims Way, Part Two (1684) - history of Christian ( 'Christian') and her children, who follow the same path as Christian, to the heavenly city of the. Christian is not exposed to such terrible trials, as her husband, but met with a number of interesting new characters.

In all these works of art, there are places, showing no small literary talent Bunyan, and they were the favorite reading of the common people, pro-opposition to the state and the official church. Instant success Way pilgrim was unprecedented for an English literature: in the first ten years of romance withstood more than a dozen reprints. He was subsequently translated into more than a hundred languages, and went into the treasury of world classics.

Bunyan died during a trip to London on Aug. 31, 1688.

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John Bunyan, photo, biography
John Bunyan, photo, biography John Bunyan  English religious writer and nonconformist preacher, religious classics of English literature, the author of the famous book Pilgrim's Way (The Pilgrim's Progress)., photo, biography
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