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( From the genus Peremyshl'skii and Galician prince)

Comments for Vladimirka VOLODAREVICH
Biography Vladimirka VOLODAREVICH
Of the genus Peremyshl'skii and Prince Galitsky. Son Volodar Rostislavich. Genus. app. 1095 g. Kn. Zvenigorodsky and 1124 - 1129 he. Kn. Peremyshl'skii in 1129 - 1153 he. Kn. Terebovl in 1141 - 1153 he. Kn. Galicia in 1141 - 1153 he.

Wife: Hungarian princess.

+ Feb. 1153 g.

* * *

In 1127 Vladimirka started a war against his brother, Rostislav, but had to be reconciled to the will of the Great Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich. In 1136 a Hungarian nobleman, a prince of the Polish Prince Boleslav, governor of Wiе?lica, promised to convey this rich region Vladimirka. Vladimirka without resistance captured the town and at first kept this Hungarian word: showered him with gold, kindness, honor, but immediately after that, disdaining the atrocity, ordered the blind and emasculated traitor. "Monsters do not have to have children like them", - said Vladimir prison. Capturing rich booty, he, however, was unable to retain the Wiе?lica. In 1141 after the death of Vasilkovich - their cousins - Vladimirka mastered their parishes - Terebovlia and Galich, and made the capital city of Galich. His nephew Ivan Rostislavich he had not committed anything.

In 1144 Vsevolod II of Kiev fought with Vladimir prison, almost broke it, but reconciled at the request of his brother Igor. Failure Vladimirka cheered his domestic enemies. When the winter of 1145 he went hunting, residents Galic sent to Zvenigorod for Ivan Rostislavich and introduced him to his city. Vladimir prison, hearing about it, came with a retinue of Galich, struggled with the besieged for three weeks and still could not take the city. Finally he managed to break his nephew one night when he made a sortie, and enter in Galich. Many people he ordered to kill time, and execute other malicious punishment, in the words of the chronicler.

In the wars Izyaslav Mstislavovitch Yuri Dolgoruky Vladimirka kept aside Yuri. In 1150 Izyaslav the first time he drove from Kiev, Yuri. Vladimirka went with shelves against him. Izyaslav wanted to fight the Galicians, but the people of Kiev, not even joining in the battle, fled and then took back Yuri. Vladimirka traveled all the shrines of Kiev, was in Vyshgorod the church of Boris and Gleb, and later, having parted in a friendly with George in

Pechersk monastery, went back to the Galich. Along the way he captured the city on the River Horyn employed Izyaslav, and gave them to Mstislav Yurevich.

Banished from Kiev Izyaslav Mstislavich began to prepare for war more carefully and above all, began to call the Hungarian king to go campaign against the Galician prince. The King immediately summoned all its power and mounted his horse, who sent Izyaslav say: "I have already made with your brother Vladimir, speaking and you, know who touched Vladimirka". But Vladimirka were friends in Hungary, they gave him to know that the king was come upon him, and he threw his baggage at the Belsen concentration camp, where he stood when he galloped to the retinue of Przemysl, where King began to fight. Vladimirka saw that he had not the strength to fight with the Hungarians, and began to send to the archbishop, and even to the two bishops of the Hungarian and the boyars with the request that they persuaded the king to return, did not spare the gold and achieved its goal. King listened bribed the bishops and the boyars, and began to speak: "Now is not the time to fight, the rivers freeze, so when the river installed, then go again". Hungarians left, and Vladimirka with shelves moved on Izyaslav, who just made a march on Kiev, overtook him on the case and began to attack the rear warriors. Izyaslav retreated from the river and camped. At night, he ordered his men to spread out a large fire in order to deceive the enemy, and he quietly went on his way to Kiev. Yuri Dolgoruky, flat-footed coming Izyaslav, fled from Kiev, leaving his retinue.

Learning of this, Vladimirka greatly annoyed, went back to Galich. He, . however, . something to reward yourself for a hike, and therefore declared the inhabitants of the city Michska: "Give me silver, . much like, . not what you take to the skies ", they did not have much silver, . as he requested, . because michane were forced to remove the earrings from the ears of wives and daughters, . remove a necklace from her neck, . poured it all and gave Vladimirka, . who walked away from them on and all the cities along the way and took the silver to its very limits,
. Soon he learned about the final defeat of George in the battle Ruttskoy. At the same time to Galic came the news that Mstislav II of Kiev led the Hungarians to help his father. Vladimirka waited until Mstislav stood up for the night, around midnight and attacked his camp near Dorogobuzh. Mstislav barely managed to escape in Lutsk, and Hungarians Galicians killed almost all, only a few captured.

At the end of 1152, expelling the Yuri from South Russia, Izyaslav joined with the King of Hungary Heisenberg and opposed Vladimirka. He was waiting for them on the shore Sanaa below Przemyе?l. Izyaslav ran with all his shelves wade, Hungary, . seeing, . that the Russian had already ferried, . rushed to wade, . from different sides entered the Galician shelf and put them to flight; Vladimirka, . running away from the Hungarians, . was caught by a black hood and barely had time to myself each refuge in Przemysl,
. The city would then be taken without fail, because there was nobody to defend him, but fortunately for Vladimirka out of town on the meadow was the prince's court, where a lot of good things: there plunged the whole army, and forgot about the city. Vladimirka meantime, seeing the trouble, was sent to the king to sue for peace; night sent to the old custom, to the archbishop and to the magistrates royal. Vladimirka pretended, . that severely injured, . lies at death, . and therefore ordered to tell them: "Ask me king, I severely injured, . I confess to him, . that then grieved his, . Hungarians killed, . and now again began against him, God lets sin, . even if the king will forgive me and will not give Izyaslav, . because I was very sick, and if God takes me, . then give the king my son in my arms, I have a lot to his father served as the queen with his lance, and his shelves, . for his offense and strength with the Poles fought, and let the king will remember this and forgive me ",
. Many gifts, gold, silver, vessels of gold and silver, dresses sent Vladimirka archbishop and the Hungarian nobles, to ask the king not to destroy it and did not grant the wishes of the queen, her sister Izyaslavovoy. The next day arrived with Gejza Izyaslav and told him: "Father!" I bow to you; Vladimirka sent to me, . prayed and bowed, . says, . which greatly injured and will not remain alive, what would you say to that? "Izyaslav replied:" If Vladimirka die, . it is God killed him for perjury for both of us ",
. But the king said: "I can not kill him: he prays and bows and the wine of their pardon requests, but if now, after kissing the cross, once again violate the oath, then I'll either have to Hungarian soil, or it is in the Galician". Vladimirka sent to Izyaslav asking: "Brother, I bow to you and all I confess, all my fault, but now, brother, take me to him and forgive, and the king requested that I took, and I let God be with you be ". Izyaslav by itself would not hear about the world, but one he could not resist the king and his nobles, he was reluctant to start negotiations: the king demanded Vladimirka oath in the, . that he will return all seized to Russian cities Izyaslav and will always be in alliance with the latter, . under all circumstances, . happy or unhappy,
. When the king wanted to send her to the boyars Vladimirka with a cross, which he had to kiss her, then Izyaslav said that no reason to make a cross to kiss the man who plays vows. To this the King replied: "If Vladimirka kiss the cross and break the oath, then I either his head, difficult, or eat our Galicia, but now they. I can kill him ". Izyaslav agreed and went back to Kiev, but when I was in Vladimir, he sent his Posadnik in the city, which Vladimirka promised him to return, but the mayor came back: Vladimirka not put them in any city. Vladimirka hastened to violate other conditions of the world: learning that his go-between, Yuri goes to his nephew, he also opposed Izyaslav, but returned when they gave him the news that he was going to meet him. Cope with his uncle, Izyaslav sent to Galich boyar his Borislavicha Peter, who witnessed the oath before the cross of St. Vladimirkovoy. Stefan. Peter had to say on behalf of Vladimirka Izyaslav: "You are our King Cross kissing, . that the return of Russian Cities, . and not returned, but now I just do not you recollect, but if you want to perform his kissing of the cross and be with us in the world, . then give me my town, but do not want to give, . then you have violated their oath, . and we do away with thee king, . as God gives us ",
. Vladimirka answer is ambassador: "Tell me Izyaslav this: you accidentally attacked me, he and King had brought, so if I'm alive, or his head, difficult, or avenge you for myself". "Prince!" But you kissed the cross Izyaslav - Peter said to him - that all correct and you will be with them in the union, so you broke the kissing of the cross ". Vladimirka replied: "Here's another: that to me this little cross!" "Prince!" - Retorted Kiev Boyar, . - Was telling you, . if, . kissing the cross, . you his word will not halt, . it does not stay alive, you have heard all this from the royal ambassador? "Vladimirka replied:" Yes, . remember, . fill you then have spoken, and now go away, . go back to the prince ",
. Peter, laying before him godparents letters went out, and when prepared to go, do not give him no carts, no feed, hook that he was compelled to go on their horses. Peter slid from Knyazhego yard, . and Vladimirka was at that time in the church for vespers and, . seeing, . that Peter is leaving, . mocked him: "Look at, . a Russian nobleman went, . timbers every parish! "When vespers retreated Vladimirka returning from church and came to the same place, . where he laughed at Peter, . then suddenly said: "What is, . as if someone hit me on the shoulder? ", . and could not move his feet more,
. If it had not caught him, then he would have fallen down the stairs, took it in Grigorenko, laid on the bed, in the evening he got worse, and by night he died.

All the monarchs of the world. Russia. 600 brief biographies. Konstantin Ryzhov. Moscow, 1999.

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Zvenigorod Cherven - ancient Russian town of Podolsk in the ground on the river Belka. Located to the south-east of Lviv, on the spot Dzvinigoroda. Primary Chronicle mentions it under the year 1086. Since 1125 - independent unit reign, and its first prince was Vladimirka Volodarevich, after whose death (1153), Zvenigorod attached to the specific Terebovl principality. In 1206, again became an independent possession of Prince Roman I.. In 1220, he was taken by the Kiev prince Mstislav old and presented voivod Sudislavu. In 1227 he was attacked Peremyshl'skii Prince Rostislav, but proved to be an impregnable fortress Zvenigorod. After joining Zvenigorod in the middle of XIV century in Poland, he became the capital of Podolia and individual Starosty.

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Vladimirka VOLODAREVICH, photo, biography
Vladimirka VOLODAREVICH, photo, biography Vladimirka VOLODAREVICH  From the genus Peremyshl'skii and Galician prince, photo, biography
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