(17. 7. 1913 - 13. 8. 1941)
B ityutsky Petr Semenovich military commissar Squadron 66-Attack Air Regiment (15 th Composite Air Division, South-Western Front), political instructor. Born July 17, 1913 in the village of Pokrovka now Leninsky district of the Volgograd region in a peasant family. Russian. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1938. He graduated from junior high school. Worked as assistant warden pioneer camps. Then completed the courses propagandists, was on the Komsomol in Astrakhan. In the Red Army from September 1934. In 1937 he graduated from the 7 th Stalingrad Military Aviation Pilot School.
Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War on the front. The political leader Bityutskii P.S. committed more than 50 combat sorties, shot down in aerial combat 4 planes of the enemy.
August 13, 1941 near Kiev flew headed managers I-15bis to escort bombers. When approaching the goal of the enemy several times attempted to attack the bombers, but the link Bityutskov reflect these attacks. As a result, the job was done: a column of enemy tanks had suffered bomb. During the battle, covering the bombers Bityutskii joined the battle with the three fighters Me-109. One of them was shot down by machine-gun fire, the second in rammed head-on attack, but when he was killed.
. W tion of Hero of the Soviet Union Pyotr Semenovich Bityutskov posthumously Nov. 5, 1942.
. He was awarded the Order of Lenin
. His name is a street in the town of Leninsk Volgograd region.
Biography provided by AE Melnikov
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. Sources:
1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.1. M.: Voeniz.1987.
2) Heroes-Rotor. - Volgograd: Lower Volga. kn. ed., 1967
3) Heroes liberators Cherkasy. - Dnepro
petrovsk: Promin, 1980
4) On the brink of possible. - 2 ed., Corr. and additional. - M.: "Limb", 1993.
5) Shumikhin VS, Borisov NV podvig.Geroizm immortal warriors during VOV.-M.: N.1985