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Filippov, Sergey

( Actor)

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Biography Filippov, Sergey
Born June 24, 1912 in Saratov, a simple working-class family. His father was a mechanic, mother - dressmaker. In school, Sergei Filippov studied does not matter in high school had the reputation of a bully. Only two items were given to him especially well - literature and chemistry. In the latter science he so excelled, that helps the teacher during the various chemical experiments. However, the love of Chemistry, rendered him a disservice: as a lack of teachers, he has mixed hydrochloric acid with iron filings, added a couple of reagents: After such an experiment has spread throughout the school terribly strong odor. Classes were disrupted, and the grief-chemist expelled from school. Filippov not particularly downhearted - settled apprentice baker in a private bakery. This work interested him little, and in subsequent months, he tried several professions, from carpenter to a turner, until the case is not brought him to the ballet studio. Classes are so fascinated by Sergei in the next few weeks, he was considered the best pupil and in front of him opened up a bright future at the ballet. In 1929, on the advice of teachers Filippov went to Moscow to enter the ballet school at the Bolshoi Theater. Arriving in the capital, he learned that the entrance exams were finished, and on the advice of knowledgeable people went to the Leningrad Choreographic School in. But these exams, he was late and filed documents in the newly opened pop-circus college, which was adopted. Teachers for gifted students predicted a bright future and after college, in 1933, Sergei Filippov, was accepted into the troupe of the Opera and Ballet. But the ballet dancer's career was too short - during the next performance Philippi became ill. The visitors pronounced heart attack and was advised to withdraw from the ballet. Filippov entered the pop theater-studio. He made many appearances on entertainment venues of Leningrad and during one of his concerts remarked Nikolai Pavlovich Akimov, offered the young actor to go to Comedy Theater. At the legendary director's actor played mostly comedic roles, and the Role comedian he felt like a fish in water and was immensely happy that a replica can make a room laugh. This actor could not help noticing filmmakers, and in 1937 saw the debut of Sergei Filippov in the film "The Fall Kimas-Lake, where he played a small role Finn. Then the movies followed one after the other: "Volochaevskaya Days" (1937), "Member of the Government" (1939), "Vyborg Side" (1939), Yakov Sverdlov (1940), "New Adventures of Schweik (1943)," The uncertain Management "(1946)," Cinderella "(1947). In those years, these comics were few, so Filippov almost unchallenged sway in the comedy scene, and enjoyed great popularity among the audience. Filippova talent is most clearly revealed in the 1950. Who does not remember his Casimir Almazova in "Tiger Tamer" and lecturers from "Carnival Night" N In 1965, Filippov suffered a serious operation to remove brain tumor. But the disease seemed to have no effect on his performance - he went on to appear in many movies. What is only Jon Dough in a comedy directed by Leonid Gaidai "The Twelve Chairs" (1971) or the Swedish ambassador in the film "Ivan Vasilyevich changing profession" (1973) N
. In the 1980's Sergei Filippov because of health problems practically ceased removed
. However, worthy of mention such works as Hyuvyarinena role in the comedy directed by Leonid Gaidai "For matches" (1980) and a small role of the patient in the "Heart of a Dog" (1988). In the last years of his life Sergei Filippov was very lonely. After his death in 1989, his wife, actress Antonia Golubeva, he was left alone. Sergei Filippov died April 19, 1990. Epitaph for the actor became his favorite verses: "And there will be a day of burial or candles, or church music."

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Filippov, Sergey, photo, biography
Filippov, Sergey, photo, biography Filippov, Sergey  Actor, photo, biography
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