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IVANOV Gabriel Afanasievich

( Scientific)

Comments for IVANOV Gabriel Afanasievich
Biography IVANOV Gabriel Afanasievich
(11.VII.1828 - 21.I.1901)
Rector: 1887 g. - 1891.

Born in County Zhizdrinskom Kaluga province in the family chief officer. Secondary education in the 1-st Moscow school, which he entered in 1839, Mr.. After its completion in 1846, Mr.. became a student of the Philosophy Faculty of Moscow State University. Here he specialized in the study of ancient languages (primarily Latin). Among his direct teachers Ivanov called professors SD Shestakova, P. M. Leontiev, AI Menschikova and K. Hoffmann.

After graduating in 1850, Mr.. course at Moscow University with a degree candidate, began working as a teacher of Latin in various private homes, in 1853, Mr.. served in the Office of the Moscow Chief of Police. In 1855, Mr.. was appointed a senior teacher in the gymnasium at Richelieu Lyceum in Odessa, but in the end of 1856. was forced to leave the service and return to Moscow due to the sudden illness of the eye.

However, on arrival Ivanov, thanks to the efforts of his mentor Professor. P. Leontiev, was invited to Moscow University. Already in 1860. He was appointed to the post of adjunct faculty in the Roman literature, and in 1872. Moscow University brought him to a doctorate degree without defending a thesis. In May of that year, Ivanov was confirmed as the extraordinary, and in December - ordinary professor. In 1878 and 1884-1885. was secretary of History and Philology. In 1885, Mr.. became emeritus professor at Moscow University, and in the same year was confirmed as the Dean of History and Philology. In 1887, Mr.. "for the excellent order of the Minister of Education when visiting the University on Jan. 12 announced him as temporarily take the place rector, thanks".

During the principalship Ivanova University replenished with several new units. Thus, at the Medical School was opened Dept. of Psychiatry, one of the first in Russia, and subsequently in 1890. organized by the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists, in 1887, Mr.. Moscow was established midwifery society, and in 1889, Mr.. based Gynecologic Clinic on Devichye field. In October 1890. opened in the same therapeutic, surgical clinics, the clinic of nervous diseases and childhood diseases clinic. In 1891, Mr.. founded and eye clinic. Construction of new buildings was carried out with direct participation of the rector, who has served since 1887, Mr.. position of deputy chairman of the Building Commission.

In 1889, Mr.. held in St. Petersburg VIII Congress of Russian naturalists and physicians, in which participated actively professors and teachers of Moscow University. Thus, at the initiative of Prof.. DN Anuchin at the congress was organized by the Section of Geography. In the next year in Moscow, with financial and organizational support of the Moscow University was VIII Archaeological Congress, dedicated to the 25 th anniversary of the opening of the Archaeological Society. The Congress acted on the Moscow University professor F. E. Korsch, IV Tsvetayev V.F.Miller.V 1890. efforts of the university electricians were held electric lighting in the halls of the Zoological Museum at the B. Nikita Street

. After his resignation as rector of the Privy Councilor Ivanov for some time continued to work at Moscow University and in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education served as chairman of the historical-philological test commissions in Moscow, . Petersburg and Kharkov Universities,
. In addition to its substantive work at Moscow University, Ivanov much time and effort given to teaching at the Imperial Lyceum Tsarevich Nicholas, where he worked almost from its beginning in 1868. Since 1868. by 1870. He was acting director of the Lyceum to the appointment, MN Katkov. The latter, in turn, recommended Ivanov, to head the educational part of this institution, which he performed in 1878-1882gg. In 1882, Mr.. Ivanov was elected board member of the Lyceum, and in December 1892. - An honorary member of the. In his spare time Ivanov was engaged in natural sciences, astronomy. He was also a great connoisseur of music theory and a lover of church music. In November, 1900. Ivanov was elected an honorary member and approved by the Moscow University.

. Gabriel died Afanasievich Ivanov in Moscow and was buried at the cemetery Vagankovsky.
. The library scientist (editions of Greek and Roman authors, history, music, astronomy) was donated by his heirs Moscow University.

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