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( Sculptor)

Comments for KLODION
Biography KLODION
Klodion (1738-1814). Claude Michel took the name Klodiona, as if anticipating their exclusivity in the large family of hereditary Lorraine sculptors and decorators Adam, with kokotorymi was linked through the maternal line. Klodion not as popular as his contemporaries, and Jean-B.Pigal, J., and M.-A.Gudon E.Falkone, as was not the creator of monumental works such as "Bronze Horseman" Falcone. But at the mention of the name Klodiona front of us there are images of lovely nymphs, . bold satyrs, . gracefully traveling bacchantes, . frolicking children, . Cupids, . fiddling with each other or carrying heavy bunches of grapes - the realm of carefree and happy childhood, adolescence, . realm of nature, . joy and love, . communicated through ancient myths,
. A world so convincingly and poetically recreated Klodionom that there is no doubt an exceptional role in the artistic life of France, second half of XVIII century, this chamber lyrical master, who spoke fluent plastic form.

. His favorite topic - the joy and celebration - often expressed through the rhythmic language of dance
. Sculptural group, usually composed of two or three pieces. Heroes Klodiona-fauns, almost grotesque satire, a little rough, but always elegant contrast to the plastic components of a naked nymphs and Bacchante. Covered by the element of dance, almost frenzied nymph gives a sculptor in full momentum and graceful postures. The faces are always good looking, with a small, slightly upturned nose and a soft chin, always smiling innocently and naively, with slightly parted lips - youth and childishness. Closing the circle, forming a dance, balancing on the fingers of one foot, lightweight, mobile, swaying as if ready to figures falling into a frenzied dance and hold hands interlocks only delicate balance. The feet are usually placed musical instruments: flute, zither, tambourine, filled with bunches of ripe grapes. His statuettes Klodion performs a soft, pink hue of clay, like incorporates a warm sunlight.

Klodion - one of the most attractive among the masters of French sculptors of the XVIII century. However, the circumstances of his life we know very little biography of the master is still largely one outstanding.

He was born in Nancy, and was the tenth, the last child in the family of merchant. The first lessons he received from his uncle, Lambert-Sizhisbera Adam, after his death in 1759 Klodion briefly studied at the studio of Jean-B.Pigalya, and then entered the Royal School for the privileged students. In 1762 he won first prize for sculpture, and among the best graduates was sent to Rome. Many French sculptors of the XVIII century as it passed through several stages of training. Family workshop, the royal court sculptor. Royal School or Academy. But for most of determining their future path in this system of training was Rome.

Klodion committed many days journey to Italy and before I saw Rome, visited Pisa, Florence, Siena, Perugia. Rome was for him a happy city, has determined his fate, brought him fame. After a cordial reception by him Sh-F. Natuarom, while director of the French Academy in Rome, he settled in the Palazzo Mancini. Reviews Klodione from Rome were always friendly. Despite the strict rules laid down in the Academy, the pensioners were quite free lifestyle. They are often accompanied by the noble amateur foreigners could go to another city in Italy, took part in fun and not always safe adventures. Unlike many, Klodion was absorbed lessons. In the correspondence of Directors of the Academies of Rome and Paris, he is characterized as a capable and diligent student. When in 1767 his term pensionerstva came to an end, it is easily obtained grace and remained in Rome for a few more years. At that time the city was famous for not only a collection of ancient and modern monuments, it is awash with connoisseurs and collectors. Here Klodion came into contact with the first customers and buyers of his works. Among them were La Rochefoucauld and the Russian Empress Catherine II. His friend and biographer, L.-A.Denzhe wrote: "During his stay in Rome, his work sold out even before he managed to complete. He worked for the Empress Catherine II, who tried in vain to call him to his court ". Klodion not accept the invitation of Catherine II, and Russia left-Etienne Maurice Falconet. Created Klodionom ten years stay in Rome, the work had already gone to the Italian, Russian, German, French collections, as the master's works were highly appreciated. It is possible that his first works in Rome were terracotta - fired clay statuettes, which he did alone and in large quantities. Some of them have been refining the classical statues (priestess, priestesses). He served in the terracotta vases, decorating them with reliefs on the theme bacchanalian. In the motifs, . which is drawn Klodion, . guess the long and rich tradition of antiquity and the influence of the Pompeian frescoes and gerkulanumskih, . he had seen in Italy, . and later studied continuously for playback engravings, . kept in his personal library,
. In running satires and Bacchae, there is the proximity of the French maneristicheskoy sculpture, as well as the tradition of Jean Goujon. In the subjects of their works Klodion continues the line of the Venetian masters of the XVI century A. Ricci and his immediate predecessor in France F. Duquesnoy. His work is also linked with the French rocaille XVIII century painting. Sensitivity to the demands of the times, . connected with the inner freedom of disposition, . special ease and artistry of the performance of his terracotta, . affecting the subtlety and precision finishing of parts and soft modeling, . original musical, . created him fame sculptor and decorator.,

. Klodion returned to Paris in the early 1770's, in 1773 first exhibited at the Salon his work, which brought him glory and fame
. Among them - a child with a satyr carrying an owl, - model, which has been repeated in terracotta, bronze, marble, not only by the master, but his older brother, who worked in his studio and his own manner. In 1770-1780-e - the years of creative heyday - sculptor collaborates extensively with masters-decorators, especially with the bronze. During the Revolution, moved from Paris to Nancy, Klodion performs model figurines and bas-reliefs for the porcelain factory in Nidervillere, leaving a noticeable trace in the history of ceramics. In small plastic wizard also major works: a sculpture for the cathedral in Rouen, the reliefs for the building facades, has worked in this field with the architect A. Vronyarom. He owns several tombstones, as well as a statue of Montesquieu, a series of "great men of France, which was considered by his contemporaries one of the best works in this series.

But most of the monumental plans Klodiona remained unfulfilled. Academy spared his party not awarded and not provide pensions. He was the only student J. Maren, who worked in the manner of his teacher, but in the XIX century. Klodiona customers were often his friends and the rich bourgeoisie. And no formal order is his glory, . but those are not hard to calculate terracotta, . Bronze, . marbles, . biscuits, . that there are more than two centuries and enjoy all the growing popularity, . caused a wave of copies and imitations, even in the XIX century,
. It is no accident the master, for fourteen years, surviving his life, he remained in the history of French Art XVIII century sculptor, embodied in its principles of artistic rococo, Fragonard in sculpture, "as his contemporaries called.

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KLODION, photo, biography KLODION  Sculptor, photo, biography
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