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ERSHOV Edward D.

( Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1968), Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1977). Professor (1982). Head of the Department of permafrost Geological Faculty (1982). De)

Comments for ERSHOV Edward D.
Biography ERSHOV Edward D.
Born November 26, 1940, Mr.. in village. mine Boras Makeyevka district of Donetsk region. He graduated from the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University (1963).

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1968), Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1977). Professor (1982). Head of the Department of permafrost Geological Faculty (1982). Dean of the Faculty of Geology (1981-1987).

Deputy. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the RAH in engineering geology, hydrogeology, and permafrost study, co-chair of the Commission on the methodological problems of engineering geology, hydrogeology, permafrost study. Member of National Committee of Russia on Soil Mechanics and Engineering Geology, a member of the Presidium of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education NMS (1983), a member of the HTS of the USSR State Construction Committee (1982). Chairman of the Scientific and Methodical Council of the Geological Faculty (1982-1987). Chairman of the specialized councils of Moscow State University (1982-1987). The chief editor of Bulletin of Moscow University. Series of Geology (1982-1988), member of the editorial boards of journals Geoecology, engineering geology, hydrogeology, Permafrost, Cold Regions. Science and Technology (The Netherlands).

Awarded the Labor Red Banner (1980), Friendship of Peoples (1986). State Prize Laureate (1993), Prize of Moscow State University. Lomonosov I degree (1986). He was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of RSFSR (1991).

Research interests: Permafrost, Engineering Geology Cryolithozone. Develops the fundamental problems of thermal physics, physical chemistry, petrography, mechanics of frozen soils, in t.ch. basis for the formation of their composition, structure and properties, as well as a wide range of issues of ecology, planetary, regional and historical Geocryology. Based on the wealth of experimental data with the molecular-kinetic and thermodynamic products are opened and examined patterns of phase transitions of water in dispersed rocks in the negative temperature. Based on a study the binding energy of soil water, . its migration in the thawed and frozen rocks, . Heat mass transfer properties of these rocks, . He formulated the principle of an integrated theory of moisture transport in freezing, . and thawing of frozen rocks,
. Developed thermal, physico-chemical and physico-mechanical basis schlieren ldovydeleniya in freezing rocks; proposed genetic classification of cryogenic structures. Using the latest achievements scanning microscopy, porosimetry and Physical Chemistry of dispersed media and methods of other sciences, carried out a study of physical and chemical processes in freezing, and thawing of frozen rocks. They obtained significant results on hydrate formation in t.ch. discovered the effect of self-preservation hydrates. Based on the knowledge of the specific thermal flow, . physico-chemical and mechanical processes, . developing in the sedimentary rock formation in the permafrost, . showed, . that the development of permafrost and cryogenic type lithogenesis on our planet is the result of natural evolution of the Earth, . from early Proterozoic, . and, . that planets cryogenic type represent the most widespread and natural characteristic of the Universe,
. Author of 4 Inventions. Topic of Ph.D. thesis: Principles and methods of managing the depth of seasonal thawing (freezing) rocks. Subject doctoral dissertation: Cryogenic texture and moisture transfer in dispersed rocks.

. For students of geology faculty and students workplaces to read the lectures General Geocryology, . Physico-chemistry and mechanics of frozen soils, . Fundamentals Geocryology, . Petrography permafrost, . Physico-chemical basis cryolithogenesis etc., . which produced 8 textbooks and teaching aids.,

. By 25 candidates and 1 Ph.D.

Has published 280 scientific papers, t.ch. 11 monographs. Under his leadership and with his participation issued on 5-volume work Geokriologiya USSR.
Major works:

- Cryogenesis (1982),
- Physico-chemistry and mechanics of frozen soils (1986),
- Petrography permafrost (co-author. ID Danilov and VG Cheverev, 1987),
- Total Geocryology (1990).

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Ershov Petr Pavlovich
Ershov Petr Pavlovich

ERSHOV Edward D., photo, biography
ERSHOV Edward D., photo, biography ERSHOV Edward D.  Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1968), Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1977). Professor (1982). Head of the Department of permafrost Geological Faculty (1982). De, photo, biography
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