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Panferov Fyodor Ivanovich

( Russian writer)

Comments for Panferov Fyodor Ivanovich
Biography Panferov Fyodor Ivanovich
Panferov, Fyodor Ivanovich (1896-1960), Russian writer. Born on September 20 (2 October) 1896 in Saratov Province Pavlovka. a poor peasant family, with 10 years as a shepherd in his native village, then in the cities along the Volga, which drove his hunger, 'boy' in the merchant's shop, an auxiliary worker. Nedolgo Volskaya teachers studying at the seminary, after the October Revolution dealt with Soviet and economic activities, edited the county newspaper, worked in a county committee of the RCP (b), they also created selhozkommune (1920). In 1923-1925 he studied at the Saratov University. In the 1924-1931 editor of 'Journal of Peasant' (Moscow), regularly speaking with topical journalism

. Since the 1920's 'proletarian writer', . 'rolled out a proletarian positions sharp criticism of private rural relations', . Panferov is to guide RAPP, . from 1931 until the end of life (with a few interruptions) - Chief Editor of 'RAPP' magazine 'October',

His first story "Before the shooting" (1918) published in Saratov the journal 'mountain'. He wrote pieces for peasant theaters on socialist transformation in rural areas - "Children of the Earth" (1920), . "Pakhom" (1923), . "Guys" (1924), . "Revolt of the earth", . "Collapse" (both 1926); sketch book "The Coast Story", . "From the village fields" (both 1926), . "On the river Tsne", . "In the predawn early hour" (both 1927),

The most significant work Panferova - novel "Bars" (kn. 1.4, . 1928-1937), . had grown to epic canvas of a small essay "Ognevtsy", . reprinted many times and has received strong support from all supporters of rapid collectivization of villages, . overcome the instinct of possessiveness, . 'government land', . "idiocy of rural life 'and other components of the secular life of the traditional Russian peasant,
. 'Battle Report from the village, recoil, internal struggle', called the novel Panferova Lunacharskii; 'encyclopaedia' of rural life - the second criticism. These estimates indicated, . one hand, . knowledge of the author of village life, . sense of the variability of his emotional and ideological 'aura' (the scene of desperate revelry muzhiks elements and slaughtering the eve of collectivization, psychologically convincing 'middle peasants' Nikita Gur'yanova, . dreamed of the land, . where there collectivization, . and those anticipating a significant motive of the poem Tvardovsky "Country ant"), . on the other - biased preconceived 'polar' placement of images (attractive selflessness, . altruism and conviction of leaders of the collective motion, . 'new' people Bolshevik Stepan Ognev, . kustodievsky hero, . quickly forge a strong owner Cyril Zhdarkin and former 'prokulak' poor Shlenka - and their antagonists, . satirically outlined misers-individualists, . representatives of the world gain, . fists Yegor Chuhlyaev, . Ilya Plakuschev, . Markel Bykov),

. Were mixed for the literary community 'crude', . doliteraturny, . colorfully-'neoblizanny '(Serafimovich) and pretentious rough, . mannered, strained (Gorky) the language of the novel (with tumors of type 'bazynit' and interior landscapes such as: 'Land languished, . a woman, . coming out of the hot smoky hut '), . rudeness of many naturalistic scenes, . oversaturation of the characters and kaleidoscopic narrative, . emphasis on 'pre-cultural', . 'Animals' early in the natural man of the people,

. Proved prophetic fear Gorky, . active participant in the heated debate early 1930's around the "Bruskov", . grown into one of the most significant in the history of Soviet literature 'discussions about language', . for 'failure' or 'failure' to study their original author,
. The role of the literary leader, . a board member of the Writers' Union since 1934, . member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1946 and the head of one of the leading Soviet literary and journalistic magazines but not distorted, . judging by the number of memories, . good and decent in their own natures Panferova, . supported many writers and not stained themselves informing even the most provocative years, . but did not contribute to the improvement of his artistic skills,

. Surface descriptiveness, . lozungovaya rhetoric, . stilted images, . plot melodrama and implausibility of fable, . partly manifested in the "bars", . as well as stylistic colourlessness, . 'klishirovannost' and carelessness were characterized most subsequent works Panferova, . invariably Market-burning and corresponding to each zigzag 'general line',

. Author of a trilogy about WWII and the postwar construction of "Fighting for Peace, . 1945-1947, "The country is defeated", . 1948; the USSR State Prize, . 1948, . 1949; great art, . 1954); trilogy 'Mother Volga River, . facing the problems of agriculture ( "Beat", . 1953; "Meditation", . 1958, "In the name of the young", . 1960),

. In the creative heritage of the writer sketches the life of the rear and front, . war stories "with my own eyes" (1941) and "Hand put on weight" (1942), . play 30-th year (1935), . "Life" (1939), . on favorite heroes Panferova - peasant Volga men, . and "When we are beautiful" (1952), . have a negative assessment of aesthetic criticism for lack of taste, . autobiographical novel "Native Past" (1956), . The Legend of the Volga "(1957), . journalistic and literary-critical articles,

Panferov died in Moscow on 10 September 1960.

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Panferov Fyodor Ivanovich, photo, biography Panferov Fyodor Ivanovich  Russian writer, photo, biography
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