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Arkady Zvezdina

( Singer)

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Biography Arkady Zvezdina
From the biography of his hero, you must tell the reader offers a detailed biography of him: who were the grandparents, father and mother, brothers and sisters. It is well to remember his childhood, adolescence. Who was friends, as was in school the next idol? Two or three strokes of the time and place where he lived. Description of life, small details, scenes, actions would make the reader a better idea, more complete portrait. Gather the necessary materials are not so difficult if we are talking about a famous writer, athlete or actor - all of them 'everywhere obekranen and povseserdno approved'. Enough to look in the encyclopedia or a handbook, a binder leaf through newspapers or magazines, in the end, go to the archive - and the necessary data will form in front of you at the table. And if a man no one has ever written, . It did not take off on film, . not shown on TV? Then what? If the only sources of information about his life and work are the only tapes, . What then remains? Remains to human memory, . which, . unfortunately, . has one negative feature - fade with the years, . fade,
. Especially in regard to the names and dates.

Assuming to know the biography Arcadia North, I encountered some difficulties. The people had to meet, often give conflicting information to confuse the date, place, and sometimes (and I felt it!) Something unsaid, or simply left on the answer, or the saying 'about the dead or
. well, or nothing ', or fear of harm to its reputation
. And yet something managed to find out ...

Life Arcadia North can be divided into two parts, one was Arkady Dmitrievich Zvezdina, in another - Arkasha North. One had been his childhood, school, institution, work, family. In another - vodka, vagrancy, disease, poverty and ... glory. One - a large and prosperous - instead of a three-fourths of life, almost thirty years. Another was a little girl ...

Born Arkady Dmitrievich Zvezdin March 12, 1939 in Ivanovo. His father, Dmitri Ivanovich, was a big boss at the Ivanovo railroad. Mother, Galina Davydovna-physician-radiologist. The family was large, friendly - five children. Sister Ludmila and brothers Valentin, Leo, Michael and medium - Arkasha.Uchilsya Arkasha good behavior was exemplary, always had a neatness and honesty. A musical, soon learned to play seven-string guitar, or rather, some simple techniques mastered accompaniment. Since
had a phenomenal memory, that he knew and played a lot of different songs. Naturally, any selection he did, he sang all that soul like: and songs by Soviet composers, and popular hits of the time overseas, and songs of unknown ochiniteley who walked among adolescents. One sister, Ludmila gave him a handwritten songbook - a thick overall notebook, spotted a neat close handwriting and illustrated with homemade pictures. This songbook, a number of poems Esenina and Rubtsov, there were many
thieves texts. Arkady had learned of their sister sang melodies and showed how these songs have to be observed - with what tone, and in what manner. Perhaps she, as the elder, had heard these songs in 'professional' version of.

Arkady was often in young companies with his inseparable guitar. Friends asked him to sing, and he never refused, always sung with great pleasure. High official position in his father provided a social environment - it was, they say, of 'golden youth'. It is difficult to say how it differed from the rest of the Ivanovo youth, most likely, income, which were not weavers, in a large
number of inhabited this glorious town.

Leaving school in 1957, Arkady went to Leningrad and entered the Forestry Academy named after SM. Kirov at the economic planning department. Here, I allow myself a little lyrical otstuplenie.Vremya Khrushchev's rule (the second half of the 50's and early 60's), we habitually refer to the word 'thaw'. In nature, the thaw - when it suddenly warms winter sun. Begins to melt the snow will flow from the roof, the birds sing. It seems winter is coming to an end, spring will come soon. At the heart light and happy. In politics, the Soviet state the word 'thaw' mean number of positive changes in society. After the harsh Stalinist 'freezing', where almost a third of the country sitting in the camps, from the rostrum of the Party Congress, the voice of reason: let us live the new! No camps, no denunciation, no night 'Marusyas'. Beria - clearly, the enemy! Stalin - alas, with every leader happens - was wrong, overdid things, encouraged the cult of his ichnosti.
In short, enough! Turn toward the person. Let us show the world that we - not the evil empire. We are human beings and not only in the movies are able to 'sing and laugh like children'. Where is our cultural intelligentsia? The challenge is clear? Forward! 1957. World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. People napriglashali - blacks, Chinese-Uruguayans different - the sea! While the entry of ordinary Soviet citizens in the capital of the country at the time of festivals is strictly limited. And homeless element, as well as all sorts of 'rogue states, parasites,
prostitute ', sent a 101-km. Communication, exchange of souvenirs with the participants of the festival is strictly prohibited. Invite to my visit of a representative of a capitalist country - God forbid! Implications - expulsion from the Komsomol, or worse, from the party, dismissal from work or even ... And yet people were talking. Festival visitors noisy companies, . Taking the gesture of the Soviet government at face value, . roamed the streets of Moscow and Leningrad, . singing in an incomprehensible language, . wore exotic costumes, . as Soviet citizens were staring at them as strange animals, . are released from the zoo pogulyat.Malchishki share with visitors badges, . older boys - plates, . girl smiled a dark, Cubans and black, . coal, . Congolese,
. However, not only smiled - a year in maternity hospitals began to appear
colorful kids. Then they call 'festivals and children'.
Young people with her characteristic levity began to gather in apartments, cafes, clubs.

Sounded jazz. They went out into the street, young poets - were publicly read poems. Modestly dressed guys with guitars singing about the fog, about the taiga, and about as well sit around the campfire and sleep in a tent, to the same 'voluntarily' and 'will not drive the convoy'.
. Launched into space the first Soviet satellite, and then flew to the same dogs - Belka and Strelka.Poplyl by the northern route, crumbling nose polar ice, the first nuclear-powered icebreaker 'Lenin'
. Physicists split the atom and write poems about the hypotenuse, lyric composing songs about the Atlanteans and parallel to defend the dissertation on quantum mechanics. The Polytechnic sings Bulat Okudzhava: 'Let's Join Hands, friends ...' 'New World' publish Solzhenitsyn - "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich '. Khrushchev pounding his shoe on the UN podium. Since childhood naivete and youthful fervor and artistic intelligentsia rushes to master the eternal themes. A man with his problems and thoughts in the first place. All are urgently searching for the truth - what is the meaning of life? Is it possible to love a woman more than home? April 12, 1961. Our man in space! Yuri Gagarin! Cheers! This popular jubilation country has known from
Victory Day. It can also, we can! The party said: Overtaking America! I passed! Of course, they have in Arkansas corn growing, and we have not taken the Smolensk. But we beat them science. Tomorrow on Mars 'will be apple blossom'. In Leningrad, enthusiasts founded the club song in honor of the first spacecraft called 'East'. Okudzhava sings, Kukin sings, even Vysotsky and he sang well, and yet, of course, many. All tape-recorded - not secretly, for the Big House, and free - for personal use.
Appeared in the sale of the first tape. Our. Domestic. 'Yauza'. Write down what you want. No one takes.

And then started the tape recorder boom. They wrote it all: foreign pop, jazz, big-bit, bards, performance poets, pop singers, theatrical productions, home reading - everything! That company tape. In 'record collection' from the owner of three or four films (film - deficit: recorded would have been more, but no way!). Listened popular music. They listened as the daughter of the pope on his birthday wishes, even Teschin voice heard. What's next?
- Let us save Kolya - offers master - Kohl guitar playing ... Kohl, of course, played and sang, but ... This is not what I would like to put more time and esche.Delovye people in Moscow and Leningrad quickly realized that in the infinite love of the Soviet rights to the song you can make good money. The country has a total deficit and the Marxist-Leninist ideology, where even a blockbuster and beloved by all, but unauthorized actor authorities can not issue the plate, this gap must be filled tapes. So, start working the laws of the market: you need a song - pay the money. Looking for quality writing in short supply - pay big money. Live recording of Vladimir Vysotsky, made on proprietary hardware, then the cost to 'jolt' 50-70 rubles. Pay such money could by no means all, and only wealthy people, because a simple engineer or a doctor earned an average of 100 - 110 rubles! As a result, engineers and doctors going to the record 'is not the first freshness' - write-once copied large quantities. But love for bards was enormous. Recorded one and all, sometimes not even knowing who sings. The box is written: 'In. Vysotsky ', and then someone singing' along the tracks, brother, the sleepers, brother, the sleepers ...', well, then, is Vysotskiy.Akkompanement uncomplicated - a seven-stringed guitar. And his voice hoarse.

Meanwhile, the ideologues, led by Comrade Suslov, realized that beyond this can not. Do not build a bright future on the land, if there any voiceless 'bards' sung to a guitar, abstractionists - 'pidarasy' (aptly NS. Khrushchev) is not collective farm with a sickle, and doodle on the canvas is painted, the writers write about the camp. And then the Communists decided to put the order seriously, as they say - to tighten gayki.Nachali with, invited to the Kremlin creative youth. They could, of course, and without ceremony to do - to entrust the education authorities. Those vast experience in teaching! But Nikita poliberalnichal: world public may misunderstand. Decided to just publicly flogged. Many people got: Yevgeny Yevtushenko for the 'Babi Yar', Ernst Unknown for 'nauseating concoction', Marlen Hutsiev for 'I Am Twenty', Andrei Voznesensky general agent of the CIA called the ... And it was the spring of 1963.

Meanwhile, Arkady studied at the Academy, capturing a future profession, which, quite frankly, did not answer his creative nature. Outside, a large and beautiful city seethed. Living in a student hostel with its freestyle life of purity of purpose. Concerts, exhibitions, poetry evenings, new friends, gay student feast, which certainly sounded songs - all this was much more interesting lectures on dialectical materialism and political economy. There were 'tails', 'very bad', re-examination. But none of the creative activity, whether K.V.N. or concert of student initiative, Arkady did not miss. Everywhere he appeared inseparable from the guitar, sang songs anywhere, everywhere was 'his in the board'. Got carried away by jazz, singing in high school orchestra in English, in imitation of the great Armstrong. Noun had been abolished, although he did not know English, studied German at school. But the memory of a brilliant grasp of films incomprehensible English brakadabru and accurately reproduced in the performance of its. A natural rasp in his voice gave a special sharm.No more student enthusiasm for jazz orchestra and did not go.

By 1963, includes the first recordings Arcadia North. At some companies, he sang a guitar dozen songs - 35-40 minutes of playing time: 'The daughter of a fisherman', 'Carnival', 'Girl in blue', 'History Kahovsky Rabbi', 'Tonya', 'From the Courtroom' and other. Arcadia wrote down the man who later would play in his life a crucial role. Meanwhile ..

. Meanwhile, teachers academy, . When reporting Arcadia for poor attendance and school, . sarcastically called him 'artist' and advised: 'Since you already, . Zvezdin, . so love to sing, . then go to vaudeville School, . Do not take someone else's place! " The looming expulsion,
. Had to take akademotpusk. In general, with their grief in half Arcadia managed to finish academy. But the distribution of his for some reason not sent to the practice in the expanse of the Siberian taiga, it remains in Leningrad, and, as a young professional who started his career in 'Soyuzeksportlese' in 1965. They determined it to serve at the customs - to meet the barge with the forest. Workplace in the office: telephones, instruments, certificates, travel sheets, such a cargo ship arrived, so something left, to unload, this load - the normal civil service jobs. Work yourself and wait for promotions, stand in line for an apartment, buy sets in the cafeteria, receive bonuses and wash transactions entered into by the authorities with partners. But Arkady like pet.Hotelos have fans like success, or even, than the devil was not joking, glory!
. And once summer of 1967 fate brought him with Rudolf Fuchs.
. Arkady North

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Arkady Zvezdina, photo, biography Arkady Zvezdina  Singer, photo, biography
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