Diogenes Laertius (Diogenes Laertios)( Greek historian of philosophy)
Comments for Diogenes Laertius (Diogenes Laertios)
Biography Diogenes Laertius (Diogenes Laertios)
Diogenes Laertius; Diogenes Laertios, Latin. Diogenes Laertius, III / IV century. n. e., the Greek historian of philosophy. About life D.L. we know little. Lost work D.L. Pammetros, small fragments of which remain largely his work, life and views of famous philosophers (Filisofon bion kai dogmaton synagoge) in 10 books. D.L. Body work begins from the ancient times: the book. 1 is dedicated to the seven sages, the book. 2 - Anaximander, Anaxagoras, Socrates and the younger sokratistam, in the book. 3 by Plato presents, in the fourth - his disciples, in the fifth - says Aristotle and his audience, in the book. 6 - Antisthenes and the Cynic on School, . seventh book is old I stand, . hence, . Zeno Kifeonskogo, . Cleanthes, . Chrysippus, . in the eighth, he deals with Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, . in the ninth, we read of Heraclitus, . Eleatic school, . early atomism, . Protagoras, . Pirrone of Elis and Timon Fliyskom, . 10 books devoted to Epicurus and Epicurean, . As a writer D.L. is primarily a follower of language schools of philosophy, which it administers, and subordinates his own style of information problems, so it is difficult to talk about the manifestations of his literary personality.
As a historian of philosophy, he seems mostly a collector and compiler, so that along with the very important information, often present only in him, in his work we find a lot of jokes, inaccurate data, legends. The value is all the work is invaluable, because it represents one of the main sources for the history of ancient philosophy. Absolute ignorance of our personality of the author himself makes it impossible to establish the sources from which he draws the material for his work, but D.L. impossible to deny the diligence and passion of philosophical reading and philosophical identity (cm. Doksografy).