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Nikolai Nosov

( Russian novelist, dramatist)

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Biography Nikolai Nosov
Nosov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1908-1976), Russian novelist, dramatist. Born 10 (23) November 1908 in Kiev in the family actor-entertainer. Gifted boy, Nosov school years with fond of music, theater, writing - along with chess, photography, electrical engineering, Amateur Radio, etc.. There was a newspaper salesman, excavators, mowers and so on, in 1927-1929 he studied at the Kiev Art Institute, where transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography (graduated in 1932). In 1932-1951 - director of animation, popular science and education (in t.ch. for the Red Army, earning it in 1943, the Order of the Red Star) movies

. Began publishing stories in 1938 ( "Swindlers", . Living hat, . "Cucumbers", . Miraculous pants, . "Mishka's porridge", . "Ogorodniki", . "Dreamer", etc., . published mainly in the 'malyshovom' magazine 'Murzilka' and formed the basis of the first collection Nosova "Tuk-tuk-tuk", . 1945),
. These, . as well as subsequent works (collections of short stories "Steps", . 1946 "Merry Tales", . 1947; FANTAZER ", . 1957, "The Adventures of Toli Kljukvin", . 1961, . etc.) Nosov introduced in children's literature of a new hero - naive and sensible, . mischievous and curious restless, . possessed a thirst for action and constantly falling in the unusual, . often comic situations,
. Living, dynamic language, story of interest that the perfect knowledge of the psychology of a boy once done work Nosova interesting for millions of young readers. Particularly widespread popularity won him the story for teenagers "The Merry Family" (1949), "Diary Koli Sinicyna" (1950), "Victor Maleev in school and at home" (1951, USSR State Prize, 1952). Last successfully solves one of the greatest challenges of fiction for children: a warning without boredom, . showing the evolution of children's character in overcoming their own shortcomings (lin, . disorganization, . irresponsibility), without exaggeration and discounts, . naturally, . organic and exciting presentation of easily identifiable events of the school and 'home' young person's life,

. Fame and love of long readers got Nosov's trilogy, which includes novels, fairy-tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (1953-1954), "Dunno in Sunshine City" (1958) and "Dunno on the Moon" (1964-1965, the State Prize of the RSFSR
. NK Krupskaya, 1969). Here, in a witty conditional form by introducing young readers with the basic laws of human society, . replacing in the first two parts of the real social conflicts, the contradiction between 'adult' world order and 'child' outlook heroes, . in the latter part, . outlined by the author as a science fiction story about the latest developments and prospects of development of Soviet science in the field raketoplavaniya and robot, . pushing the young reader and the serious problems of possible conflict of knowledge and morality, . civilizational and spiritual potential of human,

. The action of the trilogy takes place in a utopian infant republic; characters, . in the classical tradition of fairy tales - parables and teachings, . referring, . among others, . to "The borough of snuffbox" VF Odoevskogo, . are 'speaking' names (scientist Znayka, . Dr. Pilyulkin, . artist Tube, . brothers cog and Shpuntik) and, . representing different areas of knowledge, . Dunno tend to share their experience and skill, . thereby revealing his own version of development clearly marked in the domestic literature 20 in,
. BS Zhitkov (What I saw) a peculiar genre of science-fictional children's encyclopedia

. Respect for Labor, . Knowledge, . professionalism, . honest and friendly attitude towards people instilled in the works Nosova gently and nenazoylivo, . warm, . sympathetic humor, . combined with the recognition of self-sufficient child's personality and the principles of free education,
. These features are characteristic and autobiographical works of a writer - "The Story of my friend Igor '(1971-72), written in the form of diary entries from the life of my grandfather and grandson (1-I h. - "Between the year and two, 2-nd h. - "From two to two and a half years), and the memoir novel" The Mystery at the bottom of the well "(1977; Originally, two of its. option - "The Story of childhood" and "All in front", both 1976).

Dramatic tension, dynamic, teeming with brilliantly developing dialogue between the works Nosova easily stage processing (Sat.. plays "Two Friends", 1962, called on the play, created on the basis of the story Victor Maleev ...; self-titled movie, 1955 film "Druzhok", 1958, based on the stories "Mishka's porridge" and "Druzhok", both the film director in . V. Asymont, etc.).

Aesthetic views and specific arts writer, described observations with his usual wit in the book. feuilletons "literary themes" (1957) and Sat. "Ironic Humoresque" (1969).

Nosov died in Moscow on July 26, 1976.

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Nikolai Nosov, photo, biography Nikolai Nosov  Russian novelist, dramatist, photo, biography
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