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KERSNOVSKY Anton Antonovich

( Scientific)

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Biography KERSNOVSKY Anton Antonovich
Born June 23, 1907, Mr.. a family estate Tsepilovo village, near the town of Soroca in Bessarabia.

Father Anton Antonovich, a lawyer-criminologist, an investigator Odessa Trial Chamber. Mother Alexandra Alekseevna, teacher of foreign languages.

In my school years, showing family love for literature and language to. become more and more to get involved in military affairs. It is quite obvious that he would go in the footsteps of his grandfather, Colonel-surveyor K. Anton Antonovich, but the terrible course of historical events ahead of time is rapidly maturing young follower of Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Skobelev.

In Odessa, where in time of peace to family. Moravlievskoy lived on the streets during the revolution and Civil War, the power changes, the most conservative estimates, 14 times. It is clear that follow in this crucible of fiery dash private, and not the usual fate is practically impossible. We only know that K. was, in the end, in the Volunteer Army and fought bravely in its ranks "kegs" (so-called Whites heat schoolboys young warrior).

In 1920, together with the remnants of the White Army, K. He emigrated to Serbia, and afterwards returned to his native Tsepilovo, which became part of the Kingdom of Romania, from where and went to Austria to continue their education. His biography in the years devoid of any detail and sealed in a purely telegraphic style.

In Vienna K. graduated from the Consular Academy. Moved to France. In Dijon, he studied at the University. At Saint-Cyr-time course at the famous military school
In the second half of the 20-ies. K. finally settled in Paris. It certainly expecting a loud future, . but all his excellent qualities: a winning appearance with elegant manners, . brilliant intellect with vast knowledge in the field of diplomacy, . stories, . languages, etc., . enviable meeting and dating relationships with prestigious, . To,
. sacrificed his beloved Russia and its long-suffering army.

As a kind of original and nugget K. surprised everyone with an exceptional capacity for work and fierce dedication. Decent life, and let's not easy (had to give lessons, . distribute mail, . perform small orders, etc.), . and he still was spending long hours at work in the Paris archives and libraries and, . returning to his desk, . went again to seek, . allocate, . systematize,
. The first article to
. "On the American artillery" appeared March 20, 1927, Mr.. in the Belgrade weekly "Russian Military Gazette (from 1928. "Royal Gazette). Home has been taken so that in the same year, General B. Hera noticed at GK: "It is absolutely free could be a professor of the Military Academy".

The publisher of the newspaper referred to N. Rklitsky (the future Archbishop of Washington and Florida Nikon) praised the talent of twenty of the author and gave him an unlimited opportunity to speak at their printed pages. As a result, until 1940. K. published here for over 500 (!) of various materials.

First K. wrote, . mostly, . the history and present state of the armed forces of the States: "Germany Mounted Division Wartime, . "The essence of the French military reform", . "The armored forces of the Red Army", . "Weapons of Italy, . "The Japanese army" Another series of articles developed Russian perspective: "missed opportunity", . "The second civil war", . "Militarization of the country", . "Our future small army", . "Our future officer corps" and, . Finally, . To,
. paid attention to internal and international situation of, . particularly in Germany, the 30-ies, a series of articles he did not simply predicted a return of the war and Hitler's rise to power, . but also made a stern warning: "For us, . Russian, . important not to forget, . that the resurrection of Germanic army rise from oblivion by our recent sworn enemy. ",

. Since the end of 1932
. in Tsarskoe Gazette was published in an abridged version of "Philosophy of War" By. (book with additions was published in 1939). And since 1933,. by 1938. out in Belgrade, his main work "History of the Russian Army" in 4 volumes (reissued, in particular, ed-tion "Voice" in 1992-1994.). As for other books K., . a two-volume "Military" and remained in manuscript, . and the "Russian Strategy in the samples", . "The collapse of Germany's military doctrine in 1914", . "Synthetic sketch of modern companies and a number of other works we know only by indirect and fragmentary references,

. Phenomenon K
. striking contemporaries, above all, a striking discrepancy between the age of civilized man and his professional military training. Even believe that this is the place to be a hoax or something like that, until the collective nickname. However, the mystery of this phenomenon radically and in a way allowed the same in Germany, when, after Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, were willing to translate articles to. and with respect to call it russischer General Kersnovski. German military and never dreamed that someone below the rank of the person could argue on the journal pages of "the creator of the Reichswehr" von Zeekt

Jubilee Number "Imperial Gazette editors and readers to devote to. More than 100 Russian officers, members of the world and civil wars, welcomed him in his address "as a highly gifted military and literary worker". "Your articles, policy briefs, write more of them, we always read with great interest and always mentally thank you for your hard work. Especially valuable because you combined a comprehensive education, youth, deep patriotism, and true understanding of our own Army ".

Shortly before Germany's attack on France to. called into the French army and sent
the front. "It is sad and unfair," he wrote from there mother in February 1940, to die on foreign soil and in a strange land, when I wanted to be useful to their own country ".
Soon word came of the death of K. under Demmartenom. And although it proved to be wrong, but closer to death, because serious injury and a poor life demobilization completely exacerbated chronic (since the Civil War) tuberculosis.

Mother and sister to. Yefrosinya (head of the family died in 1936) remained in the territory of Bessarabia, attached in 1940. the USSR, and from them, repressed, there was no news. Literally all of K. in recent years and the days became his favorite wife Galina (born Ryshkov), sister of the famous pre-war among the Russian emigration, military writer E. Tarusa.

Small family to. long lived "on a bird's attic, the attic room, and having seen the tragic end of the spouses; Galina is not transferred to the death. and jumped out the window onto the sidewalk as soon as she realized that it no longer exists.
Died June 24, 1944, Mr.. Paris.

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