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Bogomolov Nikolay Timofeevich

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for Bogomolov Nikolay Timofeevich
Biography Bogomolov Nikolay Timofeevich
(10. 8. 1923 - 27. 9. 1981)

H ikolay Timofeyevich Bogomolov, sergeant, machine-gun crew commander, 142 th Infantry Regiment (5 th Infantry Division, 3rd Army, 1 st Belorussian Front), was born August 10, 1923 in a. Olenevka Rtischevskogo district of Saratov region. Russian. After graduating from junior high school he worked on the farm tractor brigade accountant and head of the hut reading room. In February 1942, drafted into the Soviet Army.

From June 1942 until the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War, fought at Stalingrad, Bryansk, 1 and 2 of the First Byelorussian Front. Three times, critically wounded. Participated in the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, the liberation of Belarus and Poland. For military distinctions awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1 st degree (1945), Red Star (1943), Glory 3rd degree (19.44), with medals "For Courage" (1943), "For the defense of Stalingrad" and others.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Nikolai Timofeevich Bogomolov awarded March 24, 1945 for courage and valor, ,

. Fter the end of the Great Patriotic War, h
. T. Bogomolov returned to his native village. He worked on the farm "Dawn", then chairman of the executive committee of the village council Seversky. Died Sept. 27, 1981. Buried in the village Severka Rtischevskogo area.

June 24, 1944, Soviet troops began an offensive to defeat the fascist German Army Group Center and the liberation of Belarus. The regiment, which served Bogomolov, in this day crossed Drut in the region Rogachev and won a small bridgehead on the river ambush. Attempts to defeat the enemy and to expand the bridgehead failed. Relying on the powerful strengthening and beneficial to the defense area, the Germans offered stubborn resistance. Pulling up the reserves, they rained down blows on his not had time yet to consolidate our units.

Bogomolov raised his gun in battle formations of one of the rifle companies, took the position on the most probable direction of enemy attack. The day of battle the Nazis launched here on 12 counter. Bogomolov each time the Nazis come near to 80-100 meters, and opened a devastating fire. The Germans have repeatedly tried to destroy the machine-gun and mortar and artillery fire. Artillery and mortar shells were exploding nearby, covered with clods of earth calculations, over the heads of brave soldiers whistling bullets and shrapnel, but they were invulnerable, and as soon as the Germans have made a counterattack, the enemy gunners plunged the rain of lead. The day of battle Bogomolov destroyed more than 80 Nazi soldiers and officers.

The night of 25 June was disturbing. Enemy rockets lit up the area, conducted indiscriminate fire from machine guns and automatic rifles in the direction of our troops. Enemy artillery shelled short raids crossing, command posts, communications centers and the likely areas of concentration of troops.

At dawn, after artillery preparation our troops resumed the offensive. However, the first attack failed. Planting fresh forces, the Nazis inflicted severe blows, trying to regain lost ground and dumped into the river, our unit. At this time the enemy brought the battle tanks and self-propelled guns with a large commando submachine. Soviet soldiers were the death, but the Germans still managed to crush the battle formations right flank company and break into the battalion command post. The Nazis tried to seize the prisoner and the command of a battalion headquarters. To carry out this intention they had failed. Noticing the danger to staff, senior sergeant Bogomolov raised their gun on the flank of the advancing enemy, and suddenly opened fire. The Germans retreated in panic, leaving the battlefield for more than 50 of its soldiers and officers.

. Repulsed a counterattack, our troops broke through enemy defenses and rushed to Bobruisk, in the area which was then surrounded and destroyed a large enemy force

1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.1. M.: Voeniz.1987.
2) Rumyantsev.N.M. People legendary heroism ". Saratov. 1968

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Bogomolov Nikolay Timofeevich, photo, biography
Bogomolov Nikolay Timofeevich, photo, biography Bogomolov Nikolay Timofeevich  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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