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Migulin Vladimir

( Scientific-radiophysicist)

Comments for Migulin Vladimir
Biography Migulin Vladimir
Academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Prokhorov - a graduate of the Leningrad Physico-Mechanical Institute (1932), PhD (1937), PhD (1946), corresponding member of Academy of Sciences (1970), academician (1992)

. The life of Vladimir Vasilyevich - very typical of the Soviet intellectual
. The son of a mechanical engineer, he was a child interested in physics and radio technology, which is in the 20 years was on the rise and attract young. His first crystal set Volodya collected in 1924. In 1925 the family moved to Leningrad, where the young man entered the Physico-Technical Institute, at the end of which has been employed in the laboratory of Professor H. D. Papaleksi. Here he became acquainted with many famous physicists, among whom was L. I. M., who became his older friend and mentor. The laboratory in. V. Migulin investigated the problem of parametric excitation of electric oscillations and Interferometry. This direction and became its high road of science for many years. In 1935. Academy of Sciences moved from Leningrad to Moscow, and in the laboratory N. D. Papaleksi Vladimir employee becomes famous FIAN - Physics Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences. However, before the war he joined the Institute of Theoretical Geophysics, which together with the Research Institute of the Air Force deals with radar.

During the war the Institute has continued to operate under the Sverdlovsk. In 1943, Mr.. the Air Force Institute of IN. V. Migulin returns Chkalovskoye near Moscow. But its soul is drawn to physics, and after demobilization that followed on Dec. 31, 1945, he transferred to the laboratory A. I. Alikhanova work towards the creation of a new cyclotron in the project and. V. Kurchatov, which Migulin was familiar yet with the Leningrad. It was at this time in addition to radio physics, he delves deeply into the problems of nuclear physics and for many years to become chair of fluctuations in the physics department of Moscow State University.

However, in 1949 - a new twist in fate: he was appointed director of the Sukhumi Physical-Technical Institute, which employs the German and Austrian prisoners of Physics. For the first time in. V. Migulin wanted to renounce the appointment, but after a personal meeting with Beria, I realized that doing so is not. However, he retained his post of head of department at the university and once a month flown by special plane to Moscow to report to the NKVD, and to work at the Physics Department.

Thus passed a few years - and now a new assignment: in 1957,. V. V. Migulin became Deputy Director General of the IAEA in Vienna. With the diplomatic status of ambassador, he feels his responsibility, but soon realizes that the work of high-ranking officials removes it from the circle of scientists, and decides to seek his return to Moscow. Two years later he did, and again he starts to research in the physics department of Moscow State University, combining it with the service in the Third General Directorate at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, which at that time was headed by Academician A. N. Shchukin. Authority. V. Migulina as a leading Radiophysics country is no doubt, . and when the question arises about the new director of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, . Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (Troitsk), . then in the Academy of Sciences for this position put forward his candidacy, . and in 1969,
. this brilliant scientist and organizer is headed IZMIRAN - institute, which was given 20 years of life.

When it IZMIRAN has become a leading research organization in the field of radio wave propagation, and radio physics - its main focus. During these years, is recognized as a scientist in the Soviet, and in the world of science. He was elected chairman of the Council on Radio Wave Propagation of Academy of Sciences, . Vice President isru, . Chairman of the Council of the Sun - Earth ", . Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Physics and Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences,
. Under his direction, performs a wide range of research on the best way radio and microphysics, and in the 80 years he has headed research at MSU on the new quantum effects of superconductivity, in particular on the Josephson effect. In IZMIRANe on this subject to create a laboratory of quantum magnetometry, which comes from a galaxy of talented young researchers.

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Migulin Vladimir, photo, biography Migulin Vladimir  Scientific-radiophysicist, photo, biography
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