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HAI Petronius (Petronius, Gaius)

( Roman writer and poet)

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Biography HAI Petronius (Petronius, Gaius)
Petronius, Gaius; Petronius, Gaius, nicknamed "The arbitrator, the mind. in 66, a Roman writer and poet. P. Life, his character, and death on the orders of Nero, Tacitus describes in the annals. Well educated, . He knew how to enjoy life and was in Rome, an authority on good taste (that's why they called him the arbiter - arbiter elegantiarum - hence his nickname), . but it is also well performed his duties consul (62), and the proconsul in Bithynia,
. As an expert in court etiquette and relationships gained the sympathy and confidence of Nero in the most intimate affairs. Accused of involvement in the conspiracy Piso was forced to commit suicide. As evidenced by Tacitus, he received death through opening of the veins as easily as perceived life. Before his death, Nero sent a letter containing a list of shameful acts of the Emperor.

Saved as P. product Satyricon (Satyricon libri; fr.), some scholars were inclined to ascribe to the author, . who lived under Augustus or Tiberius, . based on some guidelines for the duration of, . but, . apparently, . it was written by Guy, known as Petronius Arbiter,
. This essay to the XVII century. was known only in isolated passages in the XV and XVI books, only in 1650, Mr.. in the grass in Dalmatia found the manuscript in the XV., which was unknown until that time a large fragment, called the Feast Trimalhiona (Cena Trymalchionis). In terms of form Satyricon can be considered Menippean satire, that is, a work written in prose with poetic insertions, always beautiful. This is the first and only of its kind, a Roman epic that is different in nature from the known to us from Greek literature love story, albeit in the product P. a pair of lovers. Is a young and lovely boy Enkolpy Guyton (because of the Satyricon considered a parody of the novel), . which separates and pushes towards new adventures offended Enkolpiem idol Priapus, . just, . adventures of Odysseus as the culprit was angry Poseidon,

Enkolpy, the main character and narrator, with Guyton and Astsiltom, too in love with Guyton, lead troubled lives, wandering from place to place, getting involved in adventures and scenes of jealousy, does not hesitate to theft and corruption. One day they are invited to a feast to Trimalhionu, they are there, along with rhetor Agamemnon, whom Enkolpy enter into a dispute about the causes of the decline of eloquence. Trimalhion owner of the house, and the upstart freedman, invited as many guests from the circle, which he tried to impress with luxury and learning. The heroes of the narrative escape from the feast, and with the poet Evmolpiass go on a voyage. P. put into the mouth Evmolpiass two poems: the Civil War and the capture of Troy. Both contain hidden allusions. First parodied Pharsalus Lucan, the second hint at the poetic ambitions of the emperor Nero. Satyricon, as Greek novels, included many episodes and digressions, to which belongs, for example, is a famous story about the widow of Ephesus, recognized mileziyskoy novel (cm. Mileziyskie story), or the story of the revolving. In the works of, as usual in the novel, the action shifts from place to place quickly, the characters experience their adventures in different conditions: on land, at sea, we see them in Campania, in Croton and Massilia, probably at Cumae.

Based on the adventure plot P. painted image of the Roman world. With genuine realism and delicate irony, he paints a picture of manners and demoralized society characteristic of the times of Nero types. He denounces the moral depravity, the disempowerment of women, mocks pretentiousness speech. In the image Trimalhiona, who himself characterizes his every word and action, P. with sarcastic humor, presented common type of upstarts. The high skill of the writers said his manner of presentation of various events and images of heroes and a very rich language: we find here as correct spoken language of the educated classes, . example, . the discussion Enkolpiya and Agamemnon, . and the language of peace Trimalhiona, . born in a small provincial town in southern Italy, . perhaps, . at Cumae,
. This so-called Vulgar Latin, vulgar, with jargon and freedmen greekism. Thus, the language is also a way Satyricon era.

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HAI Petronius (Petronius, Gaius), photo, biography
HAI Petronius (Petronius, Gaius), photo, biography HAI Petronius (Petronius, Gaius)  Roman writer and poet, photo, biography
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