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BURLYUK David Davidovich

( poet, painter)

Comments for BURLYUK David Davidovich
Biography BURLYUK David Davidovich
(1882 - 1967)

Born July 9 (21 NS) on the farm Semirotovschina Kharkov province in a Cossack family. Father, selling farm, worked as a manager in different names, so the family moved from place to place, and Burlyuk had to learn in the public schools of different cities: Sumy, Tambov, Tver.

In ten years, was fond of painting, in 1898 - 99 studied at the Kazan and Odessa Art School. In 1902 - 05 he studied painting at the Munich Royal Academy of Arts. Participated in art exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

In 1909 - 10 around Burliuk together young poets and artists who rejected the aesthetics of Symbolism. They searched for new ways of poetry and art. Later, they call themselves futurists. By this time the meeting is Burliuk with Mayakovsky (since 1910 Burliuk as Mayakovsky, studying at the Moscow Art School of Painting and Sculpture), who called him a "real teacher".

Energy Burliuk, his organizational skills and leadership helped the establishment and adoption of the new poetic school. The collection "slap in the face of Public Taste" (1912) was hailed as a manifesto, which sounded the call to abandon the classical tradition (proposed to "throw Pushkin, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy and the Ship of Modernity"). There followed a fierce attack on the collection that only increased the interest the reading public to a new school. With the participation of Burliuk fall collections "Zadok the judges" (1913), "Sickly moon. Collection of the only futuristic world, poets Gilea "," Roaring Parnassus "(1914). In Burliuk in their continued involvement took Khlebnikov, Mayakovsky, Kruchyonykh etc..

During these years Burlyuk favor with public lectures and presentations, promoting the principles of futurism in poetry and cubism in painting. In 1914 Burliuk and Mayakovsky were expelled from school for participating in public debates ".

In 1918 - 19 went to the Far East, has lectured in the cities of Siberia, and then lectured and arranged the exhibition in Harbin. Since 1920 Burliuk lived in Japan, and since 1922 - in the United States of America. He continued his painting and literature, published the magazine "The color and rhyme". In 1956 Burlyuk visited the Soviet Union. Died in USA January 15, 1967.

Used materials kn.: Russian writers and poets. Brief Biographical Dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

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BURLYUK David Davidovich (1882, Croft Semirotovschina Kharkov Province. - 1967, Long Island, United States) - poet, painter, one of the founders of Ross. Futurism. The son of an agronomist. In 1898-1910 he studied at the Kazan and Odessa Art uch-soup; studied painting in Germany and France. Returning to Russia in 1907-1908 B. made friends with the leftist artists and participated in art exhibitions. In 1911-1914 worked with D.B. Mayakovsky in Moscow. uch-School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. B. thought: "The true work of art can be compared with the battery, from which emanates the energy of electric suggestions. In every work mentioned in the theatrical act, a certain number of hours for the adulation and scrutiny of its. Many products can hold a stock esthete-energy for a long time ". Paintings and drawings B. povsemu light scattered in museums and private collections. Many of them are reproduced in his knigah.ili. Books about him. Father Russia's futurism, B. actively participated in the performances of the Futurists, as their theorist, poet, painter and critic. The intrinsic futurism outrageous and antiestetichnost out most vividly in his poetry:

. Soul - a tavern, and the sky - rags,
. Poetry - a tattered wench
. A beauty - blasphemous rubbish;
. The Stars - hearts, drunken haze ";
. "I like the pregnant man"

. etc.
. VV. Mayakovsky recalled: "My real teacher, B. made me a poet ... Daily ration was 50 kopecks. To write, free from hunger ". In the First World War B. not subject to appeal, tk. have negone was one eye. He lived in Moscow, published poetry, worked in newspapers, he painted. In 1918-1920 traveled to the Urals, Siberia, the Far East. In 1920 he emigrated to Japan, where he spent two years studying the culture of the East and engaged in painting. In 1922 he settled in the U.S.. Its collections, brochures, magazines B. published himself and his wife Maria Nikiforovna B. and through friends, these publications mainly distributed within the USSR. Of great interest are his recollections of Futurism and VV Mayakovsky.

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