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Frunze, Mikhail Vasilyevich

( of the revolutionary movement, Soviet military leader)

Comments for Frunze, Mikhail Vasilyevich
Biography Frunze, Mikhail Vasilyevich
Born January 21 (February 2) 1885 Pishpek Semirechensk area in a military family paramedic umbrella. He studied at St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute (not finished). In 1904 joined the RSDLP, Bolshevik. In May 1905 led a strike of Ivanovo-Voznesensky. For revolutionary activity twice sentenced to death in the first case of attempted murder on Feb. 21, 1907 a police constable of noticed next to the house, where he was meeting party propagandists. Each time the death penalty commuted to life reference.
From 1916 to conduct propaganda front. After the February Revolution of 1917 the chief of police in Minsk, chairman of the Council of Peasants' Deputies of the Minsk and Vilna provinces, a committee member of the Western Front. Since September 1917 the chairman of the executive committee of the Council and Committee RSDLP (b) of Shuya. In early 1918 opposed the conclusion of peace with Germany, adhered to the 'Left Communists'. In early 1918 the chairman of Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RCP (b), executive committee, gubsovnarhoza, military commissar. In August 1918 the military commissar of the Yaroslavl military district. Since February 1919 commanded the 4 th, in May-June 1919 - Turkestan army. In March 1919 while in command of Army Group South Eastern front. In July 1919 the commander of the Eastern Front, whose troops were advancing against the army of AV Kolchak and captured the Northern and Middle Ural. From August 1919 to September 1920 the commander of the Turkestan front. Troops of the Turkestan front during the successful operation of Aktobe captured the Southern Urals and restored relationship with Turkestan, . eliminated Krasnovodsk and Semirechensk group of white, . then brutally suppressed by the main action centers of resistance of local population,
. Force troops 'help the people of Khiva and Bukhara', ie. overthrew the legitimate government of those dependent on Russia Empire State and established there the power of the Bolsheviks.

Since September 1920 the commander of the Southern Front, whose troops repelled the offensive PN Wrangel Island in the Donbass, have caused them a major defeat in Northern Tavria, and in November held Perekop Chongarskaya-operation 1920 and captured the Crimea. In this operation, Frunze used the combination of frontal and flanking attacks from forcing fording a water hazard - Sivash. The defeat of Wrangel's troops - one of the major phases of a commander of the Frunze. After the victory over the enemy Frunze issued the call for officers and soldiers of the White Guard army, promising them, if they remain in Russia, the forgiveness. Tens of thousands of people believed to be respected even by the enemies Frunze, but the party leadership (including B. Kuhn) has ignored the promises of Frunze and launched a bloody terror in the Crimea. Thus the name of Frunze was probably against his will relating to the mass killings of prisoners of war.

From December 1920 to March 1924 authorized the Revolutionary Military Council (PBC) of the Republic, Commander of Ukraine and Crimea, a member of the Politburo of the CC CP (b) of Ukraine and at the same time in February 1922 Deputy Chairman of People's Commissars of Ukraine. The large-scale punitive operations in Ukraine, killing in the short term the main compound Ukrainian rebels. Since 1921 member of the RCP (b). Since March 1924 Deputy Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and the People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs of the USSR, together with the April 1924 Chief of Staff of the Red Army and the Military Academy of the Red Army. In 1924 a candidate member of Politburo. The author of works that became the basis for the strategy of the Red Army. Among them - Reorganization of the Red Army (1921), a unified military doctrine and the Red Army (1921), front and rear in the war of the future (1924), as well as book Lenin and the Red Army (1925). In 1924-1925 he participated in military reform, aimed at reducing military expenditures and the introduction of the territorial principle of manning the army.

January 26, 1925 by decision of the Politburo of the CPSU (b) Frunze replaced loser inner struggle LD Trotsky as chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and the People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs. However, the leadership of the army a long time he did not have to: Frunze became ill and soon after the ordinary operations on the stomach, died Oct. 31, 1925. He was buried in Red Square. Proliferated since the unexpected and the absurd death of the People's Commissar of Defense rumors about her involvement in Stalin served as the basis for writing BA Pilnyak Tale outstanding moon. May 13, 1926 the Politburo of the CPSU (b) recognized the story 'malicious, counter-revolutionary and slander against the Central Committee and the Party' and banned its.

In 1926 the name of Frunze was named the capital of Kyrgyzstan - the city Pishpek. His son, Timur (1923-1942), lieutenant, a fighter pilot, was killed during the defense of Moscow from the Nazis, he was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

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Frunze, Mikhail Vasilyevich, photo, biography
Frunze, Mikhail Vasilyevich, photo, biography Frunze, Mikhail Vasilyevich  of the revolutionary movement, Soviet military leader, photo, biography
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