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AVRORSKY Nikolai Ivanovich

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for AVRORSKY Nikolai Ivanovich
Biography AVRORSKY Nikolai Ivanovich
(15. 12. 1912)

H ikolay I. Avrorsky, captain, commander of 3rd Battalion, 479 Infantry Regiment 149 th Infantry Division, was born December 15, 1912 in g. Saratov in a working class family. Russian. Before the war he graduated from school, trade schools and evening high school, worked as a lathe for metal on one of the Saratov factory. In 1934-1936 he served in the Soviet Army. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he graduated from the short-term courses of political personnel, in 1943 - course "Shot".

. From January 1942 until the victory over Germany fought on the Western, Bryansk, Central and 1 st Ukrainian front, occupying the post of Commissioner and commander of the Rifle Battalion
. Participated in the defense Belova, Tula, liberation of Ukraine and Poland. Badly wounded July 16, 1942 west Yelets and 2 August 1944 on the Vistula under Sandomierz. For military distinction and impeccable service in the Soviet Army awarded two Orders of Red Star (1942, . 1954), . medals "For Military Merit" (1950), . "For the victory over Germany in World War II 1941 - 1945 gg.", . "For perfect service" 1-th degree, and three commemorative medals.,

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Nikolai Ivanovich Avrorskomu awarded on Sept. 23, 1944 for valor and courage, . displayed in the battles as they crossed the River Vistula and the seizure of bridgeheads on its western bank.,

. Fter the war H
. I. Avrorsky continued to serve in the ranks of the Soviet Army. In 1960 a retired colonel in the reserve, and stayed to live and work in g. Volgograd.

B atalonu under the command of Captain Avrorskogo was ordered to cross the Vistula, a foothold and hold it until the main forces of division. Acting in the vanguard of a battalion in the evening July 31, 1944 went to the river near the village of Dembno. Opponent illuminated water plyos missiles, its artillery from time to time short raids on the most likely places where our troops on the eastern bank of the Vistula.

. By order Avrorskogo unit commanders organized the collection and production, ferrying funds
. From the Nazis destroyed the barns were built rafts. Living in the Polish village Annopol provided the Avrorskogo their fishing boats. At midnight, the battalion began the crossing.

The Germans found a "flotilla" Avrorskogo, when it reached the middle of the river. They opened fire coastal pillboxes, artillery and mortars of the enemy. Everywhere whistling bullets, bursting shells and mines. One of the boats overturned the blast, and the men swam, clinging to a log of previously broken mine raft. Fire is widening, and it seemed no one could reach the shore. But soon the first boats reached the sandbar, and the men attacked the Nazis on the run, knocking them out of the trenches fire and hand grenades. In a night battle battalion Avrorskogo managed to capture the coastal height play an important role in the defense of the enemy.

At dawn, after a heavy artillery fire raid took counter-Nazis. Simultaneously fascist bombers struck on the right bank, where the ferry had gathered in anticipation of the battalion assigned to artillery units. For the first counter-attack followed by five more, but they were unsuccessful for the enemy. Avrorsky not retreat a single step.

On the morning of Aug. 2, under cover of thick fog fascists again rushed to the attack. In some places they succeeded in penetrating into battle formations Battalion. In many parts of the battle was hand to hand. Avrorsky lay down behind a machine gun and began shooting at close range were arrayed Nazis. At this time he felt a searing kick in the leg, but despite the injury, continued to fire until the attack until the Nazis were not defeated.

. During the second day of battle the battalion not only repulsed counterattacks, . he has expanded the bridgehead to three kilometers wide and up to six kilometers in depth, . destroying more than a hundred fascists and seized as trophies, six machine guns and eighteen machines.,


. ---
. Sources:
. 1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary
. V.1. M.: Voeniz.1987.
2) Rumyantsev.N.M. People legendary heroism ". Saratov. 1968

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AVRORSKY Nikolai Ivanovich, photo, biography AVRORSKY Nikolai Ivanovich  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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