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Sergach Viktor

( Actor)

Comments for Sergach Viktor
Biography Sergach Viktor
Sergachev Viktor was born November 24, 1934 at the station Borzja the Chita region in a simple working-class family. Studied in a normal school, he studied well, was an ordinary boy: in the summer chasing the football, winter skating. I read a lot and: dreamed about the scene:

. After school, Victor Sergachev went to Moscow and the first time passed the entrance exams and was enrolled in the school-studio MXAT.

. Theater

. In 1956, after the Moscow Art Theater School, Victor Sergachev was admitted to the Central Theater of the Soviet army, where he served for only one season, as it pulled to itself Oleg Efremov

Almost the entire career of Victor Sergacheva in the theater associated with the name of Oleg Efremov, and hence with Contemporary Art and Theater. There were six: those who invented and created the theater 'Contemporary'. And among them - Victor Sergachev. This famous troupe of six gained, defined repertoire, arguing themselves hoarse all night, took creative solutions. Together they appeared in the film 'build a bridge', together renounced honor, together and confused after Oleg Efremov.

Victor Sergachev first went after the Moscow Art Theater in Ephraim, and to this day remained faithful to the ideals of 'Contemporary'. Others took up a. 'People are more mature or even aged, - sighs Victor Sergachev. - They have changed the life program. And when the actor is concerned about the fabric of life, creativity ends. These two are incompatible. "

In 'Contemporary' Victor Sergachev played brilliantly. Roles spoiled actor Oleg Efremov. Victor Sergachev outplayed the entire repertoire of Chekhov Theater: Medvedenko in 'Seagull', Telegina in 'Uncle Vanya', Firs in 'Cherry Orchard'. Often, the audience watched the silent Viktor Sergachevym with great interest, than playing the main characters. Episodes from Sergachevym remained in the memory for years, and the large role became a theatrical event and included in history. This was, for example, the Minister of tender feelings in the unforgettable 'emperor's new clothes'.

As directed by Victor Sergachev showed himself more in the 'Contemporary', in the Moscow Art Theater, along with Ephraim and Gerasimov created the famous play 'Old New Year'. For many years, Victor Sergachev worked on the production of 'Crime and Punishment', set in 1996 in his own staging, performing the role of the author and Porfiry Petrovich.

. Today Victor Sergachev played minor roles, occupied by only four performances of the Moscow Art Theater, including such notable as the 'White Guard' and 'Kabala sanctimonious'
. Sometimes, however, removed.


In fact, an old movie from Victor Sergacheva relationship is: his first big movie role - Pseldonimov in the movie 'Nasty anecdote'. All the characters were unusual, but Pseldonimov looked completely unrealistic. Lean, hawk-nosed, angular, he made a strange impression

. Many roles Victor Sergachev conveyed to the absurd, . therefore it was particularly good fairy-tale characters: a poet in the film 'Ivan da Marya' and the Scarecrow in 'Gifts of Black magician', . or the same alien X in Christmas music telenovela 'This gay planet',

Victor Sergachev convincingly played in a variety of genres - comedies, dramas, political farce, detective. And is it possible to forget his scoundrel Yefim Saturday from dilogii 'Cooking Expedition' and 'The Golden River'.

Since 1962, Victor Sergachev acted in films a lot and successfully. It is worth remembering just a little, his film: 'Time, . Forward! ", . "Three Fat Men ', . 'Three Poplars at Plyushchikha', . 'Noble Nest', . 'Carousel', . 'Dead Souls', . 'Invisible Man', . 'Broken Bow', . Musical 'The Bremen Town Musicians', . seen at once: in front of us a brilliant actor.,

. Eventually Victor Sergachev was cautious in selecting the proposed roles, believing that the 'new Russian' film less 'friendly'
. Filming resemble some reason the production process, not the atmosphere at the site.

And yet, if Victor Sergachev believes that the material is quite suitable, it can be seen on the screen, even in cartoons: 'I suddenly became interesting to act in films, on the show, playing the episodes - Victor confessed Sergachev. - I remembered the words Stanislavski: "There is no small roles, there is little performers. I became interested in the characters, which really says nothing. You fantaziruesh their background and create their own world, no matter what and no one '.


One of the most striking recent works of Victor Sergacheva was Trotsky's role in the film 'Trotsky'. This film - the history of the fate of one of the most prominent figures in the modern history of Russia.

The movie 'Trotsky' strange fate. He was not represented at major festivals, except the Sochi 'Kinotavr'. The film is surrounded by a strange silence, perhaps, the fate of the film is directly related to the personality of Trotsky? But not after the premiere, or after the presentation in the House Khanzhonkov or after the show on television is not followed by any feedback and reviews.

. Victor Sergachev in its own way explains the reaction to the film: "I read the book of Trotsky's 'Stalin', his monograph, watched a lot of the Chronicles, a biography studied
. And a little - a little clearer about the reaction to the film. The fact that some viewers want to see in Trotsky monster from the revolution, others - the great revolutionary leader. When I was shot, it does not want to play relevant to this role - not his, nor the alien. For me, Trotsky's fate was linked to the tragedy, so implacable historical contradiction between the theory of the great and bloody strategy of its realization. Like Pushkin - 'genius and villainy are incompatible:' For me the principal was human, the personal fate of Trotsky, his suffering the fate of their children, whom he eventually killed. After the movie, I was approached strangers and thanked: 'Thank you for Lev Davidovich! "


Victor Sergachev married to a Bulgarian named Vanya. It philologist. Sergacheva eldest daughter, Olga - the health worker. The younger daughter, Vera, graduated to the fighting.

A true intellectual, Victor Sergachev very concerned about the changes in this 'layer' of society. According to the actor, ': Russia's intelligentsia came out of Gogol's' Overcoat'. Most of it has done it literally: came out of this notorious coat, threw it on the sidewalk, sat in the car and drove away from her to go to hell '. But the actor Victor Sergachevu get rid of this 'coat' probably not succeed.

. People's Artist of Russia Viktor Sergachev lives modestly, does not go to film festivals, partying is not accustomed, and the interview did not distribute.
. Filmography:

. 1962 End of the world
. 1965 Nasty anecdote
. 1965 Time, forward!
. 1966 Three Fat Men
. 1967 Three Poplars at Plyushchikha
. 1968 for the sake of boredom
. 1969 Noble Nest
. 1970 Carousel
. 1972 Parking trains - two minutes
. 1972 My life
. 1973 dirk
. 1973 This fun planet
. 1974 Funny People
. 1975 Prize
. 1975 Change a dog on a locomotive
. 1975 Farm expedition
. 1976 Gold River
. 1977 Chekhov Pages
. 1977 Fantasy Vesnuhina
. 1978 Gift of black sorcerer
. 1,978 Deviation - nil
. 1979 With love in half
. 1982 A man who closed the city
. 1982 Chair
. 1983 Crazy Day Barkasova Engineer
. 1984 Dead Souls
. 1984 The Invisible Man
. 1985 to oneself
. 1986 On the porch sat with gold
. 1987 Broken Bow
. 1987 In the wilds, where the rivers run ..
. 1989 non-existent time
. 1990 Arbatskii motif
. 1993 Trotsky
. 1993 Gray Wolves
. 1996 Ermak
. 2001 Detectives - TV series
. 2003 Dreams of the fifth season of the year
. 2004 MOORE MOORE is! - TV series
. 2005 Angel flying
. 2005 White Guard

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