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YAMPOLSKY Vsevolod Grigorievich

( Scientific)

Comments for YAMPOLSKY Vsevolod Grigorievich
Biography YAMPOLSKY Vsevolod Grigorievich
Vsevolod G. Yampolsky - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, State Prize winner, academician of International Academy of Informatization.

Vsevolod G. Yampolsky joined the R & D in 1953. In the antenna laboratory in his invited Professor G. Z. Eisenberg, on the recommendation of a staff member of the laboratory - H. S. Belevich. She described him as a talented young mathematician and a very decent man.

. Gregory Z. wanted to have as part of laboratory professionals with the fundamental mathematical education, believing that this will increase the general theoretical level and quality of development
. Hope its true.

. Although Vsevolod Grigorievich came to the laboratory, . without expertise, . he, . thanks to his ability and university education, . a short time mastered the theory of antennas and connected to the technological developments, . which at that time were conducted in the antenna laboratory,
. Together with L. K. Olifinym Vsevolod Grigorievich participated in the creation of methods of synthesis of highly directional medium wave traveling-wave antennas "Zarya", wrote a series of articles on the analysis of incidence of electromagnetic waves on non-continuous metal surface (wire grid, . lattice, . formed by metal strips or metal disks, . and t,
. n.); created the theoretical basis for assessing the quality of reception of shortwave signals on highly directional antennas in the presence of interference, and helped many graduate students writing dissertations in the laboratory. Vsevolod Grigorievich undoubtedly contributed to raising the general mathematical culture of the laboratory staff and NIIR, delivered lectures on various branches of mathematics.

In 1955, Mr.. event occurred for many years defined the terms of scientific and technical interests Yampolsky: Head of Laboratory G. Z. Eisenberg, who was one of the authors of the new design of the relay lines (lines with passive transponders such as "obstacle"), offered Vsevolod Grigorievich lead the direction. Soon created a group of employees, the experimental plots with passive transponders; studied the conditions of propagation of signals depending on time of day, season, weather conditions and tons. n. Simultaneously with the processing and generalization of experimental data, an analysis of new devices and technical solutions, thus resulting in greater efficiency, stability and reliability of microwave transmission. New schemes were introduced in the RRL system of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR. This line forms the basis for his Ph.D. dissertation in. G. Yampolsky, which he defended in 1957. Continuing to lead the work on further development of microwave transmission, Vsevolod G. help his colleagues defended their dissertations on the subject.

. In 1969, . collect and collate the results of work in the field of microwave transmission, . containing many original technical ideas (on this subject he has received over 15 certificates and published more than 25 publications), . Vsevolod Grigorievich doctorate "Passive repeater for radio-relay lines", . at the basis of the same name monograph (Moscow: Communications, . 1973), . written jointly with Mr.,
. Z. Ayzenberg.

Research interests Vsevolod Grigorievich distributed antenna systems at all wavelengths and all purposes, including satellite. He became a recognized authority in matters of propagation, the emergence of nonlinear noise in long waveguides because of the presence of these sources of stray reflections. He proposed a new method for measuring the reflection coefficient of antenna waveguides with a high degree of accuracy.

. Much attention is given to the development Vsevolod Grigorievich surface antennas for centimeter and decimeter wavelength ranges, . especially after he became first leader of the antenna laboratory (1967), . then the head of department of antenna (1984),
. Under his leadership, developed and perfected periscopic antenna, axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric two-mirror, horn-parabolic, offset antenna, and many. dp. In the field of antennas and interference resistance of the surface to reduce their side-and rear radiation Vsevolod Grigorievich held deep theoretical studies and proposed a number of original and ingenious engineering solutions, . enables you to control the level of sidelobes in certain sectors of the space and improve the electromagnetic compatibility of different radio,
. On this subject Vsevolod Grigorievich received more than 30 inventor's certificates. The results of research and technical solutions described in the monographs "Antennas and EMC (Moscow: Radio and communication, 1984) and" Optimization of antenna systems for communications lines (Moscow: Radio and communication, 1991), written in. G. Yampolsky, together with O. P. Frolov.

Another important area of scientific and technological activities Vsevolod Grigorievich - creation and implementation of wide-range antenna devices. Using the same antennas for various communication systems, . operating in different frequency ranges, . allows simultaneous use of several lines of radio relay systems without additional antennas, . and manufacturers to standardize the production antennas.,

. Even a brief review of the work
. G. Yampolsky says of his outstanding contribution to the development of the theory and techniques of antenna devices of great practical orientation of his works, original designs. For 45 years of scientific and technical activities they have published over 150 scientific papers and reports received about 50 copyright certificates. In collaboration with other scientists published six monographs and handbooks, is widely used by professionals working in the field of radio broadcasting, television.

For the development of new technology in 1984. V. G. Yampolsky was awarded the State Prize. In 1993, Mr.. He was elected a member of the International Academy of Informatization. He was awarded the Order of Honor and medals. He was conferred the title of "Honorary radio operator" and "Master of Communications.

Vsevolod Grigorievich has extensive teaching and social-scientific work. In 1972. he was invited to Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications course of lectures on the theory and technique of antennas. In 1984. he became Professor of Department of Technical Electrodynamics and Antennas ". With scholarship, . deep knowledge of the subject and the current state of antenna technology, . original manner of presentation, . Finally, . inherent Vsevolod Grigorievich scintillating he enjoys great prestige among the students and teachers MEIS,
. For many years he directed the people's universities, technical and political knowledge, led graduate. Defended under his supervision 10 Ph.D. theses. Vsevolod Grigorievich is a member of several scientists and technical advice, the head of the seminar RNTORES them. A. S. Popova. He is a member of the editorial board of "Telecommunications" (from 1990) and the editorial board of the collection "Proceedings NIIR.

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YAMPOLSKY Vsevolod Grigorievich, photo, biography YAMPOLSKY Vsevolod Grigorievich  Scientific, photo, biography
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