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Astangov Mikhail Fedorovich

( Actor)

Comments for Astangov Mikhail Fedorovich
Biography Astangov Mikhail Fedorovich
Astangov, Mikhail Fedorovich (cf.. name Ruzhnikov) (1900-1965), Russian actor. People's Artist of USSR (1955), laureate of USSR State Prize (1948, 1950, 1951). Born on October 21 (3 November) 1900 in Warsaw in the family of a railroad employee. In 1918 he graduated from high school and entered the law faculty of Moscow University, where his classmates were R. N. Simonov, AM Lobanov, O. H. Abdulov and N. Gorchakov. University student was engaged in a theatrical studio actress of the Maly Theater AA Matveeva, took lessons in the studio AA Geyrota. In 1920 he entered the studio. Chaliapin, who became his real acting school and the first professional stage. At this time, the greatest influence on the young actor has had his teacher LM Leonids, meeting with Vakhtangov and A. Wild. The first big roles Astangov played in the then popular play "Revolutionary Wedding Michaelis and Green Parrot A. Schnitzler. In 1923 he moved to Astangov Theater Komissarzhevskaya. Here the role of Chichikov ( "Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol, 1925) brought Astangovu fame. Artist of the created image of a slave crazy ideas, ambition, who has decided on the most desperate acts. Among the roles of the time Lodizhkin ( "End Krivorylska" BS Romashov, 1926), which began with a portrait gallery of enemies of the revolution, played Astangovym.

In 1927 Astangov at the time of parting with Moscow and goes first in Odessa (1927-1928 season), then in Kazan (1928-1929 season), worked briefly in Leningrad, dramatic theater troupe in the People's House. During the wanderings of his acting experience acquired professional maturity. Along with the cycle of neurasthenic-criminal was still a romantic and heroic cycle. Among the most prominent roles of the plan sailor Guodong ( "Break" BA Lavrenev), Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame "by Victor Hugo), Beethoven (the play Zhizhmora). Odessa and Kazan seasons Astangova launched in the first row of actors provincial scene.

In 1930 Astangov returned to Moscow in the Theater of the Revolution, where he worked in 1925-1927. Rise tvochestva Astangova in 1930 begins with the role of the Italian anarchist, an unemployed Spaventy in the play "Street of Joy" Zarkhi N. (1932). Artist created a unique image of Guy ( "My friend" N. Pogodin), an interesting special features of the modern character, which reflected the ups and drama of the revolution. Despite the controversial assessment astangovskogo Romeo ( "Romeo and Juliet" by W. Shakespeare, 1935), which is dominated by restlessness and tragic foreboding, treatment Astangova brought him fame all over Russia. Noteworthy were his Paul Greeks (the play B. Voytehova and L. Lentsch, 1939), Kerensky ( "True" Korneichuk, 1937), Paraty ( "Bride" by Alexander Ostrovsky, 1940) and others.

In 1943-1945 Astangov was an actor of theater. Moscow City Council, has played the role of Theodore Talanova ( "Invasion" Leonov, 1943) and Treplev ( "Seagull" by Anton Chekhov, 1945). From 1945 until the end of life Astangov was an actor of theater. Evg.Vahtangova. The first role at Vakhtangov - Cyrano de Bergerac (the play E. Rostand, 1946), which Astangov ended on a tragic note. It was a kind of rehearsal for "Hamlet" played by actor twelve years.

Large place in art Astangova late 1940's - early 1950's occupied a political satire - such roles as Mac-Hill ( "The conspiracy of the doomed" Wirth), Smith ( "The Russian question" Simonov), Gargotta ( " Missouri Waltz "N. Pogodin), etc.. Near the satire in the repertoire Astangova were Insarov ( "eve" Turgenev), Pastukhov ( "Cyril Izvekov" on Fedin), etc..

In recent years, 'temperament of thought' in the repertoire Astangova clearly took precedence over lyrics. Role Matthias Clausen ( "Before Sunset" G. Hauptmann, 1954) belongs to the highest artistic achievements of the artist. He was playing with her natural life, causing viewers to believe that this gray-haired man is still able to passionately love and be loved. At the same time with a genuine heartbreak actor told about the tragic fate of a man who suddenly collapsed at all illusions and ideals of life.

In 1958, for six decades, Astangov played his famous Hamlet. Theme of his Hamlet was 'eternally restless human mind'. This role has been to Astangova great example of manhood rights in the fight against evil.

Since 1932 Astangov appeared in films: Costa Captain ( "Prisoners"), Foglelzang (Family Oppenheim "), Komorowski (" Dream "), McPherson (" The Russian Question "), Werner (" Princess Mary "), Rolling (" Hyperballoid Engineer Garin) and others.

Astangov died in Moscow on 20 April 1965.

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Astangov Mikhail Fedorovich, photo, biography Astangov Mikhail Fedorovich  Actor, photo, biography
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