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MURZAKEVICH Nicephorus Adrianovich

( clergyman, author of the printed work 'History of the provincial city of Smolensk')

Comments for MURZAKEVICH Nicephorus Adrianovich
Biography MURZAKEVICH Nicephorus Adrianovich
(2.YI.1769, Smolensk - 8.III.1834, Smolensk)
Founder of the family was Murzakevichey Crimean Murza, the captive prince VV. Golitsyn in 1687, Mr.. Nicephorus upbringing in the family has been given much attention at the age of 10 years, the boy read fluently in Russian and Latin. But the graduate seminary Nikiforou failed, t. to his father died and the family was left without a livelihood. At age 14 he was determined Bogomaternuyu psalm-reader in the church, and soon ordained a deacon.
. All the free time Murzakevich gave self-education, especially interested in his own story, and he decides to do a complete and detailed history of Smolensk
. Bishop Parfenov, upon learning of lessons deacon, introduced him to his library and handwritten statement relating to the Russian past, and admitted to the consistory archive. Sympathy and understanding Murzakevich found a civilian governor D.YA. Gedeonov and the Governor-General Apraksin. By order Apraksina in 1803, Mr.. in the provincial printing was printed 600 copies of "History of the provincial city of Smolensk, which were given to the author. In the same year on April 16 Nicephorus Murzakevich was ordained to the priesthood, a dignity.
In 1804, Mr.. went 2-nd edition, to which was attached 5-I have a book with letters of Russian, Polish and Lithuanian rulers, data Smolensk. Apraksin sent the book Synodal chief prosecutor Golitsyn, who presented it to Emperor Alexander I, who ordered the author to give 500 rubles. In addition, the Smolensk gentry and the citizens loaned father Nikiforou 1500 rubles, which made it possible to buy a house behind the altar Odigitrievskoy church in which he served (now at this place on a street. Lenin is a new building selskohozyaytvennogo Institute).
In 1812, upon the occurrence of the French army, Murzakevichu can not leave the city. August 4-5, in the days of the heroic defense of Smolensk father Nicephorus was in the hottest places. He confessed and communion to the wounded, spiritually taught and supported the fighting.
In employment, the French city, the father Nicephorus not only sent the service in the Assumption Cathedral, and was the curator of the Russian holy. At the request Murzakevicha before Murat in the doorway of the cathedral was placed guard. By this order all the stay of the French in Smolensk Cathedral at the time was. From the ruin of his father Nikifor were also rescued and Odigitrievskaya Trinity Church, the cathedral sacristy, the property of the archbishop's house. Father Nicephorus confessed to rastrelom PI. Engelhard.
Allied troops had behaved violently in Smolensk and even cruel. Amid, . where looting and pillaging reached the limit, . Murzakevich displayed enviable courage and fortitude, . this unanimously confirmed by many witnesses, . but at the meeting Murzakevicha with Napoleon at Smolensk the views of contemporaries divided,
. Even there arose the "Case of Priest Murzakeviche and Sokolow and Fr Polycarp Zverevo". October 28, when Murzakevich went to the patient, he met an icy mountain climbs French general (Murzakevich never saw Napoleon and, naturally, did not know who it is). The priest lost his head, took off his hat and gave communion bread. This chance meeting was to Murzakevicha terrible consequences - they accused him of violating debt loyal oath and banned from serving. Only July 24, 1814, Mr.. The Holy Synod, was thoroughly dismantled in Murzakevicha, issued a decree appointing him minister Odigitrievskoy church.
When you visit Smolensk, Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich, 18 May 1816, Mr.. Murzakevich was presented to him at the royal bastion and won appreciation for his historical works and the story of the battle of August 4, 1812
. In addition to performing their direct duties and historical works, the father Nicephorus with no less dedication to execute public works in urban and diocesan institutions
. Thus, in 1819, Mr.. commissioned by the bishops, gathered in the city and the province of 32287 rubles in favor of the poor seminarians. Part of his library his father Nicephorus was still alive handed in Smolensk Cadet Corps, . to 200 volumes donated to the seminary, . the same testament 100 volumes have been transferred to the school for the children of clerical, . poor seminarians bequeathed 50 rubles.,
. Nicephorus Murzakevich priest buried in the churchyard trench Savior Church
. His tomb preserved to this day.

Lit.: Grachev VI. Smolensk and its province in 1812. - Smolensk, 1912; Murzakevich I.N. Biography (History) H.A. Murzakevicha, author of "History of Smolensk" / / Smolensk old. Tech. 2. - Smolensk, 1912; Orlovsky I.I. NA Murzakevich / Murzakevich H.A. History .- Smolensk Smolensk, 1903; Budaev DI. Historians Smolensk XVIII - beginning of XX centuries. - Smolensk, 1993.

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MURZAKEVICH Nicephorus Adrianovich, photo, biography
MURZAKEVICH Nicephorus Adrianovich, photo, biography MURZAKEVICH Nicephorus Adrianovich  clergyman, author of the printed work 'History of the provincial city of Smolensk', photo, biography
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