Codina Eugine( historian, ethnographer, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1998),)
Comments for Codina Eugine
Biography Codina Eugine
(31.H.1957 with. Ovstug Zhukovsky District, Bryansk region) Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Science Teacher Education (1998). He graduated from the Smolensk Pedagogical Institute (1980). He worked as a teacher of history and English in a rural school of Smolensk region. He served in the Army. Since 1984, Mr.. - In the Smolensk Pedagogical University. Since 1997, Mr.. - Vice President for Academic Affairs. In 1993, Mr.. won a grant through the ACTR on "Smolensk Archive" and the American postwar Sovietology, worked in the United States with documents from the archives. The result was the publication of the book American researcher M. Feynsoda "Smolensk under Soviet power" (Smolensk, 1994). In 1996. won a grant through the Fulbright Program. He studied the U.S. education system, issues related to post-war American Sovietology. Has published 4 books on the subject.
Vol.: Smolensk abscess. - Smolensk, 1995; "Smolensk Archive" and the American Sovietology. - Smolensk, 1998; Political parties Rosii. Documents and Materials. - Smolensk, 1993, etc.