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Krupin Vladimir

( Russian writer)

Comments for Krupin Vladimir
Biography Krupin Vladimir
Krupin, Vladimir Nikolaevich (p. 1941), Russian writer. Born Sept. 7, 1941 in s.Kilmez Kirov region., A peasant's son who worked in forestry. After graduating from the village school, worked as a mechanic, a loader, rabselkorom regional newspaper. He served in the Army, he studied at the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya (graduated from the Faculty of Literature and Russian language), as with lyrical warmth and humor alive in the stories told "sorry, goodbye ..." (1986) and the Course of a young soldier "(1990). He worked at Central Television, in various literary publishing houses, taught in school. He was secretary of the Moscow Branch of the RSFSR Writers' Union, Ibid, a member of the editorial board of 'New World', the chief editor of the journal 'Moscow' (1989-1992). Since 1994 teaching at the Moscow Theological Academy, from 1998 chief editor of the Christian magazine 'Holy Fire'.

He began with the publication of poems, stories and essays, but the true literary person Krupin - author of 'village prose' - manifested in the stories and novellas, in t.ch. on Sat. "Grain", . story "Barbarian", . "Yamschitskaya story" (all 1974), . their artless stories, . often embedded in the mouth of the ordinary peasants, . with the narrative of the tragic events of Vyatka land during the fratricidal civil war, . with the dream of 'cathedral' equity,
. Widespread fame brought Krupin story "Living Water" (1980), carrying out a familiar world literature, late 19 - early 20 centuries. socio-psychological experiment based on lifelike situations: opening in a village of some medicinal springs, . liberating people from harmful Russian habits - Alcohol, . full grotesque fantasy, . humor, . irony and sadness, . mourning for the moral degradation of the Russian peasant and hoping for his fabulous healing 'living water',
. Sad, honest and hard fate of people devoted to the Russian village novel in letters "fortieth day" (1981; titles. reduced censored version - "Thirteen letters" until 1987), the story "side wind" (1982), "The story of how ..." (1985) and others, full of aching pain for a crushable, going back to the village, compassionate love for rural residents. Noteworthy standing favorite heroes Krupin - eccentric guys, . homegrown philosophers, . wise fools, . clumsily, . naive, . tongue-tied who can identify the true nature of events, . tell the truth, . courageously opposed 'leitmotivs' for Krupina evil - lies, . permeated modern social order, . provocative and drunkenness, . and social apathy, . and moral indifference,
. Subject 'small country' in a broad historical context is revealed in a series of stories Vyatskaya Notebook "(1987), which chronicles the line side by side with the legends of the Old Believers, and memories of wartime childhood - a story about the fate of interesting people. Pass-through idea of true greatness seemingly modest, . 'neshumnogo' being, . akin to the writer's interpretation of Russian national character, . which self-irony prevails over vanity, . and the search for the ideal - hard to find a wealth, . manifested in the novel "A few days ago or earlier" (1977), . devoted to problems of family life, . and in the story "Pictures at an Exhibition" (1979) and in the story "From the ruble and higher" (1981), . where the artist's desire for glory, . recognition and creative success, even treated as a way, . fraught with the danger of moral ruin, . self-destructive personality,

. Since the beginning of perestroika Krupin actively supports the 'state-patriotic' positions - and as biased writer (novel, a testament to like 'sick', . defective, . according Krupin, . intellectuals and the atmosphere in literary circles - "Saving the Lost", . 1988; story "Farewell, . Russia, . meet in paradise ", . 1991, . demonstrated for the agony of the Russian countryside at the end of 20., . when homeland Krupin-settled, . identifiable with the writer mores Psychiatric Hospital, . - Thought, . feeding the story "As soon, . so immediately ", . 1992, . compiled in the form of notes by the psychiatrist), . and as a writer (articles in journals 'spiritual opposition' 'Our contemporary' and 'Moscow' - "The Cross and the abyss, . "Woe to the bitter" - of the execution of Parliament in October 1993; 'To what, . hristoprodavtsy, . Russia brought you ... ', . essay "Procession", etc.),
. Sympathetic, . tranquility of the tone of the majority of works Krupin, . special flavor to the popular speech, . Folklore, . saturation of the fabric of the narrative popular rhymes, . sayings, . sayings etc., . cult of humility and selfless create a specific artistic world of the writer, . repulsive 'Western' values - pragmatism, . cynicism, . sexual freedom and 'mass culture' (story Yankees, . Go Home! ", . 1995, . etc.), . leading to the glorification of traditional family virtues ( "Light of Love: The book of prose", . 1990; compiling Sat,
. "We are building a house: A book about a young family", . 1981), . religious strastoterpiya (novel "Velikoretskaya font", . 1990) and repentance as the way to Orthodoxy, . which, . of conviction Krupin, . alone will save Russia ( "Glory to God for everything: travel reflections", . 1995, . etc.).,

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Krupin Vladimir, photo, biography
Krupin Vladimir, photo, biography Krupin Vladimir  Russian writer, photo, biography
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