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SAGAN Francoise

( French writer)

Comments for SAGAN Francoise
Biography SAGAN Francoise
Francoise Sagan (21.06.1935 year - 24.09.2004 years [HONFLEUR])

She has long forgotten her real name - Francoise Kuarez. She szhilas and interwoven with its literary name - Francoise Sagan. Sitting in the office of his luxury apartment in Paris, . with a slight smile, she looks at newspaper articles, . which critics have sharpened in search of adjectives to describe her talent: "The mixture of cynicism, . egoism, . lyricism, . with a high degree of secular ease, . undoubted talent, . lack of talent, . one step away from genius, . hussy, . ranked in the literature by chance ",
. This is far from exhaustive list of all of these epithets.

It seems that the aura, the atmosphere of easy scandal, had risen in the appearance of Sagan in the literature, in the mid-50's, never abated. You bet! 19-year-old girl wrote and published a story in a moment galvanized the foundations of a strict, Catholic France, honest!

. Who is to blame - Fortuna scoffer or favorite writer and teacher, Madame Sagan, (which she read in 14 years) - Jean-Paul Sartre, she did not know.

. She was born and studied in the future celebrity in the family of a wealthy industrialist, in no known failure, received a beautiful book in a Catholic boarding school education, but for sixteen years has lost all faith in God and all sorts of wonders
. After leaving the guesthouse, Francoise, possessed a passion for literature, received the Faculty of the Sorbonne - the University of Paris. But the bohemian life of stars it attracts no less than university lectures. It occurs in small cozy Parisian cafe with artists, writers, artists,. Conversations before midnight, visits, concerts ... And at night she wrote her first novel with the strange name of "Bonjour Tristesse"

. Looking back on his debut, . Madame Sagan believes now, . that she was extremely lucky, . because Mr. Zhyuyyar knew not only a good writer instinctively identify future talent, . but also had the means to organize a good advertisement, . draw the reader's attention to this talent.,

. Theme of the novel written by a thin, . sharp-nosed girl with big, . pensive eyes struck even made wise by experience of life Zhyuyyara: young girl, . no age, . sincere and without pretense tells, . as well be a young, . Healthy, . happy, . love life and enjoy it in the arms of her lover.,

. For France, the rich literary tradition of Catholicism such plot and ending of the novel itself - with the apparent victory of immorality - was, . gently say, . unusual! And even in my wildest dreams Zhyuyyar could not foresee that deafening, . scandalous success, . which struck the young debutante!,

. The novel became a bestseller and for the year was published more than a million copies in different languages and in different countries
. The author pursued the crowd of journalists was taken from her interview, described the life. The press published many photographs of her.

. Sagan book became a kind of symbol, sign of the times, but the way the main character, seemed to incarnate provozvestnits era of free manners, just as on the images became too famous overnight Brigitte Bardot
. Do not forget just what it was in the mid-50 ...

. One of the articles written, . that her novel, "reflected the mood and attitude of the younger generation, . enters into life after huge shock, . which survived the world in the war, . which shattered the old ideas of good and evil, . old moral values, . old prohibitions and taboos "(Georges Urden),

. Image Cecile main heroine, to be so comprehensive and profound that he could not surprising
. He seemed to be absorbed a lot of private and specific fates contemporary writer, why, and arose the term "generation Francoise Sagan.

Curiously, early and noisy fame is almost not gone to her head. She came to my father and calmly asked what she should do with 1.5 million francs, which had so unexpectedly fell on her head. He advised at least quietly: "Immediately Istrana them, because the money for you - a great tragedy". It's what. She broke up his life as a car at a good speed.

. Travel, . Yachts, . failed marriage with the major publishing figure of France Guy Schoeller (they soon parted, . He was twenty years older than Fran) birth of his son (in 1962), . several attempts to arrange a family, . gambling,
. At 22, Francoise miraculously remained alive after a serious car accident and a sense of brilliance and transience of life will never leave her no.

Along with the bohemian life of a star, Francoise Sagan continues to seriously and work hard. Style it is improving, becoming more distinctive, more recognizable. Many of the critics and literary notice, . Madame Sagan prefers strict forms of classical, . it is a follower of Jean Racine, . whose romantic conflicts were raised to the level of tragedy, . that underlines the importance and value of human emotions.,

. Sagan tries to keep the spirit of this literature, to convey a deep love of the contents of the tragic failures, as shown in her books.

. Classical traditions have affected and in the construction of her novels, and in their style
. The number of characters in the novels is minimized, as in the tragedies of Racine. This two or three main protagonists, and everything else - no more than background, entourage. That situation, which, for example, is described in the novel, the story, the play could happen anywhere and at any time.

. Sagan observes a strict unity of action, . its aim is to show the inner world of his characters in moments of greatest psychological stress, . Although the syntax of its exquisitely exact phrases always deliberately cool and quiet, . there is no violent splash of emotion, . unrest, . circumlocution, . volume of internal monologues.,

. Emotionally tragic painting going on in the novels are not just thrown in the eyes, everything happens slowly quietly smoothly.

. And because so sharp dissonance between "right and wrong is a form of content that creates additional stylistic effect, accentuating the artistic effect" (Yuri Uvarov).

. All these methods constitute the core of her creative method, Madame Sagan preserved until now practically unchanged, while changing and plots and characters, and even genres ...

. By 1991, the ninth year, she published 22 novels, 2 collections of short stories, 7 plays, 3 books of essays, and perhaps only in sketches, she goes on stage and frankly sets out their views and their opinions about the world today, customs and literature.

. It turned, . example, . she can not stand mediocrity and spiritual poverty "consumer society", . it portrays bohemian or elitist environment (it is not just criticized for, . that characters are always only the rich, . writers, musicians ...) precisely because of the rejection of the petty-trading mundane atmosphere of modern society.,

. She did not look at life with a detached and cold, . as claimed by some journalists, critics, . based on its outwardly calm and dispassionate manner of narration, . the contrary, . it is too close to the position of Balzac, . who mourned the fate of, . Life turns its heroes, . "shedding tears in a coffee ...",

. Madame Sagan has long been known as a public figure and publicist who brings up for discussion in their newspaper do problems of moral and spiritual crisis among young people, in defense of democracy and human rights
. She did not know firsthand the problem of drug addiction among youth, therefore, not surprising that one of her recent things - an action novel, "Guardian Angel" was published in Russia in the youth magazine "same age" - the most readable and popular publications.

. Incidentally, in 1988, Madame Sagan was in Russia, where her books are known and read no less than in Europe
. She argues, . that her family has Russian roots - my great-grandmother was Russian, . but in the eyes of the writer and flashed a sly spark, . who knows, . maybe, . is said only to, . to justify their addiction to gambling at the roulette wheel? She explains his Russianness their roots.,

. Her apartment in Paris - as always the most famous literary salon in France
. It enter diplomats and prime ministers. Her most recent book on the biblical story, David and Betshabe "was published in hardcover for collectors of luxury, bibliophiles, with illustrations by famous artists and the handwritten signature of the author on the title page. Foreword to the book was then Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres. The book came out a very small circulation and almost immediately became a bibliographic rarity.

. Madame Sagan, . despite age, . and a lot of trouble in life, . (Trial, . writer charged with possession and distribution of drugs - Madame Sagan saved only by their high familiarity with the then French President Mitterand), . still in great shape,
. Literature for her - the temple and the elixir of eternal youth. It only recognizes the primacy of the writer's imagination to life experiences. She is looking for new sources of inspiration. Her novel-biography of Sarah Bernhardt, written in the form of letters to the actress, who made a splash across Europe. Her pieces come with the full house, although written in the seventies. Many phrases from her works have wings, and the characters come to life on the silver screen. Since one can rightfully say that the books read Sagan generations and interest in its creativity is exhausted, probably, in the second millennium. Maybe because each of them as she would have exclaimed: "Hello, Life!" Hello, Love! "

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