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LEVINSON Barry (Barry Levinson)

( Director)

Comments for LEVINSON Barry (Barry Levinson)
Biography LEVINSON Barry (Barry Levinson)
Barry Levinson was born on April 6, 1942 in the family business in Baltimore, USA. College combined with work on the sale of encyclopedias and used cars.

A stay at the University of Washington has taken seven years, but the degree of journalist, he never received. He worked as a screenwriter Carol Bernett TV show, which was awarded three Emmy.

Author's comic skills were useful when working with Mel Brooks ( "Silent Movie" and "Fear of Heights"), in these two films he starred as an actor. His work is a writer in the film by Norman Jewison "Justice for All" (1979) put forward for the prize "Oscar".

In addition, he wrote film scripts "Hidden passes" (1980) and "Best Friends" (1982). Directorial debut film "Diner" (1982), imbued with autobiographical memories of life in Baltimore in the late 50's, forced to talk about him as an opener actors' talents (Kevin Bacon, Mickey Rourke, Ellen Barkin, etc.).

Movies based on books by Bernard Malamud "The Natural" (1984) on the skeptic in his baseball talent and work with Steven Spielberg (as producer) in the retro-adventure film "Young Sherlock Holmes" (1985) - enjoyed moderate success.

Even less success movie "Roofer" (1987). In this tragicomedy Levinson returned to Baltimore the soil, as well as three years later in the history of four generations of Jewish immigrants in the "Avalon" (1990).

. The greatest success for the Levinson, . however, . came with pictures of "Good Morning, . Vietnam "(1987) and" Rain Man "(1988) by Robin Williams' comedy skills as a broadcaster and Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man with a phenomenal calculating abilities,
. The latest tape was literally showered awards (four Oscars and the Grand Prix International Film Festival in Berlin) and became a box-office champion, although this is not a masterpiece, and the ruthless exploitation of the masses yearning for mercy.

. Large advertising campaign was accompanied in and out on the screens gangster picture "Bugsy" (1991), but the veneer of stories about the origin of Las Vegas was not supported by artistic discoveries (the film received two minor "Oscar")

Subsequent tapes were quite a failure: the anti-war parable "Toys" (1992) and incoherent satire "Jimmy-Hollywood" (1994). The sensation was the movie "Disclosure" (1994), in which a man becomes a victim of a sexually aggressive headmistress. However, even large cash charges could not justify a far-fetched plot moves.

Shot in the thriller film "Hidden" (1996), has attracted many stars, but was not supported by a director in the classroom. After painting "Sleepers" and the fantastic mega hit "Sphere" Levinson took one of his best films, . political thriller "Wag", . with Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman, . as it foresaw the development of political events in the White House in connection with the scandal Clinton and Lewinsky.,

. In general, creativity Barry Levinson distinguishes eclecticism and the tendency to glorify the ideals of family

. Winner in the categories:
. Best Director
. 1989 - Rain Man / Rain Man

. Berlin Film Festival
. Winner in the categories:
. Silver Bear
. 1998 - Wag / Wag The Dog
. Special Jury Prize
. 1998 - Wag / Wag The Dog

. Bandits
. / Bandits, 2001
. Perfect Storm
. / Perfect Storm, The, 2000 (producer)
. Scope
. / Sphere, 1998
. Wag
. / Wag The Dog, 1998
. Hidden
. / Sleepers, 1996
. Exposing
. / Disclosure, 1994
. Jimmy Hollywood
. / Jimmy Hollywood, 1994
. Toys
. / Toys, 1992
. Bugsy
. / Bugsy, 1991
. Avalon
. / Avalon, 1990
. Rain Man
. / Rain Man, 1998
. Good Morning, Vietnam
. / Good Morning, Vietnam, 1987
. Young Sherlock Holmes
. / Young Sherlock Holmes, 1985


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LEVINSON Barry (Barry Levinson), photo, biography
LEVINSON Barry (Barry Levinson), photo, biography LEVINSON Barry (Barry Levinson)  Director, photo, biography
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